There are nine-Dan golden liquid, purple-red Huaying and Taiqing Hongyun in the Palace of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the pulp belongs to light wine. Lansheng wine is a famous wine in Han Palace. Baimo liquor is made by mixing all kinds of herbs and flowers with wine, which is delicious. Horse wine is horse milk, and horse milk also has the taste of wine. If you drink too much, you will get drunk. During the Han Dynasty, the wine made from grapes in the Western Region of Dawan was brought to the Central Plains, which was deeply loved by emperors and regarded as a treasure. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty greeted the arrival of the Queen Mother with wine. Cao Pi, the Emperor of Wei Wen, once said to his ministers, "Grapes are made into wine, but if you drool and swallow it, how can you drink it?" Compared with Zhongyuan rice wine, wine is sweet and easy to make people drunk, so Cao Pi added: "Grape wine is thought to be wine, and it is sweet to koji rice and good at getting drunk."
In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were Putao wine, Qianli wine, Mulberry wine, Pale mash wine, Hedong wine and Chrysanthemum wine. Among them, mulberry wine and chrysanthemum wine are brewed by adding mulberry leaves and chrysanthemum into wine pulp, or mulberry wine is brewed by taking well water when mulberry leaves fall. Pale mash wine is refined wine. Tang people like to use the word "spring" to name wine. At that time, there were rich water spring, Ruoxiachun, Tuku spring, Shidongchun, Songlaochun, Zhuyechun, Lihua Spring, Luofuchun, Wengtouchun, Qumichun and Throwing Youth. The wine made in Shaoxing is called Penglai Spring Wine.
Wei Zhengzheng has the skill of making wine, and the two kinds of wine he makes are the most exotic. If the wine is stored in a jar, it will not rot for ten years. Emperor Taizong appreciated Wei Zhi's wine very much, and wrote a poem for Wei Zhi: "Creeping beats Lansheng, and the emerald surpasses the jade.". If you are drunk for a thousand days, you will be unbeaten for ten years. " Jade gauze is a famous wine in Emperor Yangdi's palace. Tang Taizong's poems are not very charming, but it shows that the wine-making technology of Tang people has been greatly improved. In the past, the alcohol content of rice wine was not high, and it was generally brewed and drunk, which was not easy to store for a long time. The wine made by Wei Zheng was obviously high in alcohol content, easy to intoxicate and could be stored for a long time. Grape (also written as Pu Tao) wine also has a longer storage time than rice wine in the Central Plains, and has a higher alcohol content and sweetness. Artificial wine in the western regions is always good at it. In the Five Dynasties, Khotan could make purple wine and green wine from grapes, which tasted You Mei, probably red and white wine.
guanglu temple has a good awakening department, which was consistent from sui and Tang dynasties to Ming and Qing dynasties. Liangxing Department is responsible for brewing and supplying wine for sacrifice and wine for paying tribute to the court. Tributes to the court include wine such as dip and mulberry drop.
In Tang Xianzong, Li Hua brewed a kind of wine called bone-changing mash, but I don't know how to use it. Xianzong regarded this wine as the top grade. When the state of Jin returned to Beijing after the Huai-Xi Rebellion, Xian Zong gave the Duke of Jin a second bucket of bone-changing mash stored in a golden jar and covered with huang ba. Tang Xianzong is very curious about magic, but also likes strange wine. In his palace, Wuyishan left the country to offer Dragon Cream wine, which is as black as pure lacquer and refreshing to drink.
In the Southern Tang Dynasty, there was dragon brain pulp, which was an advanced crystal supplement. In the Southern Tang Dynasty, Yuan Zong and Li Qiong tried to make dragon brain pulp with wine and then drink it. At this time, Mr. Geng, a stranger, said, "It is not good." So he used a more clever way to make a fragrant borneol wine.
There is a rare and famous deer fetus wine in the Northern Song Dynasty Palace. The emperor often drinks this wine at banquets in the Imperial Palace. At one time, Han Qi, the prime minister, graciously went to the Imperial Tower and accepted a large cup of deer fetus wine for him.
