There are only a handful of people who know your heart in life. People think it's good to have boys and girls, but they don't know that boys and girls make people grow old. If you have extensive knowledge and knowledge, you will be wise and knowledgeable. If you win over your friends, you will learn easily. Those who are ambitious have few friends, while those who pursue profit have many companions. Tears asked the flowers without saying a word, and the red flowers flew across the swing. The so-called friendship is one heart in two bodies. High mountains and flowing water cannot be heard except by close friends. Those who are united in kindness and virtue are called knowing oneself; those who are united in heart and heart are called knowing one's heart. Change my heart for yours, and we will know each other deeply and remember each other deeply. When we first see each other, we are confused and confused, and we feel sad about each other's years. The bond between life and death is broad, and I have said it to my son. I will hold my son's hand and grow old together with my son. Selecting friends is slower, changing friends is even slower. I hope that people will live long and travel thousands of miles to meet Chanjuan. When you want to learn, you must have a teacher, and when you teach, you must have friends. Life is a time to come back, death is a longing for love. If the love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night? A loving mother's arms are made of love, how can it not be sweet for a child to sleep in them? Missing you is like a bright candle, burning your heart and bringing tears to your eyes. Even if you shed tears, you will eventually find a trace. If you have many words, it is difficult to express them without words. The most precious thing in life is to know oneself, and to meet flesh and blood relatives from all over the world. I was surprised to see you for the first time when I asked my surname. I recalled my old appearance by calling my name. The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown. One person knows enough for a lifetime.
Everything else in the world is false and empty. Only mother is real, eternal and immortal. Motherly love is such a strong, selfish, and fanatical emotion that occupies our entire heart. A husband should know his best, and the world will be at ease. I hope you will pick more of them, this is the most loved thing. The mother suffers and the child is not seen, the child is tired and the mother is uneasy. Those who are of the same mind do not regard mountains and seas as far away; those who are well-behaved do not regard the distance as close. In life, there are no virtuous fathers and brothers, and there are no strict teachers and friends outside. However, there are very few people who can succeed. In the child's mouth and heart, the mother is God. When making friends, you must choose the one who wins. Teachers use doubts, and friends use doubts. The garrison drum breaks the line of people, the sound of wild geese in autumn, the dew is white tonight, the moon is bright in my hometown, all my brothers are scattered, I have no family to ask about my life and death, and the letters I send are not delivered, but the army has not stopped.