Be born in sorrow and die in happiness.
Save penalties, reduce taxes, and make farming easier
The benevolent are invincible.
A five-acre house with mulberry trees can be used to clothe a person in his fifties. Chickens, dolphins, dogs, and pigs will not lose their season. Those who are seventy years old can eat meat. If you do not take away a hundred acres of land, then a family of eight will not be hungry. I sincerely follow the teachings of Xiangxu and apply the meaning of filial piety and brotherhood. Those who are awarded white will live up to the road.
The people can become rich by changing their fields and reducing their taxes.
If a king is benevolent, he will never be unkind; if a king is righteous, he will never be unjust; if a king is upright, he will never be unrighteous.
Those who enjoy the happiness of the people will also enjoy the happiness of the people; those who care about the worries of the people will also worry about the worries of the people.
Being benevolent is an honor, being unkind is a disgrace.
Those who have permanent property have perseverance, and those who do not have perseverance have no perseverance. If you don't have perseverance, you will do everything you can to ward off evil spirits.
If you fight for land, you will kill people to fill the fields; if you fight for a city, you will kill people and fill the city. This is called taking advantage of the land and cannibalizing human flesh, and the crime is not punishable by death.
If the king regards his ministers as his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart and soul; if his ministers regard his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as a fellow countryman; if his ministers regard his ministers as earth and mustard, then his ministers will regard him as a bandit. .
The fish is what I want, and the bear's paw is also what I want; you cannot have both, and you would give up the fish and take the bear's paw. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You cannot have both, and you have to sacrifice life for righteousness.
When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others.
Those who have attained the right will receive many help, while those who have lost the right will receive little help. When there is little help, relatives will be there; when there is much help, the world will follow.
The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.
It is not benevolent to kill someone without sin, and it is not righteous to take something that does not exist.
If you don’t follow the rules, you won’t be able to form a circle.
Quality, then determine the severity; degree, then know the length.
People do not do anything, and then they can do something.
Although there are things that are easy to grow in the world, if they are violent in one day and cold in ten days, nothing can survive.
Those who advance sharply will retreat quickly.
The organ of the heart is thinking. If you think, you will get it. If you don’t think, you will not get it.
Be born in sorrow and die in happiness.
Only benevolent people should be in high positions. Being unkind and holding a high position is spreading evil to others.
If the emperor is unkind, he will not protect the world; if the princes are unkind, he will not protect the country; if the ministers and officials are unkind, they will not protect the ancestral temple; if the scholars and common people are unkind, they will not protect the four bodies.
The king is benevolent and invincible in the world.
Those who rebel against benevolence are called "thieves", and those who rebel against righteousness are called "crippling". Those who are crippled thieves are called "one husband". I have heard of the execution of one husband, Zhou, but I have not heard of regicide.
The wise are in office and the capable are in office.
Respect the virtuous and enable the capable, and the heroes will reign.