First, Xunzi's
The original
The gentleman said: Learning is not enough.
green, take it from blue and green is blue; Ice, water is colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope, and it is a wheel, and its curve is in the gauge. Although there is a crisis, tanning makes it natural. Therefore, the wood is straight by the rope, the gold is sharp and beneficial, and the gentleman is knowledgeable and saves himself every day, so he knows clearly and does nothing wrong. Therefore, if you don't climb mountains, you don't know the height of the sky. Not facing the deep stream, I don't know the thickness of the land; I don't know the greatness of learning until I hear the last words of my late king. The sons of Gan, Yue, Yi and Xun are born with the same voice, long and different customs, and they are naturally taught. The poem says, "Dear gentleman, there is no constant rest. Jing * * *, good is integrity. Listen to god, and you will be blessed. God is greater than the Tao, and happiness is greater than no harm.
I think all day long, so it's better to learn in an instant. I've tasted it and looked forward to it. It's better to climb the mountain and see it. Climb high and recruit, the arm is not lengthened, but the person who sees it is far away; Call with the wind, the sound is not added to the disease, but the listener is obvious. Those who cheat on horses are not good enough, but cause thousands of miles; He who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. A gentleman's life is not different, and good is false in things.
In the south, there is a bird named Meng Dove, which takes feathers as its nest, and weaves it with hair, which is tied with a reed, and the wind breaks, and the egg broken child dies. The nest is endless, but so are the people who are tied to it. There is a wood in the west, which is called Shegan. Its stem is four inches long, and it was born on a high mountain. However, when it comes to the abyss, the wood stem can't grow, but it stands naturally. In the bitter fleabane, don't help but go straight; White sand is in nirvana, and it is black with it. Lan Huai's root is Zhi, but it gradually grows, and the gentleman is not close, so Shu Ren refuses to accept it. Its quality is not beautiful, but it is also gradual. Therefore, a gentleman must choose his hometown when he lives, and he must be a scholar when he travels. Therefore, it is also necessary to guard against evil and be close to righteousness.
when things start, there must be a beginning. When honor or disgrace comes, it must be like virtue. Meat rots into worms, and fish withers into moths. Neglecting to forget your body is a disaster. Strong self-restraint, soft self-restraint. Evil is in the body, and resentment is the structure. If the salary is the same, the fire will be dry, and if the ground is the same, the water will be wet. Grass and trees are born, animals and birds are crowded, and things are different from each other. It is a piece of nature, and the bow and arrow are very important; Lin Mumao, and the axe is heavy; Trees give shade, but birds rest. Acyl acid, but Polygonum multiflorum. Therefore, there is trouble in words and humiliation in deeds, and a gentleman is cautious about what he stands for!
the accumulation of soil makes mountains, and the wind and rain flourish; Little drops of water make an ocean, the dragon is born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, while the gods are complacent and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, if you don't accumulate steps, you won't be able to travel thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make rivers and seas. Leap, not ten steps; It's a great contribution to the success of Xu Ma. Perseverance, rotten wood does not fold; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms have no advantage of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow earth, and they are also attentive. The crab kneels six times and pinches two times. It is not the snake's hole that has no sustenance, but it is also impetuous. Therefore, those who have no ulterior motives have no bright future; He who has nothing to do, has nothing to do with Hehe. Those who do the right thing will not come, and those who do the right thing will not allow it. You can't see with both eyes, and your ears can't hear with both ears. The viper flies without feet, and the rat is poor with five skills. "Poetry" said: "The corpse dove is in Sang, and her son is seven. A good gentleman of good character is always a man of good manners. His instrument is awkward, and his heart is like a knot! " Therefore, the gentleman is tied to one.
