Advocate morality and stick to justice, and you will be carefree. Therefore, if you are poor, you will not give up your righteousness, and if you are enlightened, you will not leave your benevolence. Don't give up justice when you are poor, so as to remain upright; People will not be disappointed, because if they are enlightened, they will not deviate from benevolence. When you succeed, give the people a favor; When frustrated, cultivate yourself on earth. Bottom line: Be yourself when you are poor, and take into account that everyone in the world is good when you are good.
"Loud" and "Proud" (ancient Chinese dictionary). Describe inner satisfaction, pleasure, complacency and carefree. After the article "get yourself", that is, smug.
"Poverty", the end of the road, including the exhaustion of material life, mainly refers to the ideal pursuit and career development blocked, unable to move forward. On the contrary, it is smooth, smooth, accessible and insightful.
"Being immune" means not drifting with the tide, not decadent and sinking when you are poor, sticking to your beliefs and ideals in thought, and sticking to your principles and standards in behavior. In short, be yourself in a bad environment and unfavorable conditions.
Loneliness is inevitable. When you are alone, you need to be careful and not indulge. Zeng Shen, a disciple of Confucius, said, "What you see with ten eyes and what you point to with ten hands is strict!" (University) Even if you are a person, you should feel as if everyone's eyes are fixed on you and everyone's fingers are pointing at you, that is, you are strictly supervised.
Loneliness is not isolation. Confucius admired the hermit's character very much, but he disagreed with the hermit's practice-"Birds and beasts can't be in the same group. I'm not a disciple of Sri Lanka. Who can be with me?" (The Analects of Confucius) People can't be in the same group as birds and beasts. If I am not in a group with the world, who will I be in a group with? Mencius said that "frustration can cultivate one's morality in the world", which is completely consistent with Confucius.
Being kind to the world means being kind to the world on the premise of being kind to yourself. Being good in the world means that the world is beautiful, and it can also mean that everyone in the world is good. On closer examination, there is a difference between the two, and being kind to yourself is the premise. If you are not good, how can you be good in this world? However, there is no distinction between primary and secondary, just different stages of the same thing. It can't be said that being kind to yourself is primary, and being kind to the world is secondary. Individuals are members of society, and their value lies in doing their best to make society better.
For more than 2,000 years, the vast majority of intellectuals in China have taken the ideal of "being poor is immune, while being rich is totally clean". This is still the case today. (Bai Zichao)
"If you are poor, you will be immune to it, and if you are rich, you will help the world." This sentence probably means: when you are frustrated, you should lead an honest and clean life and pay attention to improving your personal cultivation and moral character; If a person succeeds, he must think about benefiting the people all over the world. For thousands of years, I don't know how many scholars have been spurred and inspired by this sentence. These ambitious, cultured and ambitious scholars often take this sentence as their motto in life. It should be said that this sentence is very positive in encouraging and guiding a person: guiding people not to give up when they are down and out in life, but to strive to improve their self-cultivation and morality; At the same time, it also warns people not to be selfish when they are proud of their lives, but to give more assistance and help more ordinary people.
The extreme performance after the failure of pursuing "fame" and "profit": depravity and indulgence. This kind of repression is wrong.
Although everyone hopes that they can successfully achieve their ideals and goals in life, in fact, life will inevitably encounter setbacks and failures, some of which may be minor failures and setbacks, and some may be fatal failures or setbacks. When encountering failures or setbacks, some people become degenerate, indulgent and self-destructive. They think that life has failed, the spiritual world has collapsed, and they no longer have the courage to maintain their previous positive attitude, and they are strict with their own cultivation and morality. If a person becomes like this once he encounters failures and setbacks, he is likely to continue to degenerate, indulge and sink, and will never encounter a turning point in life again.
The extreme performance after the success of pursuing "fame" and "profit": indulgence and selfishness. This kind of performance is also wrong. People can't float
Some people struggle very hard, and after hard work, they just seize the opportunity and successfully realize their ideals and goals in life. At this time, flowers and applause, smiling faces and flattery are everywhere. It is easy for a person to float up, make his inner desires swell, slowly forget his excellent qualities, pursue materialistic enjoyment, become more and more self-centered, become more and more self-righteous and never listen. I feel that all my previous efforts have finally succeeded, so I have enough capital to satisfy my own selfish desires, and no one has the right to interfere. In fact, if a person becomes like this after success, generally speaking, he will gradually alienate himself and the crisis will accumulate internally. When accumulated to a certain extent, the crisis will suddenly break out and fall into the abyss of perdition. As the saying goes: "See him rise from a tall building, see him entertain guests, and see his building collapse".
The practical significance of the sentence "Poverty is the only way to protect ourselves, while abundance is the only way to help the world" lies in that we should clearly realize that everyone's goal in life is what people live for. My understanding is that life goals can be divided into four levels-the first level is to support yourself; The second level is to give family a better life; The third level is to realize self-worth; The fourth level is to contribute to society. No matter what stage we are in life, we should always adhere to the principle of "being immune to the facts", because no matter whether we face failure or success, we will never lose ourselves as long as we always adhere to the cultivation of self-cultivation and morality. When we are lucky enough to enter the fourth level of life, we can naturally achieve "the best and help the world." From ancient times to the present, there are many examples of "poverty is the only way to protect yourself, and wealth is the way to help the world", such as Zhuge Liang and Fan Zhongyan in ancient times, Yuan Longping and Tu Youyou in modern times and so on. They can be regarded as models of the world. (tree 30)