1. If you are poor, you will not visit relatives; if you are rich, you will not return to your hometown.
When you are poor, you don’t visit relatives everywhere. This is the integrity of a human being. When you are frustrated, there are many people who add insult to injury. If you ask them for help, you will only make them laugh. Instead of being humble and begging for help, it is better to be yourself and impress them.
When you return to your hometown when you are rich, there will be an endless stream of people coming to flatter you. Most of these people are snobs who follow the trend. At this time, it is neither helpful nor not, leaving you in a dilemma. Therefore, not returning home after getting rich is more of a helplessness.
If you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you, but if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives. The reality of human nature is often chilling.
2. If you are neither deaf nor blind, you are not worthy of being in charge.
As the ancients said, it is rare to be confused. If everything is too smart, it may not be a good thing for others. Everyone has a small calculation in their heart. As long as they have no principles and turn a blind eye, it will be a good thing for others and themselves. It is difficult to get along with someone for a long time if you break the casserole and get to the bottom of everything.
When the water is extremely clear, there are no fish; when people observe it carefully, there are no disciples. In life, learning to tolerate others, seeing things through without telling them everything, is the great wisdom in dealing with people in the world.
3. The sky does not say anything about itself, and the earth does not say anything about itself.
Heaven and earth never speak, but they are inscrutable and daunting. And some people talk all day long and show off their cleverness, but they don't know that they are just jokes in the eyes of others. The more a person shows off something, the more he lacks something. Showing off his little talent all day long just shows that he doesn't have much ink in his stomach.
A truly wise person always cherishes his words like gold, but what he says is resounding. Gold will always shine, there is no need to rush to express yourself. Talk less and do more, and use practical actions to prove your strength to be more convincing.
4. People cannot be whole, and melons cannot be round.
There is a black dot on a piece of white paper. Everyone sees the black dot, but few people see the rest of the white part. Obviously white occupies the majority, why does everyone only see black dots? The answer is that we always care too much about shortcomings.
The same is true in life. No one’s life is perfect. If you always stare at your shortcomings, you will never be happy. In life, only by learning to tolerate yourself and reconcile with your past self can you let go of regrets.
The above four classic sayings of our ancestors are word for word. Read them carefully and avoid many detours!