Zhao She talks about taxes
Zhao She is an official in the Tian department of Zhao. The Pingyuan family refused to pay the rent tax. Zhao She used the law to rule the country and killed nine of Pingyuan Jun's servants. Lord Pingyuan is angry and will kill him. Zhao She said: "You are the noble son of Zhao. Now you are in charge of your family and do not serve the public. If you do not serve the public, the law will be weakened. If the law is weakened, the country will be weak. If the country is weak, the princes will increase their troops. This is without Zhao. How can you be so rich?" The king is noble and serves the public as if the upper and lower levels are equal. If the upper and lower levels are equal, the country will be strong. If the country is strong, the country will be strong. However, the king is a noble relative. How can he be regarded as a virtuous person? If he speaks to the king, the king will use it to govern the country. Not long after the endowment, the people were rich and the treasury was strong.
(Selected from Volume 5 of Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian")
①Tianbu officials: small officials who collect land taxes. ② Zhao She: A famous general of Zhao State during the Warring States Period, who was good at using troops. ③Those who take care of things: The person who takes care of things. ④Add troops: raise troops to invade. ⑤National tax: national taxation.
Reference translation
Zhao She was a minor tax collector in the Land Department of the State of Zhao. He went to Pingyuanjun’s family to collect taxes, but Pingyuanjun’s family refused to pay the tax. The law punished their sins and killed nine heads of the Pingyuan king's house. Lord Pingyuan was very angry and prepared to kill Zhao She. Zhao She took advantage of the situation and said: "You are a noble son in Zhao State. Now if you indulge your retainers but do not abide by the national laws, the dignity of the national laws will be weakened. The dignity of the national laws will be weakened, and the power of the country will be weakened." If the country's power is weakened, the enemy country will invade. If the enemy country invades, there will be no Zhao country. How can you get such wealth? If everyone in the country abides by the law, then the country will be strong, and if the country is strong, then Zhao will be consolidated. But as an important minister and relative of Zhao, how can you despise the people of the world? " Lord Pingyuan thought Zhao She was very capable, so he recommended him to Zhao She. King Zhao, King Zhao appointed him to manage the country's tax revenue. In a short period of time, the people of Zhao country were rich and the national treasury was full.
Reading training
1. Explanation
(1) With: based on (2) for: yes (3) Feng: pursue (4) An: how
(5) With: based on (6) Treatment: Management
2. Translation
(1) Failure to follow the public will lead to weakening of the law. If the law is weakened, the country will be weak. If the country is weak, the princes will increase their troops and there will be no Zhao.
Failure to abide by national laws will weaken the dignity of national laws. The dignity of the country's laws will be weakened, and the power of the country will be weakened. If the power of the country is weakened, the enemy will invade. If the enemy invades, Zhao will no longer exist.
(2) Feng Gong is like a law in which the top and bottom are equal. If the top and bottom are equal, the country will be strong, and if the country is strong, the country will be strong.
(If you) obey the law, then the whole country will follow your lead. If the whole country obeys the law, then the country will be strong, and if the country is strong, then Zhao will be consolidated.
(3) Not long after the king used it to govern the country, the people were rich and the treasury was strong.
The King of Zhao appointed him to manage the country's tax revenue. In a short period of time, the people of Zhao were rich and the national treasury was full.
3. "Yu" is often used as a preposition in ancient Chinese, but it has different meanings. Please explain the specific meaning of "Yu" in the following sentences.
(1) When you are in Zhao, you are your noble son.
(2) Isn’t it easier for the world to be evil?
(3) What you say to the king, to you
4. When Zhao She "speaks" of Pingyuan Jun, what kind of argument and layer-by-layer in-depth argumentation method did Zhao She use to make Pingyuan Jun "think him as a virtuous man"? What characteristics did Zhao She use and what kind of character did Pingyuan Jun have?
Contrast that with being good at admonishing and being good at listening to correct opinions.