The gentleman is poor, and the villain is poor.
A gentleman knows the great is far away, and a villain knows the small is near.
Confucius said: The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable.
People who don't know and don't care are not as good as gentlemen.
Gentleman likes virtue, villain likes earth; A gentleman is guilty of punishment, but a villain is guilty of profit.
A gentleman is figurative, while a villain is figurative.
A gentleman should not worry about not having enough to eat, be prepared for danger in times of peace, be cautious in words and deeds, be honest and clean, and be thirsty for knowledge.
A gentleman talks but doesn't do it.
A gentleman is Thai but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not Thai.
A gentleman is ill and nameless.
He is quick-thinking and eager for knowledge, and he is never shy to ask his subordinates for advice.
A gentleman is ashamed of his words, but he does not stop.
Confucius said: A gentleman is proud and does not fight, but a group is not a party.
Just as celestial bodies maintain vitality through movement, a gentleman should constantly pursue self-improvement.
The week of gentlemen is incomparable, and the week of villains is incomparable.
Zi Gong said: The fault of a gentleman, such as the food of the sun and the moon, can be seen by everyone; What's more, people went belly-up.
Confucius said: quality is better than literature, literature is better than history, gentle, and then a gentleman.
An upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried.
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