1. Encouragement to learn, compilation of classical Chinese knowledge
<; Encouragement to learn>
Original text:
The gentleman said: Learning is a must. Green is derived from blue and is green from blue; ice is derived from water and is cold from water. The wood is straight and the rope is in the middle, and the frame is used as a wheel. Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight, if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know clearly and act without mistakes.
I think about it all day long, but it is not as good as what I learned in a moment. It is better for me to stand on my knees and look forward, than to get a better view by climbing high. When you climb high and make moves, your arms are not lengthened, but the sight is far away; when you call along the wind, the sound is not faster, but the sound is louder. A fake horse can travel thousands of miles without benefiting from its feet; a fake boat can run a thousand miles without benefiting from the water. A gentleman's life is not different, he is good at things and false in nature.
When soil becomes a mountain, wind and rain stir up it; when water accumulates, it forms a abyss, and dragons emerge; when good deeds accumulate, virtue becomes, and the gods are satisfied with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared. Therefore, if you don't accumulate steps, you won't be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be able to become a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times without giving up its merits. If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved. The salamander has no sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. It eats earth and drinks from the underworld. It has the same intention. The eight crabs are kneeling with two claws, which is not the cave of a snake. If there is nothing to rely on, it means you are impatient.
The gentleman said: Learning can never stop. Indigo is extracted from indigo grass, but it is greener than indigo grass; ice is made of water solidified, but it is colder than water. The wood is straight and conforms to the ink line. (If) it is baked and bent into a wheel, (then) the curvature of the wood (then) conforms to the standard of a circle. Even if it is dry, (the wood) will not be straight again, because it has been Process it to make it look like this. Therefore, wood can be straightened by measuring it with ink lines, swords and other metal products can be sharpened by grinding on a whetstone. A gentleman studies extensively and checks and reflects on himself every day, then he will be smart and wise, but his behavior will not be the same. I was at fault.
I used to think all day long, (but) not as much as I learned in a moment; I once stood on tiptoe and looked far away, (but) (but) it was not as broad as climbing to a high place. . When you climb to a high place and wave, your arms are not longer than before, but others can see you from a distance; when you call along the wind, your voice is not louder than before, but the listeners can hear you clearly. People who use cars and horses cannot walk fast, but they can travel thousands of miles; people who use boats cannot swim, but they can cross rivers. The nature of a gentleman is no different from that of ordinary people, except that he is good at using external things.
Pile up earth and rocks to form high mountains, and wind and rain will rise from here; accumulate water and form abyss, and dragons will emerge from here; accumulate good deeds and develop noble character, then you will reach a high level of wisdom. It also has the spiritual realm of a saint. Therefore, without accumulating one and a half steps, there is no way to reach a thousand miles; without accumulating small flows, there is no way to form rivers and seas. A good horse can only travel less than ten steps with one leap; a bad horse can go far in a carriage for ten days. Its success lies in keeping moving. (If) it stops after a few carvings, (then) the rotten wood will continue to carve. (If) you keep carving, (then) you can carve gold and stone successfully. Earthworms don't have sharp claws or teeth, but they have strong muscles and bones, but they can eat soil upwards and drink spring water from downwards. This is because they are single-minded. The crab has eight legs and two big claws. (But) it has nowhere to hide if there are no caves for snakes and snakes. This is because it is impetuous. 2. Encouraging teachers to organize knowledge of classical Chinese
1. "Encouraging Learning"
1. Tongjiazi:
The wooden rope is straight and the rope is shaped like a wheel. The song is mediocre. "輮" connects with "煣". Roast the wood with fire to make it bend.
Although there is violence. "You" is connected with "you", again. adverb. "Violence" is related to "exposure",
Then one will know clearly and act without fault. "Zhi" leads to "wisdom".
A gentleman is born without being different, and he is good at pretending to be inferior to other things. "Sheng" communicates with "Xing". Qualification endowment.
