Both the lion and the tiger strongly demand to get out of the fence and have a big fight to the death. The master said, since you all think you are the king of beasts, I have a way to satisfy your wishes.
. You change places, go to the other side's territory and show off your bluff. Whoever can come back smoothly is Wang Zhongwang.
When the lion came to the temperate forest, the first thing he felt was the cold, so he had to continue jogging. For the new guest, deer and sheep watched quietly in the distance, quite curious. After warming up, the lion felt hungry, ready to find something to eat and look around. He suddenly found a small group of goats in the distance, so he climbed up secretly. Because there was no cover of tall grass, the goat fled quickly and the lion came back in vain. The panting lion experienced similar failures again and again, and suddenly felt the seriousness of the situation. After several days without eating, the lion became thinner and thinner, and he lost his former prestige completely when he was hungry and cold.
In addition, the tiger. When he first arrived in the prairie, he was very excited to see so many herbivores. He is going to try his hand, catching an antelope and tasting it first. With the help of Gao Cao, he moved forward quietly and then sprinted. I didn't know the cruelty of reality until I ran away. I feel dizzy and sweaty. It's too hot to wash, so I have to look at the sheep and sigh. He tried to attack wildebeest and zebra again, but in vain. He decided to change his strategy and kill the clumsy elephant, but he got nothing.
On the contrary, I was injured by an elephant. A month later, he was hot and hungry, and he could only watch his fellow leopard eating delicious food in the tree.
When the master took two poor Ryoma Echizen back to the zoo, they never quarreled again.