1. Ask for the junior high school classical Chinese article "There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty"
There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. It turned into a bird, and its name was Peng. The Peng's back is thousands of miles away, and it flies away in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky. It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. Nan Ming is also Tianchi. Those who are "Qixie" are also those who are ambitious and strange. "Xie" said: "The Peng migrates to Nanming. The water hits three thousand miles, and the one that swings upward is ninety thousand miles away. It goes to breathe in six months." Wild horses are also dust, and living things breathe. Phase blow also. The sky is blue, is it righteous or evil? Is it so far away that it is extremely evil? It looks down upon it, and if so, that’s it. Moreover, if the accumulation of water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a large boat. Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard; if you place the cup on top, it will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big. If the accumulation of wind is not thick, its large wings will be weak. Therefore, for ninety thousand miles, the wind is blowing down, and then it is today's Peifeng; those who carry the blue sky on their backs and do not care about Yaolan, then they are today's general Tunan.
Xu and Xuejiu laughed and said: "I will rise and fly, grab the elm and Fang, and stop. The time will not come, and I will only control the ground. How can I go south for ninety thousand miles?" "Those who are suitable for the wilderness will have three meals, but their belly will still be full; those who are suitable for a hundred miles will have to grind grain, and those who are suitable for a thousand miles will gather grain in three months." How do you know about the two insects?
Small knowledge is not as good as great knowledge, and small years are not as good as big ones. Xi Yi knows this? The morning bacteria don’t know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don’t know Spring and Autumn. This is also a small year. There are ghosts in the south of Chu who regard five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn. In ancient times, there were people with big trees who regarded eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn. This is also the new year. But Peng Zunai has heard about it for a long time now, and everyone is equal to it. How sad!
Tang Zhi also asked Ji: "To the north of Qianfa is the Minghai, which is also Tianchi. There is Yuyan, which is thousands of miles wide. No one knows how to cultivate it. Its name is Kun. There is. The name of the bird is Peng. Its back is like Mount Tai, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It rises ninety thousand miles away from the clouds and carries the blue sky. It then goes to the south, and it is called Nanming. "Is he a good person?"
My old husband knows that he can serve as an official, his behavior can be compared with that of a village, his virtue can be matched with that of a king, and he can conquer a country, and this is what he thinks of himself. But Song Rongzi still laughed at it. And to praise it to the whole world without admonishing it, to praise it to the whole world without discouraging it, to determine the distinction between internal and external, to argue about the realm of honor and disgrace, that's it. He is alive in this world, but it is impossible to count him. Although, there are still no trees. Fuliezi walked against the wind, which was calm and good. There are five days in ten days and then it turns back. He has brought blessings to those who have not yet been counted. Although this is unnecessary, there is still something to be expected. If you take advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth and guard against the debate of the six qi, and you want to swim infinitely, how can you treat him badly? Therefore, it is said: A perfect person has no self, a god has no merit, and a saint has no name.
2. The Chinese text "There is a Fish in the North Underworld" in the first volume of the third grade of junior high school
There is a fish in the North Underworld, and its name is Kun.
The Kun is so big that it is unknown how many thousands of miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. I don't know how many thousands of miles the Peng has on his back; when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.
It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. The one in Nanming is Tianchi. Those who are "Qixie" are also those who are ambitious and strange.
"Xie" said: "The Peng migrates to Nanming. The water hits three thousand miles, and the one who surges upward is ninety thousand miles. It goes to rest in six months." The wild horse also, Dust is what living things blow with their breath.
The sky is blue, is it righteous or evil? Is it so far away that it is extremely evil? It looks down upon it, and if so, that’s it. Moreover, if the accumulation of water is not thick, it will not be able to carry a large boat.
Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard, and the cup will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big. If the accumulation of wind is not thick, its large wings will be weak.
