In addition to the late heroes who refused to accept the old age and re-emerged, even some acting schools from serious dramas began to try the addiction of action stars: title: "Rambo" Translation: Rambo 4 Director: Stallone Starring: Stallone Selling Point: Rambo series of popular, hot and bloody action dramas. Title: Jumper Translation: Space Jump Director: doug liman Starring: Harden Christensen and Samuel L Jackson Selling Point: Dazzling Special Effects.
Title: or translation of forbidden kingdom: forbidden kingdom Director: rob minkoff Starring: Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Michael Angelano, Liu Yifei, Li Bingbing and Zou Zhaolong Selling Point: Jackie Chan and Jet Li cooperate for the first time, with Chinese elements. Iron Man Director: Joe Favreau Starring: Robert Downey Jr., gwyneth paltrow, Terrence Howard, Jeff bridges Selling Point: Another comic superhero, Iron Man's high-tech shirt.
Film title: Speed Racer Translation: Speed Racing Director: andy wachowski and Larry Wozowski Starring: emil Hesky, christina ricci, Susan Sarandon, matthew fox, Scott Pater, Rain, Yu Nan, john goodman Selling points: gorgeous pictures, dazzling racing special effects, star lineup, and so on. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull Translation: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull Director: Steven Allan Spielberg Starring: Harrison Ford, Sa Rabifu, Cate Blanchett, karen allen, Jim Braud Bent, ray winstone, john hurt Selling Point: The popularity of raiders of the lost ark series.
The Incredible Hulk Director: Louis Letellier Starring: Edward Harrison Norton, liv tyler, Tim Roth, william hurt Selling Point: Special Effects, Second Deduction of Hulk, Edward Harrison Norton. Title: The Dark Knight Translation: Batman 6: The Dark Knight Director: Christopher Nolan Starring: kristen bell, Heath Lequi, Allen Eckhardt, michael caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Maggie Langhall Selling Points: Batman's popularity, clown's return, action scenes and word-of-mouth of the last episode.
Teemo Beckman Betov, director of The Assassins' League, stars Angelina Jolie, James mcavoy and Morgan Freeman. Selling points: dazzling action scenes, Angelina Jolie and the first Hollywood movie The Night's Watch. Title: Dragon Ball Z Translation: Dragon Ball Director: Huang Yiyu Starring Justin Chavin, Chow Yun Fat, james ma Lester and Amy Rosam Title: Babylon AD Translation: Babylonian Times Director: mathieu kassovitz Starring: Wen Dissel, Yang Ziqiong, Gerard Depardieu and Charlotte Lampard.
Punisher: Theater Translation: Punisher 2: Theater Director: Leckie Alexander Starring: ray stevenson, dominic west Selling Point: The original popular and hot action scenes of the Punisher. Death Racing Director: Paul Anderson Starring: Jason Statham, Ian Musk, joan allen and Thales Gibson Selling Point: bloody and violent racing scenes.
Title: Bond 22 Translation: 007 Bond 22 Director: marc forster Starring: Daniel Clegg, Mathieu Amarek, Giancarlo Ghianni, Anato taubman and Joaquin causio Selling Point: 007 popularity, novel high-tech weapons, hot action scenes, Bond girl. It's also very interesting: The Legend of Narnia, American Gangster, Chainsaw 4, Jurassic Park 4, Shaun the Zombie, Rhapsody in a Black Shop, Monster Company, Grinch Camouflage 1, 2, Brave Game 1, 2, 2, ing. I broke my personal rules. Instead of avoiding these memories, I stepped forward to say hello to them. I heard his voice, so clear, in my mind. I'm sure that will cost me. Especially if I can't take back the haze to protect myself. I feel too alert, which scares me. But liberation is still the strongest emotion in my body-liberation from my heart. Although I tried not to think about him, I didn't try to forget him. I'm afraid-in the middle of the night, when the fatigue of lack of sleep destroyed my defense-all this is slipping away. My mind is numb, and one day I will not remember the exact color of his eyes, the cold feeling of his skin, or the texture of his voice, but I must remember. Because there's only one thing I have to know about him. That's all. Everything I can do. As long as he exists. That's why I'm stuck in Fox more than ever, and that's why I argue with Charlie when he suggests a change. To be honest, it.