According to historical records, Guan Zhong said, "When I was in trouble, I tasted Bao Shujia, shared my wealth and benefited myself. Uncle Bao didn't treat me as greedy and knew I was poor. I tried to find a job for Uncle Bao, and I was poorer. Uncle Bao doesn't think I'm stupid, but he knows when it's good or bad. I have tasted three officials and three people, and I am driven by you. Uncle Bao doesn't think I'm evil, but he knows I'm not in trouble. I have tasted three wars and three walks, and Uncle Bao is not afraid of me, knowing that I have an old mother. Miyako was defeated for a long time and was called to die suddenly. My prisoner was humiliated. Uncle Bao didn't treat me as shameless, but he knew that I was not ashamed of details and my fame was not seen by the world. My parents know buns. "
Uncle Bao is in Guanzhong, under him. Shilu's descendants lived in Qi, and there were more than a dozen feudal lords, often famous doctors.
There are not many smart people in Guan Zhong, but Uncle Bao knows many people.