2. Idioms:
A person is better than a person, perseveres, speaks loudly, and wants to cover up the truth
2. "Shi Shuo"
1. Tongjiazi:
Teachers, so they preach and learn karma and resolve doubts. "Receive" is connected with "teach"
Either it is a teacher, or it is not. "No" means "No"
2. Idioms:
When three people walk together, there must be a teacher, a teacher who teaches impermanence, and chooses the good and follows it
And< /p>
1. Used as a conjunction. Can connect words, phrases and clauses to express various relationships.
(1) Indicates a parallel relationship. Generally not translated, sometimes it can be translated as "you". For example:
The crab kneels six times and has two claws. ("Encouraging Learning")
(2) Indicates a progressive relationship. Can be translated as "and" or "and". For example:
A gentleman is knowledgeable and considers himself day by day.
("Encouraging Learning") 3. Encouraging teachers to organize knowledge of classical Chinese
1. "Encouraging Learning"
1. Tongqiazi:
Mu Zhizhong The rope is shaped like a wheel, and its curves are regular. "輮" connects with "煣". Roast the wood with fire to make it bend.
Although there is violence. "You" is connected with "you", again. adverb. "Violence" is related to "exposure",
Then one will know clearly and act without fault. "Zhi" leads to "wisdom".
A gentleman is born without being different, and he is good at pretending to be inferior to other things. "Sheng" communicates with "Xing". Qualification endowment.
2. Idioms:
A person is better than a person, perseveres, speaks loudly, and wants to cover up the truth
2. "The Master's Theory"
1. Tongjiazi:
Teachers, so they preach and learn karma and resolve doubts. "Receive" is connected with "teach"
Either it is a teacher, or it is not. "No" means "No"
2. Idioms:
When three people walk together, there must be a teacher, a teacher who teaches impermanence, and chooses the good and follows it
And< /p>
1. Used as a conjunction. Can connect words, phrases and clauses to express various relationships.
(1) Indicates a parallel relationship. Generally not translated, sometimes it can be translated as "you". For example:
The crab kneels six times and has two claws. ("Encouraging Learning")
(2) Indicates a progressive relationship. Can be translated as "and" or "and". For example:
A gentleman is knowledgeable and considers himself day by day. ("Encouragement to Learning") 4. Asking for knowledge points to encourage learning classical Chinese
Tongjia means that the wood is straight and the rope is in the middle, thinking that the wheel is connected to "sun", which uses fire to bake the wood and make it bend.
Although there is violence, it is connected with "you". Then you will know clearly and act without fault. Through "zhi", wisdom.
Gentlemen are not different from each other because of their "nature", talent, and qualifications. Flexible use of parts of speech The wood is straight in the middle of the rope, and it is thought of as a wheel.
, use the method and use the craftsmanship. A gentleman is knowledgeable and reflects on himself day by day. Day is a noun used as an adverbial, every day.
A fake horse is not good enough; a fake boat is not good for water, and the noun is used as a verb, so it can go fast.
Water, noun as verb, swimming. Different meanings in ancient and modern times 1. Therefore, if a tree is roped, it will be straight. Ancient meaning: black line; modern meaning: refers to all ropes.
2. If gold is sharpened, it will benefit. Ancient meaning: metal products, this refers to metal swords, etc.; modern meaning: gold. 3. A gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day. Ancient meaning: to examine; modern meaning: to explore and understand.
4. Fake horse-player. Ancient meaning: relying on; modern meaning: hypocritical, untrue. 5. Earthworms have no claws and teeth. Ancient meaning: claws and teeth; modern meaning: accomplice, lackey.
6. Crab Six Kneeling and Two Ao Ancient meaning: legs, crab legs; modern meaning: bend both legs so that one or both knees touch the ground and kneel down. The function word Yu Qing is taken from the basket, and Qing Yu Lan.
Yu, preposition. The former introduces the place of action, and it is said as "conformity"; the latter introduces the comparison object, and it is said as "bi".
Another: A harsh government is fiercer than a tiger; a gentleman is born without exception, and good and false are better than things. Prepositions introduce action objects and speak "to" or "to".
Those who make fake boats can't swim, but can't run rivers. Person, pronoun.
The "Zhe character structure" that forms the noun is used as "人". Another: those with Jiang family; particle, indicating pause and prompting the reason to be said below.
Another: Those who live fifty miles away from Anling are just Mr. You; but they know clearly and act without fault. Conjunctions indicate juxtaposition and may not be translated.
