46. Maybe godwantsustomeetafewwrongpeoplebeforemeetingtherightone,sothatwhenwefinallymeettheperson,wewillknowhowtobegrateful.Before meeting the right one, God may arrange for us to meet some other people by mistake first; so when we finally meet the person we like, we will be able to Be grateful.
47. I’ll think of you every step of the way. I will miss you every step of the way.
48. thebeginningofloveistoletthosewelovebeperfectlythemselves,andnottotwistthemwithourownimage,otherwise,weloveonlythereflectionofourselveswefindinthem. Love is about allowing the person you love to be themselves, rather than becoming the ideal image in your mind. Otherwise, you only love yourself as reflected in the other person.
49. The body has no colorful phoenix flying wings, but the body has no color, the mind is connected.
50. A true friend is someone who reaches out for your hand and touches your heart. A true friend is someone who reaches out to you and touches your heart.
51. The summer sun is hot and uneasy, and the raindrops moisten the garden. The river of love is everlasting and the flowers are undefeated. Your love and my love are intertwined. A rainbow hangs in the sky, as gorgeous as summer flowers. Don't ask for reunion in the next life, regret not being in the clouds and smoke.
52. when the words "iloveyou" were aided by you for the first time, myworldblossoms. When I heard you say "I love you" to me for the first time, my world blossomed in an instant.
53. Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Don’t worry, the best will always appear when you least expect it.
54. imissyousomuchalreadyandihaven’tevenleftyet! Although I haven’t left yet, I already miss you day and night!
55. no words are needed between two loving hearts. No words are needed between two loving hearts.
56. If I cry every time I think of you, I will eventually drown.
57. to the world you may be just one person. to the person you may be the world. To the world, you may be just one person, but to someone, you are the whole world.
58. Love is a light that never dims. Love is a light that never dims.
59. The road to your lover’s house is never long. The road to your lover’s house is never long.
60. mayyourlovesoaronthewingsofadoveinflight. May your love fly high on a flying white dove.
31. Even the smallest hut has enough space for a pair of lovers.
32. A person always has to take a strange road, see strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then at an inadvertent moment, you will find that you have tried so hard to forget things. I really just forgot about it.
33. loveislikeagameoftug-of-warcompetitionnotstoptothebeginnin.Love is like a tug-of-war that cannot be stopped once it starts.
34. within youilosemyself,withoutyouifindmyselfwantingtobelostagain.With you, I lost myself. Losing you, how I wish I was lost again.
35. themoreyoulearn,themoreyouknow,themoreyouknow,themoreyouforget.themoreyouforget,thelessyouknow.sowhybothertolearn.The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the more you know. The less, why learn
36. lifeisapureflame,andwelivebyaninvisiblesunwithinus. Life is a pure flame, we rely on the invisible sun in our hearts to exist
37.dontcrybecauseitisover,smilebecauseithappened .Don’t cry because of love. Having it before is the most important thing.
38. Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered. Love is a woven scarf, woven with nature and embellished with fantasy.
39. ithurtstolovesomeoneandnotbelovedinreturn,butwhatisthemostpainfulistolovesomeoneandnev(famous quote www.eduche.com)
erfindingthecouragetoletthepersonknowhowyoufeel. It is painful to fall in love with someone who does not love yourself. But the most painful thing is that the person you love doesn't know that you love him, and you don't have the courage to let him know.
40. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. Everyone who bathes in love is a poet.
41. Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling starshanging on the curtain of my heart. Do you know, there is someone thinking of you all the time, thinking about you, your smiling eyes are like stars, shining on my heart every night.
42. I would only be with you in mydreams, baby, well...i would want to sleep forever. If I could only be with you in dreams, then, baby, I would rather not sleep for a long time.
43. itisbetterbohaveloveandlostthannevertohavelovedatall. It is better to have loved and failed than never to have loved at all.
44. loveislikeabutterfly.itgoeswhereitpleasesanditpleaseswhereitgoes. Love is like a butterfly, it brings joy wherever it likes to fly.
45. Ifeelhappyattimeswehavehadangrywordsbutthesehavebeenkissedaway. When we are angry and arguing, the lips of love kiss them without a trace, and my heart suddenly feels sweet.
16. When will we know each other when we miss each other? It's embarrassing to be at this point in the night. ——Li Bai's "Three Five Seven Words"
17. youcompleteme.You make me perfect
18. loveisafabricthatnaturewoveandfantasyembroidered.Love is a woven scarf, woven with nature and embellished with fantasy.
19. look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.
20. Don’t fight too much. The best things always happen when you least expect them. don'tstrugglesomuch,bestthingshappenwhennotexpected.
21. icanstaytorecall,onlythenhasdisconsolateThis feeling can be recalled, but it was already at a loss
22.silkwormdiesilk,waxtorchpartyashintotearsbeginningtodryThe spring silkworms will die when the silkworms are dead, and the wax torch will be used up. 23. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it's over. Just smile because it's over.
24. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. Even if you are sad, don’t frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
25. If there is no equal love, let me love more.
26. When your heart is really hurting and tears are about to shed, then quickly look up and see the sky that once belonged to us; the day is still so vast and the clouds are still so beautiful. If you are so free and unrestrained, then you shouldn’t cry, because my departure did not take away your world. whenyoufeelhurtandyourtearsaregonnatodrop.pleaselookupandhavealookattheskyoncebelongstous.iftheskyisstillvast,cloudsarestillclear,youshallnotcrybecausemyleavedoesn’ttakeawaytheworldthatbelongstoyou.
27. the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them. Next to you, it seems like you are far away.
28. Many people yearn for crystal love - crystal clear without any flaws. What more people have is a glass-like love - equally transparent but easily broken. mostofpeoplearelookingforwardthecrystal-likelove—purewithoutanydefect.howeverthetruthismostpeoplearehavingtheglass-likelove-sametransparentbuteasilybroken.
29. totheworldyoumaybeoneperson,buttoonepersonyoumaybetheworld. world.
30. whydowelovetheoneswhoignoreus,andignoretheoneswholoveus Why do we always fall in love with people who ignore our existence, and always ignore those who love us?