There is rose dew in the Southern Song Dynasty Palace, and the emperor often gives another kind of wine-Liuxiang wine to his ministers.
emperors in the yuan dynasty often drank Qionghua juice, yutuanchun and other wines at banquets, which made them drunk at the palace banquet. Liuxia was also a famous wine. There is also chinese wolfberry wine in the palace, that is, Chinese wolfberry is soaked in wine, and chinese wolfberry wine is regarded as a tonic. Yuan Renzong once gave this wine to Chahan, the minister, saying, "It is good for your longevity".
In the Ming Dynasty, the wine used in the palace was no longer provided by Guanglu Temple, but brewed by the Imperial Wine Room, a eunuch institution. The wines made in the Imperial Wine Room are Lotus Blossom, Cold Tanxiang, Autumn Dew White, Bamboo Leaf Green, Golden Stem Dew and Taixi White. Emperor Chongzhen likes to drink Golden Stems Dew and Taixi White, calling them Changchun Dew and Changchun White. When Wei Zhongxian was in charge of the Imperial Palace, he often made wine outside the palace, and then offered it to the emperor through the Imperial Tea Room. There were many names of wine, including golden plate dew, lotus blossom, bergamot soup, gentleman soup, Joan crisp, Tian Ru and so on. The palace poem said: "But looking at the imperial wine for the purpose, it recorded more than 1 famous names.
China's liquor-making industry developed rapidly in the Qing Dynasty, and many famous wines were created in the Qing Dynasty. However, among the upright officials, there was the wine ring of Emperor Kangxi, and Kangxi's imperial poems were engraved on the jet wine urn left over from the Yuan Dynasty. Therefore, the emperor's dining table is not allowed to put wine utensils according to regulations. Kangxi was very strict in self-discipline and was able to give up the pleasure of drinking all his life, but his descendants did not seriously implement the drinking order, but there was no alcoholic emperor in the last Qing Dynasty.
during the reign of Qianlong, minister Zhang Zhao once presented the recipe of Songling wine, and Qianlong ordered people to make wine according to this recipe, find Gu Song in the mountains, dig deep into the roots, open the wine jar and bury it under the roots, so that the liquid in the pine roots was gradually sucked by the wine. A year later, it was dug up, and the wine color was like amber, and it was made of Songling wine. Emperor Qianlong often drank this wine in moderation. The Qing people said that the longevity of Ganlong is 9 years old, and the prosperity is healthy, which has the function of Songling wine.
The Liangxing Department under Guanglu Temple is a formal brewing department, which takes Yuquan water in the west of Beijing for brewing in spring and autumn every year. Yuquan liquor, made of glutinous rice with beans, wheat koji, pepper, yeast, Indocalamus leaves and sesame seeds, is the daily royal wine of the emperor. Emperor Qianlong drank two ounces of yuquan wine every night. Emperor Jiaqing's capacity for liquor is greater than his father's. It is common to drink six or seven taels of wine every day, and he can drink fourteen or five taels when he meets festivals or high spirits. Compared with the emperors who drank heavily in previous dynasties, Jiaqing could not be regarded as an alcoholic.
It is an ancient custom to drink Tu Su wine on the first day of the first month to drive away the plague. Drink realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival to drive away poisons such as snakes and insects. Honest officials make the above wine before the festival. Tu Su wine in Qing Palace is made by grinding rhubarb, platycodon grandiflorum, Atractylodes macrocephala, cinnamon, aconite and Smilax China into fine powder, wrapping it in cloth, sealing it, hanging it in a well at noon on the 3th of the twelfth lunar month, three feet above the water, and taking it out on the first day of the first month. Decoct that above materials together with papaya wine and wat sugar noodles according to the dosage, and making into Tu Su wine aft 4-5 split. Realgar wine is made by mixing realgar with yuquan wine or Taiping Spring wine.
