When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked them why. A son said, "I was close to people when the sun first rose, and I was far away when the sun was in China." Another child thinks that the sun is far from the sun when it rises, and it is closer to people at noon. A son said, "When the sun rises, it is as big as a car cover. At noon, it is like a dish: isn't it small if it is far away, but big if it is near?" A Confucius said, "It's cool at the beginning of the day, and it's cool in the middle of the day: is this not near hot but far cold?" Hearing this, Confucius could not judge who was right or wrong. The two children smiled and said, "Who is Zhihu?"
When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children quarreling and asked them why they quarreled. A child said, "I think the sun is close to people at sunrise and far away from people at noon." Another child thinks that the sun is far away from people when it just rises, and it is closer to people at noon. A child said, "The sun was as big as the hood of a car when it first came out, and it was as small as a plate at noon. Isn't this the truth of being far small and near big? " Another child said, "It was cold when the sun first came out, and it was as hot as putting your hand into hot water at noon. Isn't that why you feel hot near and cold far away? "
This fable tells that in ancient times, two children relied on their own intuition. One thinks the sun is close to people in the morning, and the other thinks the sun is close to people at noon. They are at both ends. They can't argue. Even a learned man like Confucius can do nothing. This story shows that in order to understand nature and explore objective truth, we must dare to think independently and question boldly; It also shows that the universe is infinite, and so is knowledge. No matter how knowledgeable people are, they will know something, so there is no end to learning.