Churchill Fulton’s Speech (March 5, 1946) (Excerpt) [⑩]
“The United States is now at the pinnacle of world power. For American democracy, This is a solemn moment. Having the greatest power means having awesome responsibilities for the future. Looking around, you not only feel that you have fulfilled your responsibilities, but you are also worried that you may not be able to achieve this in the future. A high level. There is an opportunity here for both our countries, a clear and glorious opportunity. If we refuse, ignore, or squander this opportunity, we will be blamed for a long time... < /p>
"When U.S. military personnel are faced with a serious situation, they are accustomed to writing the words 'Comprehensive Strategic Concept' at the head of their directives. This approach is wise because it brings clarity to the mind. So, what is the comprehensive strategic concept that we should inscribe today? It should be no less than the security and happiness and liberty and progress of all families of all men and women everywhere. …
“To keep these countless families safe, they must be protected from two terrible predators—war and tyranny.…
< p>“…a world organization has been established for the primary purpose of preventing war. … We must affirm all of this: that its work is fruitful, that it is a reality and not an illusion, that it is a force of action and not just words, that it is a true force of peace. The palace is not just a place for quarrels and quarrels..."However, I have a clear and practical proposal for action. The palace and local administrators cannot do their jobs without magistrates and magistrates. Therefore, I have a clear and practical proposal for action. , we must immediately start equipping the United Nations with an international armed force. On this issue, we can only do it step by step, but we must start from now on. I suggest that every major country and other member states should be invited to send a certain amount of air force. Squadrons, serving this worldwide organization. These squadrons will be trained and prepared by their own countries, but will be stationed in each country on a rotating basis. They will not be required to fight against their own country, but will wear different insignia. The command of this world organization. This method can be implemented on a small scale and allowed to expand as our confidence grows. I hoped to do this after the First World War, and I believe it will be done immediately. p>
“However, it would be wrong and imprudent for Mahalanobis to entrust the secret knowledge and experience of making atomic bombs that the United States, Britain and Canada now collectively possess to this world organization that is still in its infancy. It would be sinful madness to allow this secret knowledge to develop naturally in a world still in turmoil and disunity. …
“Now I come to the second danger that threatens the cottage family and the common people, namely, tyranny. We cannot lose sight of the fact that the freedoms enjoyed everywhere by individual citizens of the United States and the British Empire , does not exist in quite a few countries, some of which are very powerful countries. In these countries, all-encompassing police governments impose control on the people to the extent that they overwhelm and violate all democratic principles. Dictators, or well-organized oligarchy, exercise unbridled power through a privileged party and a political police force. In these troubled times, it is not our duty to intervene with force. the internal affairs of those countries which we have not conquered. But we must never give up speaking with fearless voice of the great principles of liberty and the fundamental rights of man, the common heritage of the English-speaking world, following the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, After the trial by jury, and English common law, they found their world-famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence.
"Up to this point we are obviously in complete agreement. Now, while still pursuing this approach to realizing our comprehensive strategic concept, I would like to address the key issues of this trip. The effective prevention of war and the continued development of the world organization cannot be achieved without what I call the fraternal unity of our fellow-speaking English-speaking peoples. This union is a special relationship between the Commonwealth and the Empire on the one hand and the United States of America on the other. Now is not the time for general talk, I want to talk clearly.
"Brotherly union requires not only a growing friendship and mutual understanding between our two vast, blood-related social systems, but also requires continued close contact between the military advisers of both sides in order to It should also include joint study of potential dangers, similarities and differences in weapons, training materials, and the exchange of officers and cadets in military academies. Some facilities continue to be used for military security purposes...
"The land that was just illuminated by the victory of the Allies has been cast into shadow. No one knows what Soviet Russia and its communist international organizations plan to do in the near future, and where, if at all, their expansionist and missionary tendencies will end. I have great admiration and respect for the heroic Russian people and my wartime partner, Marshal Stalin. In England - and I have no doubt that here as well - there is sympathy and goodwill towards the Russian peoples of all nationalities, and a determination to forge lasting friendships through all differences and setbacks.
"We understand that Russia needs the security of its western borders against another German invasion. We welcome it to assume its rightful place among the great powers of the world. We especially welcome the fact that, under the leadership of the Russian people, There is constant, frequent and increasing contact with our people on both sides of the Atlantic. However, it is my duty to put before you certain facts about the current situation in Europe.
" From Stettin (Szczecin) on the Baltic Sea to Trieste on the Adriatic Sea, an Iron Curtain has descended across the European continent. Behind this line lie the capitals of the ancient countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, Sofia - all these famous cities and their inhabitants were within the sphere of Soviet influence and not only succumbed to its influence in one form or another, but And it is also subject to increasingly repressive control from Moscow. Only Athens, radiating its immortal brilliance, freely decides its future under the on-site observation of Britain, the United States and France.