Another: You will live in mourning; I will think about it all day long. The conjunction means modification and can be translated as "地". Another: looking southwest of the pond; a fake horse is not capable of running a thousand miles; a fake boat is not capable of water, but it can stop the river.
Conjunctions indicate transitions, equivalent to "que" and "but". Another: The boat has moved, but the sword cannot; Accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, but the gods are content and the holy heart is ready.
Conjunctions express succession, equivalent to "just" and "therefore". Another: one vigorous effort, then decline, and three times exhaustion; a gentleman is knowledgeable and introspects himself day by day (representing progress) The army is frightened and destroyed, and all the troops are abandoned (representing a metaphor) Xunzi (about 313 BC - 238 BC), named Kuang, courtesy name Qing, a native of Zhao during the late Warring States period and the last representative of the Pre-Qin Confucian school.
He once gave lectures under the Qi State, later traveled to the Qin State, and served as the Chu Lanling Order in his later years. Xunzi was a thinker and educator in ancient my country. He was a pre-Qin Confucian and a master of simple materialism.
He opposed the superstitious belief in destiny, ghosts and gods, affirmed that the laws of nature are independent of people's will, and put forward the idea of ??"controlling destiny and using it", which means that man can conquer nature. He emphasized the role of education and etiquette, and advocated that governing the world should not only rely on "the rule of law", but also pay attention to education and use "ritual" to govern. He emphasized the necessity of "action" for "knowledge" and the importance of acquired learning. He believed that The acquired environment and education can change human nature.
"Xunzi" consists of twenty volumes, written by Xunzi and his disciples.
The book developed from the quotation style of "The Analects" and "Mencius" to a titled essay, marking the further maturity of ancient reasoning writing.
The prose is thorough in reasoning, simple in language, rich in parallel sentences, and good at using metaphors. "Encouraging Learning" is the first chapter of "Xunzi".
This article is an excerpt from the first few paragraphs of the original article. Encouragement to Learn (Excerpt) Translation The gentleman says: Learning should never stop.
Indigo is extracted from indigo, but it is darker than indigo; ice is made of water, but it is colder than water. The wood is so straight that it conforms to the straightened ink line. It is made into a wheel using a burning process, and its curvature conforms to the compass (the drawn circle).
Even if it is dried up by the wind and sun, it can no longer stand up straight. Therefore, wood will be straight when measured with an ink line, and a sword will be sharp when it is ground on a whetstone. A gentleman who studies extensively and checks and examines himself many times a day will be wise and clear, and his actions will be without fault.
I have been daydreaming all day long, but it is not as good as what I have learned in a very short period of time; I have stood on tiptoes and looked far away, but it is not as good as climbing up to a high place to see a wider range. When you reach a high place and wave, your arms do not grow longer, but people in the distance can see you; when you shout in the direction of the wind, your voice does not become louder, but the listeners can hear you clearly.
Those who use carts and horses cannot walk fast, but they can reach thousands of miles; those who use boats and oars cannot swim, but they can cross rivers. Gentlemen's talents are no different from those of ordinary people, (it's just that) they are good at using external things.
Accumulating soil becomes a mountain, and wind and rain rise from here; accumulating water becomes a deep pool, and dragons will grow there; accumulate good deeds. 5. Basic knowledge of classical Chinese in junior middle school
When you read an ancient article, there are several steps: 1. Literary knowledge. Understand the source, author, background and style of the article. 2. Basic knowledge is divided into Words, words, and sentences. Words are divided into pronunciation, shape, and meaning. List the ones you don’t know and accumulate them carefully. The meaning of words can be divided into common characters, ancient and modern synonyms, multiple meanings of a word, and conjugation of parts of speech. Connect with other ancient texts. Three , Sentence translation Translate sentence by sentence, don’t miss a word. (Commonly used word addition methods that you don’t know) 4. Content understanding means what is written in this article, what is the reason, what feelings are expressed, and what is the meaning of a certain sentence? What is the intention, the overall structure of the article, etc. You need to slowly figure this out by yourself, and explore it based on your literary skills, the background of the article, the author's situation, etc. 5. Expand and extend a certain small point in the article to extend beyond the article. Knowledge. If this article is to encourage learning, you can accumulate some poems, famous sayings, etc. that the ancients used to encourage learning or study. Ps: Huhu, this is some of my own experience in learning ancient Chinese. My Chinese has always been very good. Typing It’s very hard, so, >-Finally, I sincerely wish you can learn ancient Chinese well. 6. Encourage students to learn classical Chinese knowledge, organize sentence structures and the like (if high school requires compulsory course I and compulsory course II of classical Chinese
The gentleman said: You can’t stop learning.
