Those who know that the house leaks and it rains all night are under the house, and those who know that the government is wrong are among the people.
Wang Chong's words inspired politicians greatly:
Politicians should go out of the temple to observe and listen to the opinions of the masses in the wild and in the rivers and lakes. The first step in the practice of mass line education is to collect the opinions and questions of the masses. After some cadres go to the grassroots level, they can't talk about it when they meet farmers; When you meet students, you can't talk properly; I met an old cadre and was pushed back.
This reflects not only the communication mode, but also the deeper work style, which can reflect whether cadres really understand the situation at the grassroots level and whether they think and act according to the thinking of the masses.
Extended data:
"Those who know the house leaks are in the world, and those who know the politics lose are in the grass" reflects Wang Chong's long-term profound experience at the grassroots level, and also embodies the people-oriented tradition that emerged at the turn of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties.
In April, 20 13, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hainan, he quoted this sentence. The original text is as follows:
Hainan has clearly defined the goal of people's livelihood struggle in the next five years, made arrangements for people's livelihood work this year, and proposed to do ten practical things well, which were determined on the basis of public consultation with the whole society.
This working method is very good. "I know that the house leaks and it rains all night." We just need to do things on the premise of accurately grasping the wishes of the people, and we must never do things that the people are dissatisfied with and thankless.
Baidu Encyclopedia-those who know the house leaks are in the world, and those who know the politics are in the grass.