One day, Zilu, dressed in military uniform and fully armed, came to see Confucius. When he saw the Master, he drew his sword and danced, asking: "Master, in ancient times, gentlemen also used swords to defend themselves. Right?" Confucius replied: "The gentleman in ancient times took loyalty as the goal of his life and used benevolence as his guardian. Although he did not leave a small room, he knew about important events thousands of miles away. There are unkind people. Use loyalty to inspire them; use benevolence and righteousness to calm those who are in trouble. In this case, there is no need to hold a sword and use force?" After hearing this, Zilu admired him very much and said with emotion: "Ah! I just heard this today. If this is the case, I would like to sincerely and respectfully seek advice from you from now on!"