1. Confucius salutes
The young Confucius was concentrating on reading under the window. Because the weather was too cold, he wore thin clothes and rubbed his hands from time to time.
The mother sitting aside said heartbrokenly: "My child, take a rest!" ) and walked out of the house quietly. The mother hurriedly said: "My child, it's windy outside and it's so cold. It's about to rain. Please don't play in the yard."
Qiu replied with a serious face: "No. Ah, mother, I am offering sacrifices to the gods and performing a great ceremony!" "What are you doing with this great ceremony?" Mother asked him. "If I don't learn etiquette well now, I won't know how to behave when I grow up." After hearing what Confucius said, his mother was so surprised that she was speechless.
2. Evaluation and redemption of slaves
At that time, in the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Lu had a rule that anyone who traveled abroad and saw people from the State of Lu being sold as slaves in foreign countries could spend money. He used the money to redeem him. After returning to the state of Lu, he went to the treasury to pay the debt, and the treasury paid for it. One of Confucius' students actually saw a Lu man being sold into slavery abroad, so he redeemed him. After he was redeemed, he did not go to the treasury to pay the debt. Others said that this man was of noble character.
After Confucius found out, he scolded the student and said that the student had done something wrong. Others are surprised. You do good deeds, redeem people, and don't pay the debt. Isn't this a good thing? Isn’t it noble? Confucius said that you should not look at the problem this way. His approach actually prevented more slaves from being redeemed.
This man did not pay the debt after he came back. In the future, when people saw the Lu people who were slaves, they wanted to redeem him, but they also thought, after I redeem him, if I go to pay the debt, others will talk about it: before If so-and-so does not pay his debts, and you go to pay his debts, your character will not be as good as his. In this way, the person may pretend not to see it and not redeem the person. Therefore, this approach prevents more Lu slaves from being redeemed, which is harmful.
3. Rescue someone after falling into the water
A man fell into the water. One of Confucius’ students jumped into the water and rescued the man. His family thanked him and gave him a cow. , he accepted it. Others started talking: Do you need money to go into the water to save people? Confucius knew about it and praised the student and said that the student did the right thing, which would help more people who fell into the water to be rescued. Because after rescuing someone, you can accept money from others, so if someone falls into the water, someone will be willing to save it. So it depends on the objective effect.
4. Confucius studied the piano
Confucius was very open-minded and very diligent in learning. Once Confucius studied drums and harp with Xiangzi. The title of the song is "Wen Wang Cao". Confucius practiced hard for many days, and Shi Xiangzi said, "It's OK." Confucius said, "I have mastered the playing method of this piece, but I haven't mastered it yet."
After practicing for many days, Shi Xiangzi said again, "It's OK, you have achieved the goal." But Confucius still said, "It's not possible, you haven't achieved your ambition." After a while, Shi Xiangzi thought that this time it was really good, but Confucius still thought that he had not played the music well, so he studied it repeatedly and understood the connotation of the music until he saw the image of King Wen in the music. Don't stop until you show it.
His spirit deeply moved Shi Xiangzi. Until now, Confucius's famous saying "Be tireless in learning and tireless in teaching" is still our motto.
5. When Confucius was traveling, he met three children. Two of them were playing, while the other child was standing next to them. Confucius felt strange and asked the standing child why he didn't play with everyone. The child answered seriously: "Intense fighting can hurt people's lives, and pulling and pulling can also hurt people's bodies. To say the least, tearing clothes will not do any good. So I don't want to play with them. Play. What's so surprising about this?"
After a while, the child built a castle with dirt and sat in it. He did not come out for a long time and did not give way to Confucius who was about to leave. . Confucius couldn't help but ask again: "You are sitting inside, why don't you give way to the car?" "I've only heard that cars have to go around the city, but I haven't heard that the castle has to avoid cars!" "The child said.
Confucius was very surprised. He thought it was amazing that such a young child could speak so well, so he praised him and said, "You know a lot at such a young age. .
The child replied: "I heard people say that fish can swim in three days after birth, rabbits can run in the fields in three days after birth, and horses can swim in three days after birth." Walking with the mare, these are all natural things, what's the big deal? Confucius couldn't help but sigh and said: "Okay, now I know that young people are really amazing!" ”