In philosophy, freedom is often associated with the issue of free will. Liberal philosophers believe that all people are always free-for example, Jean-Paul Sartre famously declared that human beings are "doomed to be free"-because they always have a choice, even external authorities can only threaten punishment after action, but can't physically prevent a person from implementing action. On the other hand, determinism claims that the future is predetermined and freedom is an illusion.
Philosopher isaiah berlin made an important distinction between "freedom from" (negative freedom) and "freedom to" (positive freedom). For example, freedom from oppression and freedom to develop one's potential. In fact, both of these freedoms are reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Freedom without restraint means unwillingness to yield, no yield, or no strong inequality. The realization of this form of freedom depends on the resistance of individuals (or groups) and the combination of individuals (their) environment; If a person is imprisoned or even limited by lack of resources, he is free in his power and environment, but he can't freely resist the reality. The laws of nature limit this form of freedom; For example, no one can fly freely (although we may or may not try to do so freely). Isaiah berlin seems to call this kind of freedom "negative freedom"-there are no obstacles (especially those of others) in my path of action. He distinguishes this from "positive freedom", which refers to a person's right to make choices that lead to action.
Freedom is often used as the battle cry of revolution or rebellion. For example, the Bible records the story that Moses led his people to leave Egypt and Egypt's oppression (slavery) and go to worship God freely.
In the context of internal control, freedom is also called self-determination, personal sovereignty or autonomy.
Freedom also means inner autonomy or control over one's inner situation. This has several possible meanings: [1]
The ability to act according to rational instructions;
The ability to act according to one's true self or values;
The ability to act according to universal values (such as truth, goodness and beauty); and
The ability to act independently of rational requirements and desires, that is, to act arbitrarily (autonomously).
In a play by hans sachs, the Greek philosopher diogenes said to Alexander the Great: You are my servant's servant. Philosophers conquered fear, desire and anger; Alexander still serves these masters. Although he has conquered the external world, he has not mastered the internal world. This mastery does not depend on anyone but ourselves. Richard lovelace's poem echoes this experience:
Stone walls are not prisons.
Iron bars are not cages.
An innocent and quiet mind
For a hermit,
Famous figures who embodied this freedom in the 20th century included nelson mandela, Rabbi Leo Bak, Gandhi and Lech Wa? Mountains and vaclav havel.
Jean-jean-jacques rousseau, a French philosopher, asserted that the condition of freedom is inherent in human beings and an inevitable aspect of possessing soul and wisdom, which means that all social communication after birth means the loss of freedom, whether voluntary or involuntary. He put forward a famous saying that "people are born free, but they are subject to it everywhere".
Rudolf steiner developed a liberal philosophy based on situational sensitive ethical intuition.
For those who have spiritual beliefs, freedom may include peaceful acceptance of reality. The theological problems of freedom usually focus on reconciling the experience or reality of inner freedom with the omnipotence of God.
Ama-gi is a Sumerian cuneiform, the earliest known writing symbol representing free thought. The English word "freedom" comes from the root of Indo-European family, which means "to love". The cognates of the English word "freedom" include the old highland German word "peace" and our English word "fear", which comes from a vulgar Latin word "destroying peace".