? Examples of studying The Book of Songs are given in the book. We all learned the Book of Songs when we were children. When the teacher teaches The Book of Songs, he will tell you that The Book of Songs is a collection of ancient folk poems, with a total of 305 songs compiled by Confucius and others. You will be asked to fill in the blanks during the exam. Be sure to fill in the blanks correctly. If you fill in the blanks incorrectly, you won't get any marks. However, it is not the point that The Book of Songs really brings people feelings, edifies people's hearts and enjoys them. But that's not how Confucius taught The Book of Songs. Confucius wanted to change a person by teaching The Book of Songs. He gave us four words: "Xing, Guan, Qun and Complain"-with feelings; Have observation and judgment; A sense of responsibility and responsibility; Have the spirit of independent thinking.
? Confucius said, "Poetry can be appreciated, impressive, gathered and resentful." "Xing" means awakening, that is, we should awaken a person through education, make his heart full of vitality, generate motivation to do things, set up lofty ideals, aspirations and ambitions, and cultivate his feelings for home and country. This is the first function-not the first function of the Book of Songs, but the first function of education. What is "view"? "View" means reading, you should be able to read widely, you should be able to understand the achievements in art and human cultural history, and you should improve your reading comprehension ability. This is the connotation of "view". "Group" means that you should have a sense of social responsibility and group consciousness, and have the spirit of being responsible for the community and the country. This is the connotation of "group". You not only solve problems for yourself, but also solve problems for everyone. The last "complaint", we used to think, "complaint" means complaining when you are unhappy, reading a poem and so on. But teacher Bao said that "resentment" means critical thinking and independent thinking. You will have some different views on reality, and through education, you can express these different views appropriately.
? This book introduces two major missions of education. The first mission is to inherit and develop human culture and pass on the traditional culture in human history from generation to generation. This is the most essential and primitive mission of education in human history. "Inheriting culture" here is not to let you remember the knowledge of culture, but to educate people through culture. Without inheriting human culture, human behavior cannot be civilized. So people are not only the product of physiology, but also the product of history. Our way of thinking and soul are inhabited by the ancients and Confucius. If you ask a child who hasn't read The Analects: Do you want to be a villain or a gentleman? He will definitely choose to be a gentleman rather than a villain. This is because the ancients and Confucius lived in his soul. So where do these values come from? It is through education that civilization is transformed into people's souls and thoughts. So what is the second mission of education? Is to inherit and develop human technology and expand the boundaries of human knowledge. This is related to knowledge and technology. Let's see where the focus of today's education is. The second level is to expand the boundaries of knowledge. We hope that children can remember more knowledge, and that there will be more scholars, experts and scientists in the future, who can expand the boundary of human cognition, increase new knowledge, push forward new technology, create a better material life and improve the physical space of human life. The importance of this mission is self-evident, others can see and touch it, and so can our education. The education of culture is the education of mind, while the education of science, technology and knowledge is the education of hands. Hand education can make you more practical, and cultural education can make your mind soft, warm and compassionate. Therefore, the two major missions of education are cultural inheritance and skill inheritance.
? There is a chapter in the book about how to be a teacher, that is, what a teacher can do. Nowadays, teachers play a leading role. In today's era, the channels of knowledge dissemination are so colorful that if a teacher is only teaching students knowledge, then the teacher will be eliminated. So, what is the more important role played by teachers? Is to guide students to make value judgments. What kind of talents does Confucius think can be teachers? Is a person who can "review the past and learn the new". The general understanding of "reviewing the past and learning the new" is to master old knowledge and new knowledge. Actually, it's not like this. "Reviewing the past and learning the new" can be said to emphasize knowledge, while "learning the new" does not emphasize knowledge. "Knowing the new" means being able to make an appropriate judgment on the endless new events in this world. So the meaning of Confucius' sentence is that only people with knowledge and judgment can be teachers.
? This book gives every parent a sigh of relief. From the perspective of education, parents really don't need to be so anxious and worried. Children have their own logic of self-growth, and what we have to do is to give him a more relaxed space. What used to make you tired and anxious is actually not important or necessary for your child's growth. So what we have to do now is: in the face of "double reduction", relax our mentality and face it calmly. We let our children read more books and form a family reading atmosphere at home. Reading must be in form, and you can't read without form. The reason why an activity can last is bound by an external form, which promotes, supervises or constrains each other invisibly. Be sure to find a family reading mode. Don't always worry about your child's exam results. What matters is whether you have developed his reading habits. The future senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination may test children's reading ability, thinking ability, cognitive ability to the world and emotional richness. Even if you don't take these exams in the future, if your child has this ability, you can still get high marks in the face of such questions. More importantly, with this ability, children can not only pass exams, but also pass life.
A good education is not only suitable for teachers, but also for every parent. I hope we can all give our children a good education, not a self-righteous education.