Qing, take it from Blue, but greener than blue; ice, made of water, but colder than water. The wood is straight and the rope is kneaded to form a wheel. Its curves are regular. Although it is rough and no longer straight, [the car is soft] to make it so. .
Therefore, if wood is held by a rope, it will be straight, and if metal is held by gravel, it will be beneficial. I don’t know how high the sky is; I don’t know the depth of the earth without being in the deep valley; I don’t know the depth of the earth if I don’t hear the last words of the ancestors. I don’t know how great the knowledge is. The son of Yueyi Raccoon was born with the same voice, grew up with different customs, and taught envoys. That's right.
The poem says: "You gentlemen, you will never rest in peace. Jing Gong, your position is so upright.
God listens to you, and you are blessed." There is nothing greater than enlightenment, and there is no greater blessing than the absence of disaster.
It is not as good as what I have learned in just a moment to think about it, and it is not as good as to have a profound understanding of climbing high.
When you climb high and move, your arms are not lengthened, but the sight is far away. When you shout with the wind, the sound is not quickened, but when you hear it, it is not beneficial. If it is enough, it can reach a thousand miles. A fake boat cannot cross the river.
A gentleman is not different from others. There is a bird in the south called "Mengjiu". ", use feathers as a nest, braid them with hair, and tie them to reeds.
When the wind blows, the reeds will break, and the eggs will break and the children will die. The nest is not incomplete, but it is tied to it.
There is a tree in the west called "Shegan" with a stem four inches long. It grows on a high mountain and is close to the abyss of Bairen. p> The fluffy hemp grows straight without support. 〖The white sand is in nirvana, and it is black with it.
〗The root of the orchid locust is Zhi, and it gradually becomes □ (different body "Xiu" plus three points of water. ), if a gentleman is not close, the common people will not accept it. The quality is not unattractive, but it is so gradually.
Therefore, a gentleman must choose his hometown when he lives, and he must stay close to the right people when he travels. . The origin of things must have a beginning.
The coming of honor and disgrace will be like the emergence of worms in the flesh.
The consequences of neglect and neglect. It is done. The strong one takes the pillar, the soft one takes the bundle. , water makes it wet. Plants and trees grow everywhere, animals flock together, and everything follows its kind.
This is the reason why the bows and arrows are stretched when the nature is stretched; the trees are lush and the axes are heavy; the trees are shaded and the birds are resting; the wine is sour and the gnats are gathered together. Therefore, words can bring disaster, and actions can bring disgrace. A gentleman should be careful about where he stands! The accumulated soil forms a mountain, and the wind and rain stir it up.
When water accumulates and forms a deep abyss, dragons emerge. Accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, and the gods will be satisfied and the holy heart will be ready.
Therefore, if you don’t accumulate steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you can’t reach a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can drive ten times, but it's hard to give up the merit.
If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the gold and stone can be carved. An earthworm has no sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. It eats earth and drinks from the underworld.
A crab with six knees and two pincers, and a non-snake ("good" next to the insect) whose hole has no sustenance, is impatient. Therefore, those who do not have deep ambitions do not have clear enlightenment.
Those who do not have [忄 faint] [忄 faint] have no great achievements. Those who follow the road will not come, and those who serve the two kings will not tolerate it.
The eyes cannot see both ways, and the ears cannot hear both ways and understand. □ (In "Teng", "horse" is replaced with "worm") The snake has no legs and can fly, and the wu rat has five branches and is poor.
The poem says: "The corpse dove is in the mulberry, and its son is seven. A gentleman's manners are one.
His manners are one, and his heart is like a knot." Therefore, a gentleman Tie together.
In the past, when the gourd played the harp and the water flowed down, the fish came out to listen. When Boya played the harp, the six horses raised their heads. Therefore, the sound is not small but not heard, and the action is not hidden but invisible.