In the past, people played drums and harps, while fish flowed out to listen; Boya guqin, while Liuma Yangyuan. Therefore, the sound is not small but not heard, and the line is not hidden but not shaped. Jade is moist in the mountains, pearls are born in the deep, and cliffs are not withered. Do good without accumulating evil? Is there anyone who doesn't hear it?
is it the beginning to learn evil? Evil to the end? Yue: its number begins with chanting and ends with reading ceremony; Its meaning begins with being a scholar and ends with being a saint. If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will enter, and if you learn, you will stop. Therefore, the number of students has an end, and if it is righteous, it cannot be abandoned for a moment. For it, people are also; Give it up, animals also. Therefore, the book, the discipline of political affairs; Poets, the stop of the middle voice; Rites, the great points of law, the discipline of class. Therefore, learning will stop with courtesy. Husband is called the extreme of morality. The respect of the ceremony is also, the joy is harmonious, the poetry and books are abundant, and the spring and autumn period is slight, which is between heaven and earth. The learning of a gentleman is also in the ear, in the heart, in the four bodies, and in the shape of movement. In the end, one can be the law if you move. The knowledge of villains is also heard, but not spoken; Between the mouth and the ear, it is four inches, which is enough to be seven feet beautiful! Ancient scholars are themselves, and today's scholars are human beings. The gentleman's learning is also to be beautiful; Little people learn, thinking that birds are calves. Therefore, if you don't ask, you will be proud of it, and if you ask, you will be proud of it. Proud, not also, ooh, not also; A gentleman is like a man.
to learn is to be close to the person. Rites and music are not mentioned, so poetry and books are not cut, and the spring and autumn period is not fast. If you learn from a gentleman, you will respect him all over the world. Therefore, it is almost close to people to learn mo.
learning the classics is better than learning the classics, followed by the ceremony. You can't be a good person in the world, and you can't be a gift in the next. Ante will learn miscellaneous knowledge and follow the poems and books. Then in the last poor years, it is inevitable that it will be a rude Confucianism. The original king, the benevolence and righteousness, then the ceremony is correct in its latitude and longitude. If you slap the collar and slap it with five fingers, there will be countless followers. If you don't honor the constitution, you should take poetry and books as your example, and you can't get it by referring to measuring the river, by taking care of the millet and the cone-shaped dining pot. Therefore, Longli, although unknown, is also a lawyer; If you don't give a long ceremony, you will disperse Confucianism, although you examine and argue.
if you ask, don't tell; Don't ask if you tell someone; Don't listen to those who talk. Don't argue with those who live up to expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to learn from it and then pick it up; Avoid it unless it is the way. Therefore, courtesy is respectful, and then you can talk to the party; Words are smooth, and then they can be justified with words and deeds; Color can thus be followed by words and deeds. Therefore, it can't be said with words, which is proud; You can talk without words, which means it is hidden; In terms of color, it is called sorrow. Therefore, a gentleman is not proud, hidden, or jealous, so let it be. The poem says, "bandits are comfortable with bandits, which is given by the son of heaven." This is also called.
one shot in a hundred is not a good shot; A thousand miles is not enough, and it is not enough to be good; It is not good to learn because there is no connection between ethics and humanity. Those who learn well will learn well. Once out of the way, once in the way, the people who paint the lane are also; There are few good people, many bad people, and they steal their feet. All of them, and then scholars also.
a gentleman knows that a husband's inadequacy is also beautiful, so he recites a few words consistently, thinks through them, treats others well, and nurtures those who do harm. Make the eyes not want to see, the mouth not want to speak, and the heart not want to worry. When it is good, it has five colors of good eyes, five sounds of good ears, five flavors of good mouth, and the heart is beneficial to the world. Therefore, rights cannot be dumped, the masses cannot be moved, and the world cannot be swayed. Life depends on reason, death depends on reason, and husband is called virtue. Fuck, then you can decide, then you can decide and then you can respond. A husband is an adult if he can be sure to respond. The sky sees its brightness, the earth sees its light, and a gentleman values it all.
The Warring States Period. Xunzi
The gentleman said: Learning cannot be stopped. Indigo is extracted from blue grass, but it is darker than blue grass; Ice is condensed from water, but it is colder than water. The wood is straight enough to conform to the straightened ink rope. If it is made into a wheel by the process of steaming, the curvature of the wood will conform to the standard of roundness. Even if it is dried up by the wind and sun, it will not be straight again because it has been processed to make it like this. Therefore, wood can be straightened after being measured with ink lines and processed with auxiliary tools, and metal products such as swords can be sharpened after being ground on a grindstone. A gentleman learns extensively and checks himself every day, so he will be smart and resourceful, and his behavior will not be wrong.
