Station is death. Only movement can knock on the door of eternal life. -- Rabindranath Tagore
Movement is the source of all life. --Leonardo da Vinci
Only exercise can eliminate all kinds of doubts. -- Goethe
Life is movement, and human life is movement. --Leo Tolstoy
Life lies in contradiction and movement. Once the contradiction is eliminated and movement stops, life will end. -- Goethe
If a nation has many people who grow strong as they age, that nation must be strong; if a nation has many people who age prematurely, that nation must be weak. --Pierre Coubertin
With a weak body, it will never fully develop a living soul and wisdom. -- German poet Rousseau
The essence of life lies in movement, and tranquility is death. --Pascal
I have always loved walking, and exercise has brought me endless pleasure. --Einstein
New Concept English Book 4 Arrangement of Idioms 1 lesson
The comparative degree of 1
Saying thank you is simple. I