When jade is in the mountains, the grass and trees are moist; when pearls grow in the abyss, the cliffs are not withered. Do good deeds without accumulating evil? Is there anyone who doesn’t hear it? Is this the beginning of learning evil? The end of evil? He said: The numbering begins with chanting sutras and ends with reading rituals.
The meaning is that one begins as a scholar and ends up as a saint. If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will progress, and if you learn nothing, you will stop.
Therefore, there is an end to learning numbers, and if it is true, it cannot be abandoned even for a moment. To do it is a human being; to leave it is a beast.
The old book is also the discipline of political affairs. Poet, where the sound stops.
Etiquette is the great division of law and the discipline of groups. Therefore, learning only ends with etiquette.
This is the ultimate morality. The etiquette is respectful and elegant, the music is harmonious, the poems and books are extensive, and the Spring and Autumn period are subtle. They are all between heaven and earth.
The learning of a gentleman enters the ears, the chopsticks touch the heart, spreads throughout the four bodies, and forms movement and stillness. To put it simply, creeping and moving can be regarded as a rule.
The learning of a villain enters the ears and exits the mouth. The distance between the mouth and the ears is four inches, which is enough to beautify a seven-foot body! Scholars in ancient times were for themselves, but scholars today are for others. A gentleman's learning is to beautify his body.
The learning of a villain is like a pig. Therefore, if you don't ask, you will tell him that he is proud; if you ask one question, he will tell you that he is proud.
Pride is wrong; [praise] is wrong; a gentleman is like Xiang. If you don't learn from others, then you will get close to them.
The rituals, music, and methods are not explained, the poems and books are not clear, and the Spring and Autumn Period are simple but not fast. If the people's habits and teachings of the gentleman are followed, they will be respected and spread throughout the world.
Therefore, it is said: If you don’t learn, don’t approach others. The best way to learn the classics is to be good to others, and the second best thing is Longli.
Then in the last days and in the poor years, one will inevitably become a crude scholar. The original king was benevolent and righteous, so he was polite and corrected his longitude, latitude and path.
If you pull out the fur collar and pause with five fingers, there will be countless people who obey. If you don't follow the rules of etiquette and use poems and books to do it, it's just like measuring a river with your finger, pounding millet with a spear, or cooking a pot with a cone.
Therefore, although the rituals are not clearly understood, he is a Dharma scholar; if the rituals are not extended, although he is an observer and debater, he is a Confucian scholar. If you ask about suffering, don't complain.
Don’t ask anyone who complains. Don't listen to those who talk about suffering.
Don’t argue with those who are ambitious. Therefore, you must arrive at the path and then pick it up; if it is not the path, avoid it.
Therefore, courtesy and respect can then be related to the direction of the speech; smooth diction can be related to the principle of the speech; color can be followed, and then it can be related to the speech. Therefore, it cannot be said to be proud in words, it can be said to be concealed in words and not to look at one's complexion, it can be said to be blind.
Therefore, a gentleman is neither arrogant nor hidden nor blind, but obeys his own rules. The poem says: "The bandit makes love, the bandits relax, it is given by the emperor."
This is what it is called. Missing one out of a hundred shots is not a good shot.
It is not a good control to be able to travel thousands of miles without even taking one step. If there is no common moral code and no consistency in benevolence and righteousness, it cannot be called good learning.
Those who learn something must stick to it. As soon as you go out and enter, you are the person in the alley.
There are few good people and many bad people, just like Jie, Zhou and others. If you do everything, then you will be a scholar.
A gentleman knows that incompleteness and purity are not enough to be beautiful, so he should recite it several times to understand it, think about it to understand it, deal with it for others, and maintain it to eliminate its harm. Make your eyes have no desire to see what is not right, make your ears have no desire to hear anything not right, make your mouth have no desire to speak anything not right, and make your heart have no desire to think about anything not right.
When it comes to good things, the five colors that are good for the eyes, the five sounds that are good for the ears, the five tastes that are good for the mouth, and the good mind are all over the world. Therefore, power cannot be dumped, the masses cannot be moved, and the world cannot be shaken.
Life depends on this, and death depends on it. This is called moral conduct. Morality can then be determined.
Be able to calm down and then be able to respond. Being able to determine and respond is what I call it.