So, if you don't climb the mountain, you won't know how high it is. If you don't face a deep stream, you don't know how thick the land is; If you don't understand the legacy of the emperor, you won't know the breadth of learning. People who are guilty of smuggling are born with the same crying voice, but when they grow up, their customs and habits are different, which is what education makes so. The Book of Songs says, "You are a gentleman, don't always covet comfort. Treat your job respectfully and love the virtue of integrity. When the gods hear all this, they will give you good fortune and good fortune. " There is nothing more spiritual cultivation than being influenced by morality, and there is nothing more long-term happiness than no disaster.
I used to think all day, but I didn't learn as much as I did in a moment. I once stood on tiptoe and looked far away, but it was better to climb high and see a wide view. Climbing high and waving, the arm is not longer than before, but others can see it in the distance; Call with the wind, the voice is not louder than before, but the listener can hear clearly. People with chariots and horses can travel thousands of miles without walking fast, while people with boats and boats can swim across rivers without swimming. The nature of a gentleman is no different from that of ordinary people, except that he is good at using foreign things.
In the south, there is a kind of bird named "Meng Dove", which uses feathers as its nest, and also uses hair to weave the nest and tie it to the flower spike of tender reed. When the reed spike breaks when the wind blows, the nest falls and all the eggs are smashed. It's not that the nest is not woven well, but that it shouldn't be tied to the reed. There is a kind of grass called "Belamcanda" in the west. It is only four inches high, but it can overlook hundreds of miles away. It is not because the grass can grow tall, but because it grows on the top of a mountain. Pennisetum grows in hemp fields, and it can stand upright without support. White sand can't turn white when it is mixed into black soil. The root of Lanhuai is called Xiang Ai. Once it is immersed in smelly water, gentlemen and servants will avoid it. It's not that Ai itself is not fragrant, but that it is soaked and stinks. Therefore, a gentleman should choose a good environment to live in, and a moral person to make friends, so as to prevent the delay and protect his moderation and integrity.
Everything happens for a reason, and the arrival of honor and disgrace is also corresponding to virtue. Meat rotted and maggots were born, fish died and worms were born, and slacking off and forgetting the code of conduct would cause trouble. Too hard objects are easy to break, too weak and easy to be bound. If you are not good with people, it will cause resentment. Dry wood is flammable, low-lying and easy to get wet, and there are many plants and animals. Everything is like a flock. Therefore, when the target is set, bows and arrows will be shot. When the tree grows into a forest, it will attract axe cutting. When the forest is lush and shady, birds will come to stay. When the vinegar turns sour, it will attract mosquitoes. Therefore, words may cause trouble and behavior may be humiliated. A gentleman cannot but be cautious in dealing with people.
The accumulation of earth and stone becomes a high mountain, from which the wind and rain rise; The accumulated water flows into an abyss, from which the dragon is born; Accumulate good deeds and cultivate noble moral character, and naturally your mind will be clear, and you will have the spiritual realm of saints. Therefore, there is no way to reach a thousand miles without accumulating a half-step journey; Without accumulating tiny flowing water, there is no way to merge into rivers and seas. When a horse leaps, it is less than ten steps away; A bad horse can walk for ten days, and its success lies in its constant walking. If it stops after a few moments, the rotten wood will continue to be carved. If you keep carving, the stone can be carved successfully. Earthworms have no sharp claws and teeth and strong bones and muscles, but they can eat dirt up and drink spring water down, which is because they are single-minded A crab has six legs and two crab claws. (But) Without the caves of snakes and eels, it would have nowhere to live, because it is impetuous.
Therefore, if you don't have the will to study hard, you won't make remarkable achievements in your studies. Without hard work, there will be no great achievements in career. Neither side will tolerate a man who can't reach his destination by walking on the wrong road and serves two monarchs at the same time. The eyes can't see two things at the same time and see clearly, and the ears can't hear two sounds at the same time and hear clearly. A viper can fly without feet, but a rat has five skills, but there is still no way. The poem says: "The cuckoo nests in mulberry trees, and its young birds have seven. Good gentlemen should be single-minded and not biased. Only when the behavior is single-minded and not biased, the will will be as strong as a rock. " Therefore, the gentleman's will is firm and single-minded.