“The Polish government, dominated by Russia, was encouraged to carry out extensive and unjust seizures of German territory and was expelling millions of Germans in droves on a tragic and undreamed-of scale. Exit. Communist parties, which were once weak in all these Eastern European countries, have risen to dominant and powerful positions far out of proportion to their membership, striving for totalitarian control almost everywhere. It was the police government that prevailed. So far, except in Czechoslovakia, there has been no real democracy at all.
"Turkey and Persia [Iran] both suffered from what was demanded of them and what was imposed on them. Frightened by the pressure. The Russians in Berlin are trying to establish a quasi-Communist Party in their occupied areas of Germany by supporting various left-wing leadership groups. When the fighting ended last June, American and British troops, in accordance with previous agreements, withdrew westward from a front nearly four hundred miles wide and in some places as deep as one hundred and fifty miles deep. This allowed the Russians to occupy vast areas of land conquered by Western democracies.
"Now, if the Soviet government attempts to act alone and establish a pro-*** Germany in their area, it will create serious difficulties for the British and American occupied areas, granting the defeated Germans The auction of power between the Soviet Union and the Western democracies is certainly not the liberating Europe for which we waged an armed struggle, nor a Europe with the necessary conditions for permanent peace, whatever conclusions we draw from them. .
"Beyond the Iron Curtain across Europe, there were other sources of anxiety. The Italian Communist Party was severely constrained by having to support the Communist-trained Marshal Tito's claim to former Italian territory at the top of the Adriatic Sea. Still, Italy's future remains uncertain. Furthermore, Europe's renaissance is inconceivable without a strong France. Throughout my public life I have always worked to make France strong. Even in the darkest days, I never lost faith in its fate. I won’t lose confidence now.
“However, in many countries far away from Russia’s borders and spread around the world, Communist fifth columns have been established. They are absolutely obedient to the instructions from the Communist center and work in complete coordination. Work. Everywhere except in the Commonwealth and the United States, where the communist movement is still in its infancy, the Communist Party, the fifth column, poses a growing provocation and danger to Christian civilization. Some bleak truths that should be remembered by anyone on the day after a victory that was achieved through deep comradeship in battle and in the cause of freedom and democracy. It would be unwise to face up to these facts.
“...I do not believe that Soviet Russia wants war. What they want is the fruits of war and the unlimited expansion of their power and doctrine. Therefore, before it is too late, what we have to consider here is the permanent cessation of war and the creation as quickly as possible of the conditions for freedom and democracy in all countries.
“Turning a blind eye to difficulties and dangers will not solve the problem; standing by and doing nothing will not solve the problem; adopting a policy of appeasement will not help either. What is needed now is to make arrangements to solve the problem. The longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be. The greater the danger to us. My observations of our Russian friends and allies during the war convinced me that there was nothing they admired more than strength, and that for this reason they most despised military weakness. , the old theory of the balance of power no longer applies. We can no longer afford to work with only a narrow margin, if we can avoid it, thus providing the temptation to engage in contestation if Western democracies are united and adhere to the United Nations. The principles of the Charter, then their influence in enforcing these principles will be great, and no one will offend them. But if they fall apart and become soft in the execution of their duties, if these critical years are allowed to pass by in vain, Then, we will all be destroyed in the catastrophe
“Last time, I saw the war coming and shouted loudly to my own countrymen and the world, but no one listened.
As late as 1933, or even as late as 1935, it might have been possible to save Germany from the terrible fate that later befell it, and save us all from the suffering Hitler imposed on humanity.
"No war in all history could have been more easily stopped with timely action than the recent one which reduced so much of the earth to ruins. It could have been stopped without a single shot being fired. It was stopped, and Germany could have been a strong, prosperous, and respected country, but no one listened. So all of us were involved in the terrible whirlpool. p>
“We definitely have to not let that happen again. This can only be achieved by reaching a good understanding with Russia on all questions at this time, in 1946, under the universal authority of the United Nations; With the full support of the region, the above-mentioned good understanding was maintained through many peaceful years.
"Please do not underestimate the ability of the British Empire and the Commonwealth to persist. ...If, to the population of the United States, you add the population of the English Commonwealth, plus the Cooperation in the air, on the sea, in science and industry, there would be no unstable and precarious balance of power to which careerists and adventurers could not help themselves... If Britain had all the moral and material strength and conviction, If we all unite fraternally with your strength and belief, then it will bring a broad future not only for us and our era, but also for all people and the coming century. This is clear. No doubt.