Before he died, the old farmer called his three sons to him and said to them, "My children, in the vineyard, I have buried a batch of treasures. When you are in trouble, dig them out to support your family." Then he died. When the sons saw that their father was dead, they immediately went to hoe, dig, plough and dig three feet, but they never found the treasure, and the whole vineyard was an intensive cultivation because of their ploughing and digging. Although they didn't find windfall, the land rewarded them. The following year, the grapes got a bumper harvest.
every grape is round, shining like a big purple pearl. The three brothers were very happy. They transported some grapes to the town to sell, and some of them became wine, making a lot of money.
"Although no treasure has been found, it is always right to loosen the garden!" The third child said happily.
The second child said, "Now I finally understand my father's intentions! In fact, he wants us to work hard so that we can harvest countless treasures. "
The boss said with emotion, "Look, the grapes in the garden are just like treasures. They are so shiny and beautiful!"
2 Comments on the story of the treasure in the vineyard
You will get as much as you pay, and you will get rich fruits only with hard work. Paying may not be rewarded, but not paying will definitely not be rewarded. If you want more than others, you must give more than others. Moreover, only through your own efforts to get things, you can realistically have.