7. "Encouragement to Learn" original text, translation, classical Chinese knowledge, literary common sense, key words
"Encouragement to Learn" original text and translation The gentleman said: Learning cannot be stopped.
Green is derived from blue and is green from blue; ice is derived from water and is cold from water. The rope is straight in the middle, and it is turned into a wheel, and its curves are regular. Although it is rough and violent, it is no longer straight, and it is made like this.
Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight; if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial; if a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know how to act without making mistakes. The gentleman said: Learning can never stop.
Indigo is extracted from indigo grass, but it is greener than indigo grass; ice is made of water solidified, but it is colder than water. The wood is straight and conforms to the ink line. (If) it is baked and bent into a wheel, (then) the curvature of the wood (then) conforms to the standard of a circle. Even if it is dry, (the wood) will not be straight again, because it has been Process it to make it look like this.
Therefore, wood can be straightened by measuring it with an ink line. Swords and other metal products can become sharp by grinding them on a whetstone. A gentleman will study extensively and check and reflect on himself every day, then he will be much smarter. If you are wise, your actions will not be wrong. Therefore, if you don't climb a high mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't go to a deep stream, you don't know how thick the earth is; if you don't listen to the last words of the past kings, you don't know how great knowledge is.
The sons of Qianyue Yi and Raccoon Dog were born with the same voice, grew up with different customs, and were taught to be like this. "Poetry" says: "You gentleman, there is no eternal rest.
Jing *** your position, it is good and upright. God listens to you, and you are blessed."
There is no god greater than the transformation of the Tao, and blessings are greater than the absence of disasters. Therefore, if you don't climb the mountains, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't face the deep streams, you don't know how thick the earth is; if you don't understand the teachings of the previous emperors, you don't know the breadth of knowledge.
Qian, Yue, Yi, and Raccoon people all cry with the same voice when they are born, but their customs and habits are different when they grow up. This is because of education. "Poetry" says: "You gentleman, don't always think about ease.
Take your duties seriously and love upright virtues. When the gods hear all this, they will give you great blessings. Happiness. ”
There is no greater spiritual cultivation than being influenced by the Tao, and no blessing is more lasting than being free from disasters. 1. Already: Stop 2. Gentleman: This refers to a talented person.
3. Indigo is obtained from indigo. Cyan, indigo, a dye.
Blue, polygonum indigo. Polygonum (li ǎ o) blue: annual herb with reddish-purple stems, oblong leaves, dark blue when dry.
The flowers are light red, spike-like, with achenes, dark brown. The leaves contain blue juice, which can be used as blue dye.
4. Greener than blue: darker than polygonum indigo. 5. Middle rope: (wood) conforms to the straightened ink line.
Woodworkers use straightened ink lines to achieve straightness. 6. 輮: Tong "煣", drying the wood with fire to make it bend.
7. Compass: Compass, a tool for measuring circles. 8. Even if it is exposed to wind and sun, it will wither.
Yes, it means "you". Haggard, withered.
Explosion is the same as "exposure" to dry in the sun. Violent, withered.
9. Straight: straight. 10. Receiving the rope: measured by the ink line.
11. Gold: refers to metal swords, etc. 12. Just sharpen: Get the whetstone and grind it.
Whetstone. Just, verb, close, close.
13. Reflect on yourself: Check and examine yourself. Refer, test, check.
Province, examine. Hu, preposition, at.
14. A moment: a moment. 15. Lift your heels: Lift your heels.
16. Bojian: The scope of seeing is wide, and the scope of knowledge is broad. 17. Seeing from afar: It means that people from far away can also see.
18. Ji: fast, fast, here it is extended to "loud", which means the sound is loud. 19. Fake: use, use.
20. Yu: car. 21. Advantages: quick steps.
22. To: reach. 23. Water: refers to swimming.
Noun. Used as a verb.
24. Jue: crossing. 2 25. Born but not different: There is no difference in nature (from ordinary people).
Born, with "sexual" talent and qualifications. 26. Objects: External objects refer to various objective conditions.
27. Xing: rise, rise. 28. Yuan: deep water.
29. Jiao: A kind of dragon. 30. Accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, and the gods will be satisfied, and the holy heart will be prepared: accumulate good deeds and develop moral character, reach a high state, and have a clear mind.