Therefore, for ninety thousand miles, the wind is blowing down, and then it is today's Peifeng; it carries the blue sky on its back, and it is not easy to escape, and then it is today's general Tunnan. Xiaoxue and Xuejiu laughed and said: "I will rise and fly, grab the elm and Fang, and stop. The time will not come, and I will only control the ground. How can I go south for ninety thousand miles?" On the contrary, the abdomen is still clear; if it is suitable for a hundred miles, it will be used to grind grain; if it is suitable for a thousand miles, it will gather grain in three months.
How do you know about the two insects! Small knowledge is not as good as big knowledge, small years are not as good as big ones. Xi Yi knows this? The morning bacteria don’t know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don’t know Spring and Autumn. This is also a small year.
In the south of Chu, there are people with ghost spirits who regard five hundred years as spring and five hundred years as autumn. In ancient times, there were people with Dachun who regarded eight thousand years as spring and eight thousand years as autumn. This is the great year. also. But Peng Zunai has heard about it for a long time now, and everyone is so sad! Tang Zhi asked Jiji too.
To the north of Qiongfa, there is a person in the sea, Tianchi. There is Yuyan, which is thousands of miles across, but no one knows how to cultivate it. His name is Kun.
There is a bird, its name is Peng, its back is like Mount Tai, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It holds a sheep's horn and flies up ninety thousand miles away. Mingye. He scolded Yi and said with a smile: "He is making fun of Shi Shi? I jumped up, but only a few feet down, soaring among the basils, this is also the way I flew.
And he is making fun of Shi Shi? "This is a small and big debate. The old husband knows that he can serve as an official, his behavior can be compared with that of a village, his virtue can be compared with that of a king, and he can conquer a country, he thinks of himself, and this is the same.
But Song Rongzi still laughed. And the world praises him without admonishing him, the world criticizes him without discouraging him, he is determined by the distinction between internal and external, and he is judged by the realm of honor and disgrace. This is enough.
There are so many of them in the world that cannot be counted. Although, there are still no trees.
Fuliezi walked against the wind, calm and kind, and then turned around after five days in ten days. He has brought blessings to those who have not yet been counted.
Although this is unnecessary, there is still something to be expected. If you take advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth and guard against the debate of the six qi, and you want to swim infinitely, how can you treat him badly? Therefore, it is said: A perfect person has no self, a god has no merit, and a saint has no name. 3. Read the following classical Chinese text and complete each question: There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun
Question 1: D
Question 2: B
< p> Small question 3: DSmall question 1: Judgment: fast way
Small question 2: Understand the darkness, know the wisdom, debate and distinguish
< p> Question 3: Postposition of prepositional structure. A rhetorical question, B elliptical sentence, C object prepositionReference translation:
There is a fish in the North Sea, and its name is Kun. The Kun was so huge that it was unknown how many thousands of miles it was. Transformed into a bird, its name is Peng. Peng's back is thousands of miles long; when it rises and flies, its wings are like clouds covering the sky. This bird flies to the South China Sea when the sea is rough and the wind blows. The South China Sea is a natural land. The book "Qixie" records strange things. The book says: "When the Peng bird flew to the South China Sea, it splashed water for three thousand miles, and its wings beat in a whirlwind and went straight up to an altitude of ninety thousand miles. It flew for six months before coming to rest." Traveling air, dust, Little creatures are all blown by the wind and wander in the air! The weather is vast and vast. Is this its true nature? Or is it lofty and infinite, unable to see its extreme depths? The Dapeng flying ninety thousand miles high looked down at the scene on the ground, and it was just like this. If the water does not accumulate deep enough, it will not have the strength to float the large ship. Pour a cup of water into the depression in the house. You can use grass as a boat and float it in it. If you put a big cup on it, it will stick to the ground. This is because the water is shallow and the boat is big. If the wind is not strong enough, it will not have the strength to carry its huge wings. Therefore, when Peng flies ninety thousand miles high, the wind is just below him, and then he rides on the force of the wind, carrying the blue sky on his back, and flies to the South China Sea without any hindrance. The cicada and the turtle dove laughed at Dapeng and said: "Whenever we want to fly, we can fly up at once, and when we encounter elm or fir trees, we will stop on them. Sometimes we are not strong enough and cannot fly, so we just fall to the ground. Why fly high?" How about ninety thousand miles to the distant South China Sea? "If you travel to the suburbs, you only bring three meals with you, and you will come back with a full stomach on the same day; if you travel a hundred miles, you must prepare three months of food." What do these two little insects and birds know? 4. Translation of classical Chinese for the second grade of junior high school
Translation: Worry makes people survive, but comfort and enjoyment are enough to destroy them.
