1. Don’t always compare yourself with others, which will cause you to lose your self-confidence and devalue your own value. It is precisely because of the various differences between people that each of us has our own strengths and abilities, which is what people usually call each of us.
2. You cannot use things that others think are important as a basis for achieving your own goals. Only through your own practical experience and careful thinking can you know what is best for you and what is most important to you.
3. Don’t take things that are closest to your heart lightly. Hold on to them as if you were holding on to your life. Because once you lose them, life becomes meaningless.
4. Don’t let life slip quietly through your fingers by dwelling on the past or fantasizing about the future. Strive to live a good and meaningful life every day, and you will spend your entire life optimistically and fulfillingly.
5. If you can still work hard and give, don’t stop and give up. Nothing really works out until the moment you stop trying.
6. Don’t be afraid of taking risks. Only through taking risks can we learn how to be brave.
7. Don’t say true love is hard to find and exclude love from life. The fastest way to get love is to accept love, the fastest way to lose love is to strangle the love you have given, and the best way to maintain love is to give love wings of personality.
8. Don’t let your life be mediocre and hurried, so that you forget where you have been and where you are going in the future.
9. Don’t forget—a person’s greatest emotional need is to gain the appreciation and respect of others.
10. Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge has no weight. It is a treasure trove that you can obtain and carry with you at any time.
11. Don’t pass the time carelessly or talk without restraint. The time lost and the words spoken are irreversible.
12. Life is not a race, but a warm journey worth savoring every step of the way.
13. Yesterday belongs to history, tomorrow is an unsolved mystery, and today is a gift given to us - so we call "today" present and other meanings (English present has today with gifts).
Sorry, maybe it’s wrong, but I can only find these