Chrysanthemum liquor and Lotus liquor are two famous wines in the palace in the late Qing Dynasty, and their value doubled because they were loved by Empress Dowager Cixi. Lotus liquor is made from lotus liquor produced in Kunming Lake, and chrysanthemum liquor is made by soaking in tonic medicinal liquor.
a famous wine of yellow rice wine
Yellow rice wine is a treasure of the Chinese nation with a long history and many varieties. In history, there are countless famous rice wine products. Due to the development of distilled liquor, the production area of yellow rice wine gradually narrowed to the south of the Yangtze River, and the output was much lower than that of white liquor. However, the essence of brewing technology has not been abandoned, but has developed by leaps and bounds in the new historical period. The charm of yellow rice wine is still the same, the famous products in yellow rice wine are still household names, and the best ones in yellow rice wine are still shining like bright oriental pearls.
1 Shaoxing rice wine
Shaoxing rice wine is the best in China. Shaoxing wine has a long-standing reputation in history and has been recorded in all previous dynasties. Since the Song Dynasty, the development of yellow rice wine in the south of the Yangtze River has entered its heyday, especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, when the political power was established in Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Hangzhou were close to each other, and Shaoxing wine developed rapidly. At that time, "Penglai Spring" was the first among the famous Shaoxing wines. In the poems of Lu You, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, many of them show admiration for the yellow rice wine in his hometown. The Qing Dynasty was the heyday of Shaoxing wine. The scale of brewing is the first in the country. Shao liquor is sold all over the country and even exported abroad. Shao wine has almost become synonymous with yellow rice wine. At present, Shaoxing yellow rice wine accounts for the largest proportion in export wine. Products are exported to all countries in the world. There are many varieties produced by Shaoxing Liquor-making Corporation, and the classification methods of yellow rice wine in modern national standards are basically based on the varieties and quality indicators of Shaoxing wine. Among them, Shaoxing rice wine has been on the list in previous famous wine selection. Rice wine, as its name implies, is to increase the quantity of rice for brewing in the process of brewing, and relatively speaking, it uses less water. Rice wine is a semi-dry wine. Alcohol content is about 15%, and sugar content is .5%-3%. The wine is mellow. The breath is fragrant. In addition, there are Yuan red wine, good wine, Xiang Xue wine and other wines with high quality, which are exported to more than 3 countries and regions abroad.
2 Fujian Longyan Sink Wine
Longyan Sink Wine has a long history. In some note literature of Qing Dynasty, there are many records. Now it is produced by Longyan Winery in Fujian Province. This is a very sweet wine. The alcohol content is 14-16%, and the total sugar can reach 22. 5-25%。 Domestic wine is generally stored for two years, and export wine needs to be stored for three years. In 1963, 1979 and 1983, this wine won the title of national famous wine for three times. The brewing method of Longyan Caijing wine integrates all the traditional techniques of Chinese rice wine brewing. For example, there are as many as 4 kinds of wine koji in Longyan, including local ancestral medicinal koji, including more than 3 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine villages; There is Sanqu, which is the most traditional Sanqu in China, as a saccharification song. In addition, there are white songs, which are unique to the south. Monascus is a must-have starter for Longyan wine brewing. When brewing, medicinal koji, Sanqu and Baiqu are added first, and then the sweet distiller's yeast is made, and then the famous Gutian red yeast and special rice liquor are added respectively. Long-term aging Longyan wine has three characteristics: sweet without sugar, brilliant red without coloring, and fragrant without fragrance. The wine is amber luster, sweet and mellow, and has a unique style.
Second Liquor
Famous liquors in liquor are evaluated according to their flavor types. Now it can be divided into sauce flavor, rice flavor, fragrance, strong flavor and other flavor types (Dong flavor, Feng flavor, Sesame flavor, etc.).