Get, obtain. 31. Ji: half step in ancient times.
In ancient times, stepping out with one foot was called "step", and stepping out with two feet was called "step". 32. Wuyi: There is no way (method) to use it. 33. Qiji: a horse.
34. A bad horse can drive a carriage for ten days. (It can also go very far.) A bad horse is a bad horse.
The distance traveled by a horse-drawn cart in one day is called "one drive". 35. Success lies in not giving up: (its) success lies in not stopping.
To give up, to stop.
36. Carving: Carving with a knife.
37. Engraving: carving. 38. Single-mindedness: (This is) because of single-mindedness.
Use, to, because. 39. Six kneeling: six legs, crab actually has eight legs.
Kneel down, crab legs. One thing is that the two legs on the back of a sea crab can only be used for paddling and cannot be used for walking or self-defense, so they cannot be counted in "kneeling".
40. Ao: Crab claws. 41. Impetuous: impetuous and inattentive.
(1) The character "輼輮" is connected to "煣", which is used to bend the wood. Knowing what is known and acting without mistakes ("zhi" is connected to "wisdom"), Wisdom) A gentleman's birth is not different ("生" connects to "nature", qualifications and endowments). Although he is violent, he is no longer strong ("you" connects to "you"; "violence" connects to "exposure", sun) (2 ) Different meanings in ancient and modern times. Ancient meaning of erudition: to study extensively, to study extensively. Example: A gentleman is knowledgeable and considers himself every day.
Today’s meaning: profound knowledge and scholarship. The ancient meaning of ginseng: test, check.
Example: A gentleman is knowledgeable and considers himself day by day. Today's meaning: participate in, refer to or explore and understand.
Disease ancient meaning: strong.
Example: The sound is not accelerated (here it means the sound is loud); the strong wind knows the strong grass. Today's meaning: disease, fast.
False ancient meaning: rely on, use. Example: Those who pretend to be horses.
Today’s meaning: opposite to “truth”. Jin ancient meaning: metal sword.
Example: Metal will benefit from hard work. Today's meaning: gold, silver, gold.
Claws: Earthworms have no claws. Ancient meaning: claws and teeth. Example: Earthworms have no claws or claws.
3 Today’s meaning: The villain’s accomplice, accomplice, and lackey. Yongxin ancient meaning: ideological activities.
For example: Be careful. Today's meaning: study hard or be willing to use your brain on something.
8. Sun Quan encouraged students to learn classical Chinese knowledge. Key points of function words are mostly used in ancient and modern idioms, idioms and parts of speech. 1. Chu: At the beginning, this is a customary word for recalling the past. 2. Quan: refers to Sun Quan, Named Zhongmou, he proclaimed himself king in Jianye (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province) in the first year of Huanglong (222 AD), and his country was named Wu. He soon moved the capital to Wuchang (now Echeng, Hubei Province). In 229, he proclaimed himself emperor. 3. To tell, to tell... , often used together with "曰". 4. Qing: a term of endearment used by an ancient king to his ministers or from an elder to a junior. 5. Jin: now. 6. Tu: the same as "road". Dangtu is in charge: Dangtu, in charge of the way, that is To be in power means to be in charge of affairs, to be in charge of political affairs (objection: Dangtu: place name). 7. Ci: dodge. 8. Duowu: many affairs, many miscellaneous affairs. Affairs, affairs. 9. Gu: the self-proclaimed name of princes in ancient times. 10 , Treating Classics: studying Confucian classics. "Classics" refers to the Four Books and Five Classics. The Four Books: "Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius", and the Five Classics: "The Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Changes" and "Spring and Autumn" 11. Doctor: an academic official who specialized in teaching Confucian classics at that time. 12. Dan: only, only. 13. Dabble: read roughly 14. See the past: understand history. See, understand; past, refers to history. 15. Nai: So then , just. 16. Ji: When... 17. Guo: arrive; arrive. 18. Xunyang: the name of the county, now southwest of Huangmei, Hubei. 19. Talent: military or political talents and strategies. 20. Non Fu: no longer. 