Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed. [English] Pope: "Letter to Guy, October 6, 1727"
Not getting what you really want is almost as regrettable as not getting anything at all. [Greece] Aristotle: "Nicomachean Ethics"
The result of being gloomy and lost in thought is bound to be dark disappointment. [English] Congreve: "The Impossible"
I can bear my own disappointment, but I cannot bear the hopes of others. [English] Walsh: "Song"
Even beneath the so-called games and entertainments of humans, there is also disappointment hidden, sameness, unconsciously. [Beauty] Thoreau: "Walden"
Already trying all one can, it is still in vain. [Scotland] Burns: "All for our legitimate king"
Discouragement begets disappointment, disappointment begets wavering, and wavering leads to failure. [English] Bacon: "On Life"
Since you cannot do everything you hope to do, you should do everything you can do. [Ancient Rome] Terentius
How can one reveal oneself without being frustrated in life? [Middle] Liu Yuxi: "Learning from Ruan Gongti"
Unappreciated talent is like a knife. If you hold the blade, your hand will be cut. The only way is to hold the handle. [Beauty] Melville
The virtue in good times is self-control, and the virtue in adversity is perseverance. [English] Bacon: "Collected Essays"
Disappointment is the realistic result of unrealistic expectations. [US] Cary Brodsky: "Dictionary of Contemporary Devils"
Just as thunder exists in the atmosphere, disappointment also exists in the heart. [English] Shelley "Shelley's Collected Works"
Don't be disappointed, even in the fact that you are not disappointed. Just when everything seems to be lost, new power comes to help you. [Austria] Kafka: "Diary"
Every time you are disappointed in life, you can comfort yourself if you can place your thoughts on your noble character, pure feelings and happiness. [French] Flaubert: "Madame Bovary"
Disappointment is a person's thought when he thinks about a good thing but cannot get it. Sometimes it can cause sadness, sometimes it can make people calm. [Germany] Breinitz: "New Treatise on Human Reason"
Unless there is no love, there will be disappointment as long as you are alive. [Method] Camus: "Inside and Outside"