With concerted efforts, people can move mountains and pour the sea; If we work together in Qi Xin, we can move mountains; When people work together, they can work miracles.
United as one, United as one, any powerful enemy and any difficult environment will surrender to us. Mao Zedong
Ten thousand people shoot a trick with a bow, and all succeed. -Lv Chunqiu
The world is invincible, every effort. -Liu Ji
The person who wants the same thing wins. -Sun Wu
Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are outmatched by terrestrial advantages, which in turn are outmatched by the harmony among people. -Mencius
In order to fight, we must twist all our forces into a rope and concentrate on the same attack point. -Engels
As long as millions of workers unite and follow the outstanding figures of their own class, victory will be guaranteed.