From "Mencius", please see the encyclopedia for details. Original text "Born in sorrow, died in peace and contentment" Shun Fa was raised among the acres of land, Fu Shuo was raised among the boards, Jiao Ge was raised among the fish and salt, Guan Yi was raised among the soldiers, Sun Shu'ao was raised among the sea, Baili Xi was raised among them. In the city.
Therefore, when Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions, so his mind and forbearance are tempted, It has been beneficial to what it cannot do. People always make mistakes, and then they can change; they are trapped in the mind and balance, and then they act; they are marked by color, and then they express it by sound.
If you enter, you will be helpless and you will not be able to fight the soldiers at home; if you leave, you will be invincible to foreign patients, and the country will be permanently destroyed. Then I know that I was born in sorrow and died in happiness.
[Edit this paragraph] Notes (1) Selected from "Mencius? Gaozi II" The title was added by the author. Gaozi, surnamed Gao, was a student of Mencius and a scholar of Confucianism and Mohism. Some versions of the excerpt here are titled "Shun Fa Yuan Mu".
(2) Shun (shùn) was born in the fields (quǎn): Shun was appointed from the fields. Shun originally farmed in Mount Li. When he was thirty years old, he was appointed by Yao and later succeeded Yao as king.
To start, to start, means to be appointed. Yu, preposition, from.
玎, ditch in the field, furrow in the field. Mu, field ridge.
"玎acre" generally refers to fields, fields, and fields. Shun, the legendary ancient emperor.
(3) Fu said (yuè) was raised between the building blocks: Fu said that he was raised among the plasterers who built the wall. Fu said that a man from the Shang Dynasty originally worked as a plasterer in Fu Yan, building walls for people. King Wu Ding of Yin visited him and made him his prime minister.
To be promoted, to be promoted, to be selected. When building a wall, put soil between two sandwich boards and pound the soil with a pestle to make it solid.
Version, plywood for building earth walls. A pestle used for building and pounding soil.
(4) Jiao Ge (gé) was raised from fish salt: Jiao Ge was raised from merchants who sold fish salt. Jiao Ge, a wise minister of the Shang Dynasty, initially sold fish and salt, but King Wen of Zhou recommended him to Zhou.
Later he assisted King Wu of Zhou. Yu, preposition, from.
(5) Guan Yiwu was promoted to a scholar: Guan Yiwu was released from the prison officer and was hired. Guan Zhong (Yi Wu) was originally a minister of Prince Jiu of the State of Qi. Prince Xiaobai (Dong Huan of Qi) competed with Prince Jiu for position. Jiu failed. Guan Zhong was escorted back to his country as a sinner. Duke Huan of Qi knew that he had talent and made him his prime minister. .
To be cited as a scholar means to be released from the hands of prison officials and hired. Sergeant, prison officer.
To be promoted to a scholar means to be released from the hands of a prison officer and appointed. (6) Sun Shuao was promoted to the sea: Sun Shuao was promoted to the imperial court from his seclusion by the sea.
Sun Shuao, a native of the Chu state during the Spring and Autumn Period, lived in seclusion on the seaside. King Zhuang of Chu knew that he was talented and made him his commander. (7) Bailixi was promoted from the market: Bailixi was promoted from the market and ascended to the position.
