The original text of Mencius
The first chapter of King Hui of Liang? Chapter 1
Mencius met King Hui of Liang. The king said, "Sir, if you have come even a thousand miles away, will you be able to benefit our country?" Mencius said to him, "Why does the king need to say benefit? It's just benevolence and righteousness." "The king said, "How can it benefit our country?" The doctor asked: "How can I benefit my family?" The common people said: "How can I benefit my body?" The country is in danger if a country of thousands of vehicles kills its ruler. Those who kill their king will surely have a family with hundreds of chariots. If you take a thousand chariots, you won’t have too many. If you want to benefit first for the sake of later righteousness, you will not be benevolent but leave your relatives behind. , He is the king without righteousness. The king also calls it benevolence and righteousness, why should he call it benefit?"
The first sentence of King Hui of Liang? Chapter 2
Mencius met King Hui of Liang. . The king stood on the swamp, looking at the wild goose and elk, and said, "Do wise men also enjoy this?"
Mencius said to him, "The wise will enjoy this, but the unworthy will not be happy even though they have this." The poem goes "After passing through the Lingtai, we will build it; the common people will attack it, and it won't be completed in a day; when we go through the beginning, the common people's sons will come. The king will be in the Lingbo, and the deer will be crouching, and the white birds and cranes will be in the marsh." King Wen used the power of the people as a platform and a marsh, and the people were happy. He called the platform Lingtai and the marsh Lingmarsh. They were happy that there were elk and fish in it, so they were able to enjoy it. "The times are ruinous, and the sons and daughters will die together!" The people want to die with them, but how can they be happy alone even if there are birds and beasts in the pond? "
Chapter 1 of King Hui of Liang? Chapter
King Hui of Liang said: "I only care about my country with all my heart and ears! If there is trouble in the river, move the people to the east of the river, and move the grain to the east of the river. The same goes for the trouble in the east of the river. Look at the neighboring countries. Government is not as good as the intentions of a few people. The people of the neighboring countries should not be reduced, and the people of the poor people should not be increased. Why? "Mencius said to him: "The king likes war, please use the metaphor of war. Fill up the drums, and the weapons will be ready. Then, abandon the armor and drag the soldiers away, maybe stop after a hundred steps, or stop after fifty steps; what if you take fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps? Said: "If the king knows this, there is no hope that the people will be more numerous than those of neighboring countries. If the farming season is not violated, the grain will not be enough to eat; if the grains are not put into the pond, the fish will not be enough to eat; if the ax weighs a pound in the forest, the wood will not be able to be used." Also, grain and fish cannot be eaten, and wood cannot be used. This is to enable the people to live and die without regrets. To maintain life and die without regrets is the beginning of the king's way. For a five-acre house, the trees are covered with mulberry trees, and those who are fifty can clothe them. Silk: If chickens, dolphins, dogs, and pigs are not lost in time, those who are seventy can eat meat; if a hundred acres of land are not taken away in time, a family of several people can be free from hunger. I will take Xiangxu's teachings seriously and apply them. The righteousness of filial piety and brotherhood is worthy of being honored on the road; those who are seventy years old wear silk and eat meat, and the people are neither hungry nor cold; but there is no such thing as a king! I don't know how to tell. When a person dies, he says: "It's not me, it's Sui." How is it different from stabbing someone and killing him, saying: "It's not me, it's a soldier!" ”
Chapter 4 of King Hui of Liang’s verse
King Hui of Liang said: “I am willing to accept the teachings.” Mencius said to him: “Killing people with stiles and swords, there are "Is it different?" He said: "There is no difference." "Is there any difference between using a sword and government?" He said: "There is no difference." He said: "There are fat meat in the kitchen, fat horses in the stables, and the hunger of the people. If there is a hungry beast, it will lead the beast to eat people. The beasts eat each other, and people are disgusted with it. If you are the parents of the people, you will inevitably lead the beasts to eat people. Zhongni said: "The first to make figurines, they are the parents of the people." No consequences! "It is used like a human being, so it makes the people starve to death." Chapter 5 of King Hui of Liang.
King Hui of Liang said: "Pu Guo. , There is nothing strong in the world, as the old man knows. If I am defeated by Qi in the east, my eldest son will die; I will be lost to Qin for seven hundred miles in the west; I will be humiliated by Chu in the south. I am ashamed of myself, and I would like to be compared to the dead. "What can I do?" Mencius said to him, "You can be king in a place hundreds of miles away. The king treats the people benevolently, saves punishments, collects taxes lightly, and cultivates deep and easy farming. The strong man spends his free time cultivating his filial piety and loyalty, and then he enters the country." Serve his father and brother, and go out to serve his superiors, so that you can control the stilts and attack the strong armor and powerful soldiers of Qin and Chu! When he captured his people, he was unable to cultivate the land to support their parents. Their parents were frozen and hungry, and their brothers and wives were separated. He is drowning his people, and the king goes to conquer them. Who can be the enemy of the king? Therefore it is said: "The benevolent are invincible." "King, please don't doubt me.