Compared with the villain, a gentleman is aboveboard and upright, never calculating others, and will not do things that harm others and benefit themselves. There is no need to hurt others, and there is no need to rest assured. A gentleman knows how to assess the situation and will not put himself in a dangerous situation, which is the so-called "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall." Zengguang Xianwen summed up many famous philosophical sayings, including "there is no true gentleman in wine", but the latter sentence is actually more classic, and it is about the truth of being a man.
Chinese wine culture has a long history, and friends can't get together without wine, and they should also drink it at weddings and funerals. Drink and have fun when you are happy, and drown your sorrows when you are sad; When there is no inspiration, I look for inspiration by drinking, and when inspiration strikes, I write poems by drinking, and even the literati pour their own drinks, resulting in the poem "Until I raise my cup, I ask the moon, bring my shadow and let us three". Some people think that wine is enterotoxin, and some people think that wine is a panacea for sadness, which can temporarily forget unpleasant things.
People can't help themselves in the Jianghu. At some dinner parties, whether you like it or not, you may not be able to avoid drinking more. Why did the ancients conclude that "wine is a true gentleman without words"? Under normal circumstances, people can maintain relative rationality, but under the action of alcohol, it seems to be different, commonly known as drunkenness. It was just a little friction, but because of a few words, I couldn't control my inner strength.
A gentleman with strong self-control can't promise not to say anything wrong, especially when he is drunk, and it is easy to offend others if he says something he shouldn't, so conflicts arise and break up in discord. So if you can talk as little as possible in the wine field, you can avoid getting into trouble, and you can be called a real gentleman. In my opinion, "silence" doesn't mean not saying a word. Otherwise, everyone drinks with their heads down, and they don't have much interest, so they lose the fun of drinking. The best way is to know what to say and what not to say.
After saying "wine is silent, a true gentleman", let's take a look at the latter sentence, which is "a gentleman has a clear distinction between finance and business." There is an old saying in China: Brother, settle accounts clearly! No matter how good the relationship between two people is, we should also distinguish clearly in terms of money. Otherwise, it is likely to be embarrassing in the future, and the public will say that the public is right, and the old woman will say that the old woman is right, even because of the money problem.
When it comes to money, oral agreements are unreliable. Even friends who have been together for many years often find various reasons not to pay back the money. "Financial clarity" is not stingy, let alone haggle over every ounce. On the contrary, it is the key to maintaining a good relationship and the criterion for dealing with people. It is often heard that people lend money to relatives and friends. I think it is abnormal for them to write IOUs, and the money is not clearly divided. In the end, if they don't pay back the money, their intestines will regret it. Have you ever had such an experience? Do you think it is meaningful to be a financially clear gentleman?