On one occasion, in view of the shortage of soldiers, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, at the request of Prime Minister Feng Deyi, recruited middle-aged men who were under the age of joining the army to join the army. When the edict was transferred to the province, Wei Zheng refused to sign it. Taizong was furious and rebuked: "I have made up my mind, what does it have to do with you?"
Wei Zheng replied: "If you fish in the lake, there will be no fish next year; if you burn the forest to hunt, there will be no animals next year." Middle man Confinement of the army, the reduction of taxes and miscellaneous corvee, not to mention that soldiers are not expensive in large numbers but in elites, so there is no need to make up the number." (Famous quote)
Tang Taizong pondered for a long time, ordered the conscription to be stopped, and rewarded Wei Zheng with a gold urn.
Hope it helps you