21. Big brother: eldest brother, here is the honorific title for the elders of the same generation. 22. Dan: only, only. 23. Which one: who is like. Which one: who, if: like. 24. Just : engage in. 25. Sui: So, just. 26. Three days of farewell: How many days do ambitious people say goodbye? Three: How many days, here refers to "less" (different from the common interpretation of "more"). 27. He: Why. 28. Lu Meng: A famous general of Soochow, a native of Fupi, Runan (now Fuyang, Anhui Province). 29. Er: Indicates restriction, a modal particle, equivalent to "just". 30. Shi: Beginning. 31. Yu: He. 32. Discuss: discuss, discuss. 33. Da: very, very. 34. Surprise: surprise. 35. Jin: now. 36. 人: used after the word of time, no translation. 37. Fu: again. 38. That is: Just. 39. Pay homage to: See you. 40. Wait: Wait. 41. Amen under Wu: Lü Meng, the famous general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, an affectionate name for Lü Meng; the unliterary Amen during the time under Wu. 42. With admiration Treat each other: treat each other with new eyes, that is, look at each other with new eyes. Appreciate: wipe your eyes. 43. Update: Renew. 44. Amon: Add "A" before the name, which means intimacy. 45. Xie (yé): pass " "Yeah", modal particle. 46. Hu: Ah. Expresses an exclamation tone. 47. Dangtu: to be in power, to be in charge, which means to be in power. 48. to: to use 49. to see things: to recognize things clearly. Jing Wei Doctor Xie: Tongye, indicating a rhetorical question, equivalent to "has". Qing is now Tu Zhangshi: Tu, the word Tongtu has multiple meanings: but when dabble (auxiliary verb, should) should be Tu Zhangshi (verb: positive ) See: see the past (understand) Brother, why do you see things too late (recognize) ancient and modern synonyms. Ancient meaning: shirk. (Mongolian Ci has many affairs in the Israeli army) Modern meaning: beautiful words. Ancient meaning: Study the modern meaning: to govern and the ancient meaning: to the time of... (and Lu Su passed Xunyang) modern meaning: and. Guo ancient meaning: to. (and Lu Su passed Xunyang) modern meaning: to pass. More ancient meaning : new. (i.e., treat with admiration) Modern meaning: more. But ancient meaning: only. (when dabbling) Modern meaning: turning connective, but. Doctor Ancient meaning: an academic official in charge of Confucian classics at that time. (Gu Qiyu Qing Zhijing is a doctor) Modern meaning: the name of the degree. Past events Ancient meaning: history Present meaning: past events are great Ancient meaning: very Modern meaning: refers to area, volume, capacity, quantity, intensity, power exceeding the general or exceeding the comparison The ancient meaning of the object is: the self-proclaimed name of princes in ancient times. The modern meaning of "I" is: alone, lonely. 9. The key points of learning that need to be mastered in the classical Chinese text "Encouraging Learning"
1. Practical words in classical Chinese
1. The "persuasion" of "Encouraging Learning"
2 , "Zhong", "thought", "輼", "qu", "Of course".
3. "Jiu", "erudite", "Jiu", "erudite", "Reflection".
4. The word "crotch" in "I have tasted squatting and looking at it, but it is not as good as climbing high to see more".
5. "Ji" and "Zhang" in "When you shout along the wind, the sound is not accelerated, but the one who hears it becomes louder".
6. "A false horse will not be beneficial to the foot, but it will travel a thousand miles; a false boat will not be able to swim, but will stop the river. A gentleman is born without exception, and he is good at false things." "false", "water", "absolute" and "raw".
7. “Therefore, if you don’t accumulate small steps, you will not be able to reach a thousand miles”.
8. The words "yellow spring", "use" and "one" in "Eat the earth above and drink the underworld below, use your heart to be the same".
9. The word "sustenance" in "A crab kneels six times and has two claws, and it is not the cave of a snake and eel that has no sustenance."
2. Function words in classical Chinese
1. Various uses of "er".
2. "Hu" is equivalent to the usage of the preposition "yu".
3. Classical Chinese Sentence Patterns
1. The postposition of the adverbial marked by the word "yu" is: 青月蓝.
2. Omitted sentence: It is like a wheel.
2. The word "Zhi" is used as a postposition of the attributive sign: an earthworm does not have the power of claws and teeth, but the strength of muscles and bones.