In ancient times, there was a harpsichord, and the fish in the water surfaced to listen, and the horse pulling the cart would stop eating and look up. Therefore, the voice will not be heard because it is weak, and the behavior will not be discovered because it is hidden. If Baoyu is buried in a deep mountain, the vegetation will be moist, and if the pearl falls into the abyss, the cliff shore will not dry up. Good deeds can be accumulated, how can they be accumulated into virtue without being widely read?
where should learning begin and end? A: According to its approach, it should start with reading the classics such as Poetry and Book and end with the Book of Rites. As far as its significance is concerned, it starts with being a scholar and ends with becoming a saint. Sincerely practice, so long-term accumulation, will be able to deeply understand the fun, learn to die before you have. Therefore, although the tutorial of learning has an end, the desire to make progress cannot be slackened for a moment. It takes a lifetime to learn to be a man, and vice versa. Shangshu is a record of political affairs; The Book of Songs is the conclusion of heartfelt wishes. The Book of Rites is the premise of the legal system and the general outline of various regulations, so it is not over until you learn the Book of Rites, and it is the pinnacle of morality. The Book of Rites respects etiquette, the Book of Music tells the sound of harmony, the Book of Songs and the Book of History are broad and broad, and the Spring and Autumn Annals is full of great significance, which have included all the university questions between heaven and earth.
a gentleman's learning is what he listens to and remembers in his heart, which is manifested in his dignified manners and actions that conform to etiquette. Every move, even the slightest words and deeds, can set an example for others. Little people learn from their ears and from their mouths, only four inches apart. How can they perfect their seven-foot body? The ancients' study is the demand of their own moral cultivation, but now people study just to show off others. Gentlemen learn to improve themselves, while villains learn to show off and grandstanding, and treat knowledge as gifts such as poultry and calves to win praise. Therefore, it is called impetuousness to teach others without asking for your advice; Asking and answering two questions is wordy; It is wrong to be impetuous and wordy. A gentleman should answer questions like an empty valley, no more, no less and just right.
nothing is more convenient than getting close to a mentor. The Book of Rites and the Book of Music have statutes, but they are too sketchy. The Book of Songs and Shangshu are simple but not close to reality. Chunqiu is subtle but not thorough enough; It is noble and comprehensive to learn the knowledge of a gentleman by imitating a good teacher, and it can also reach the world. So learning is nothing more convenient than getting close to a mentor.
reverence for a mentor is the most convenient way to learn, followed by respect for etiquette. If you don't respect the teacher in class and respect the ceremony in class, just read some miscellaneous books and explain the Book of Songs and the Book of History, then you will be just a humble scholar all your life. In order to study the wisdom of saints and seek the root of benevolence and righteousness, the shortcut to achieve mastery through a comprehensive study is to start with etiquette and law. It's like bending your five fingers and lifting the collar of a fur robe. When you have a meal, the hair will be completely smooth. If we don't study etiquette, it's just like measuring the river with our fingers, taking millet with our fingers, and getting something to eat in a rice pot with an awl. Therefore, respecting etiquette, even if the knowledge is not thorough and clear, can yet be regarded as a moral and cultivated person; If you are not polite, even if you are discerning and eloquent, you are just a shallow Confucian scholar with no real cultivation.
if someone comes to ask you something that is not polite, don't answer; Come and tell things that are not polite, don't ask questions; Talk about impolite things in front of you, don't participate; Don't argue with a savage and competitive man. Therefore, it must be in line with the way of propriety and righteousness before giving reception; Avoid those who do not conform to the way of propriety and righteousness; Therefore, only those who are respectful and polite can talk about the purpose of Tao; Only those who are fluent in words can talk about the content of the Tao; Only those with sincere attitude can talk about the profound meaning of Tao. Therefore, talking with someone you can't talk with is called impetuousness; Don't talk to those who can talk to you, that's called neglect; Talking casually without looking at the other party's response is called blindness. Therefore, a gentleman should not be impetuous, nor should he be negligent, nor should he be blind. He should treat everyone who comes for advice with caution. The Book of Songs says: "It is the son of heaven who approves of not being impetuous and not neglecting." That's the truth.
if one of the hundreds of arrows shot misses the target, it can't be regarded as a good shot; Driving horses and chariots for thousands of miles, only half a step away, can't be regarded as good driving; We can't understand the ethical norms, and we can't stick to the principle of benevolence and righteousness. Of course, we don't.