Baili Xi, a senior official of the Yu State during the Spring and Autumn Period. After King Yu was captured, he entered Qin from Jin and then fled to Chu. Later, Duke Mu of Qin used Wuxi (gǔ, black ram) sheepskin to kill him. Redeem him and use him as a great official. Market, bazaar, place for doing business.
(8) Delegating major responsibilities: assigning major responsibilities or the responsibility of governing the country. Descend: Release.
Responsibility, responsibility, mission. (9) So people also: (give great responsibility) to such people.
Yes, demonstrative pronoun, this. Also, used at the end of the first half of a sentence, it means to pause for an explanation in the second half of the sentence.
(10) His mind must be made painful first: his heart must be made painful first. Bitter, the adjective is used as a causative, making... painful.
(11) Work his muscles and bones: make his muscles and bones tired. Lao, to make... tired.
Its, pronoun, his. (12) Starve his skin: It means to subject him to starvation, causing his skin to become thin.
Hungry, use the method to make... endure the pain of hunger. (13) Empty: It means making him suffer from poverty.
Empty: Makes...poor. Weak: Absolutely.
This refers to making a person suffer from poverty. Scarcity: Lack of resources, i.e. poverty, making... unfavorable.
(14) What he does is messed up: what he does is not smooth and makes what he does confusing. Whisk: violate.
What you do, what you do. Chaos: to disturb, to cause confusion.
(15) So: used to (come through this way...). (16) Tempting his heart and forbearing: shaking his heart and toughening his temperament.
To move, to alarm... To endure, to make... tenacious.
(17) Zeng benefited what he could not do: added what he could not do, so that he could increase his talents. Zeng means "increase", increase.
Su, a particle, and "can't" form a noun phrase to refer to objects that cannot be reached. Can't: A talent that doesn't exist.
(18) Heng: Often. (19) Guo: Fruit, here refers to faults.
(20) Then you can change it: This way you can change it in the future. (21) Trapped in the heart: inner troubles.
Sleepy, worried. Yu, preposition, in.
(22) Weighing on considerations: Blocked by thoughts. Heng means "horizontal" and obstruction refers to disobedience.
(23) Then act: Only then can you act. To work, to rise up, means to make a difference.
(24) Sign in color: expressed on the face. It means haggard and withered, which is reflected in the color.
Zheng, Zhengzhen, here has the meaning of expression. (25) Produced by sound: It means that the breath of chanting and sighing comes from the sound.
(26) Later metaphor: (See his face, hear his voice) Then people understand him. Metaphor, understand, know.
(27) If there are no ministers with legal standards and wise men who can assist the monarch in the country. Enter, inside, refers to the country.
Legalists, ministers who can adhere to the law. Fu Shi is a wise man who can assist the monarch.
Fu means "弼", assists Bi, assists. Then, if.
(28) Invincible foreign patients: There are no hostile countries or emergencies abroad. Enemy country: a country with equal power and status.
(29) The country will perish: The country will often perish. Constantly, often.
(30) Then you will know that you are born from sorrow: Only then will you understand that you can survive and develop because of sorrow. Then, after this.
Yu, preposition, because, expresses reason. To give birth to, to make... survive.
(31) Die from comfort: Coveting for comfort and pleasure will make people languid and die. Death: To cause death.
[Edit this paragraph] Reference Translation: Shun was selected from among the fields, Fu Yue was selected from among the bricklayers who built the wall, Jiao Ke was selected from among the fish and salt sellers, and Guan Yiwu was selected from among the prison officials. After being released, Sun Shuao was promoted to the secluded seaside, and Baili Xi was promoted to the market. Therefore, when God is about to place a great responsibility on such a person, he must first make his heart suffer, make his muscles and bones tired, make him suffer from hunger, make him suffer from poverty, and make his work difficult and always unsatisfactory. Through these things, his heart will be shocked, his character will be strengthened, and his talents will be increased that he does not possess.
People often make mistakes before they can correct them; only when they are troubled and blocked by thoughts can they make a difference; they are haggard and withered.