What are Paula's famous words?
Everymanisapooetwehenheisinlove。 (PlatoancentCreek Philosopher) \ x0d \ Everyone in love is a poet. (Plato, ancient Greek philosopher) Because ignorance is a misfortune. \ x0d \ It is better not to learn if you are not born, because ignorance is the root of misfortune. Plato, ancient Greek philosopher. Design yourself scientifically and correctly and manage yourself strictly. Plato's first and last victory is always to conquer himself. Only those who can know themselves scientifically, design themselves correctly and manage themselves strictly can stand on the tide of history and start a brand-new life. -Plato \ x0d \ \ x0d \ For every action, there is an equal and relative program. \ x0d \ Every action has an equal anti-government plan \ x0d \ \ Ageisaverypricetopayperformance. \ x0d \ Age is a high price, especially maturity. \ x0d \ \ x0d \ always syielddotyposition, because it's not passyourwayagain \ x0d \ always succumbs to temptation, because it may not make your way again. \ x0d \ \ x0d \ Before you criticize someone, go first. In this way, if they try, they will smile, walk a mile and put on their shoes before criticizing others. In this way, when people get angry, they go barefoot \ x0d \ middleageiswhenbroadness of minandnarrowchangeplaces \ x0d \ When people reach middle age, their open rationality and slender waist will change. \ x0d \ \ x0d \ somewhotlinks logically providesanicecontrastorealworld。 \ x0d \ Some people think that logic provides a beautiful and real world \ x0d \ x0d \ is a beautiful thing. ItableYoutorecognize amistakewhenyoumake it again。 \ x0d \ experience. It makes you realize that when you make a mistake again, \ x0d \ x0d \ man kind sure is unfair and timid because ethyshrinkfromcommittinggit. (Plato, ancintgrekphilospher)\ x0d \ Humans accuse unjust behavior, not because they are willing to do it, but because they are afraid that they will become its victims. (Plato, ancient Greek philosopher) x0d. (Plato, ancient Greek philosopher) \ x0d \ Just as an empty container makes the loudest sound, the person with the lowest intelligence is the best at nagging. (Plato, ancient Greek philosopher)