1 Guizhou famous liquor: Maotai liquor, Dongjiu
Maotai-flavor famous liquor includes Guizhou Maotai liquor, Sichuan Langjiu and other liquors. Although Kweichow Moutai and Sichuan Langjiu are produced in two different provinces, Renhuai, Guizhou, where Moutai is produced, and Gulin, Sichuan, where Langjiu is produced, are geographically very close. These two places are located along the Chishui River, the former in northern Guizhou and the latter in southern Sichuan. Chishui River flows through Renhuai, Guizhou, Xishui, Gulin and other counties in Sichuan, and joins the Yangtze River in Hejiang County, Sichuan. Kweichow Moutai is the most famous maotai-flavor liquor, and it has the reputation of national wine.
In the Qing Dynasty, Chishui River was a water passage for Sichuan salt from the Yangtze River through Luzhou and Hejiang. Zheng Zhen, a poet in the Qing Dynasty, once wrote: "The wine crowned the country and the salt ascended the red river." It is the frequent transportation of salt industry that promotes the economic prosperity on both sides of Chishui River, and also brings the development and prosperity of local wine industry. The reputation of Kweichow Moutai began to spread.
Moutai has a special style of "outstanding maotai flavor, elegant and delicate, full-bodied and long aftertaste". The liquor is clear, mellow and fragrant, fragrant but not bright, low but not light, refreshing to smell, stirring in the mouth, and lingering fragrance after drinking. The biggest feature of Moutai is that "an empty cup leaves a good fragrance", that is, after the wine is empty, the fragrance in the glass is still lingering for a long time. Maotai liquor has won the title of famous wine in all previous national famous wine selections. Moutai is also a witness to many important foreign affairs activities, so it is known as "national wine" and "diplomatic wine". Former US President Nixon said that Moutai can cure all diseases, and former Japanese Prime Minister also called Moutai a fine wine. The unique flavor of Maotai liquor, in addition to the unique brewing technology, is closely related to the unique geographical environment of the producing area to a great extent. Maotai Distillery is on the bank of Chishui River, which is strictly protected by relevant state policies, and factories with pollution sources are not allowed to be built around it. What is more unique is that the humid and sultry climate in Sichuan and Guizhou has formed a unique microbial flora. The propagation of these microorganisms on koji and raw materials and their complex biological metabolism mechanism make the flavor components of Moutai more complex and coordinated. This cannot be simulated anywhere else. If a factory is built outside Kweichow Moutai, even if it is produced in strict accordance with the production technology of Moutai, it is impossible to brew real Moutai.
Dongjiu was produced in Dong Distillery, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. From 1929 to 193, Dong Gong Temple cellar wine was brewed by Cheng's brewing workshop, and it was named "Dongjiu" in 1942. Zunyi Dong Winery was established in 1957, and was rated as the first national famous wine in 1963. After 1979, it was rated as the national famous wine. The flavor of Dong wine is different from Luzhou-flavor and Maotai-flavor, but belongs to other flavor types. The production method of this wine is unique, which combines the production techniques of Daqu liquor and Xiaoqu liquor.
2 Fen Liquor
Fenyang Xinghua Village Fen Liquor (Group) Company is located in Dongyue, Luliang Mountain, Shanxi Province, and on the west edge of Jinzhong Basin. As a famous liquor in China, Shanxi Fenjiu can be said to be the earliest famous liquor in Chinese history. <: > Among the dozens of national famous wines listed in the list, Fenjiu ranks first. In the note literature of celebrities in the Qing Dynasty, Shanxi Fenjiu was praised many times. Fenjiu is a fragrant liquor.
3 Sichuan famous liquors: Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao Tequ, Jiannanchun, Quanxing Daqu, Langjiu and Tuopai Qujiu
Among all the famous liquors in China, Sichuan produces the most. There were five kinds of national famous wines, which were known as "five golden flowers", and then increased to six. In the fifth national famous liquor appraisal, Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao Tequ, Jiannanchun, Quanxing Daqu, Langjiu and Sichuan Tuopai Qujiu won the title of national famous liquor. Except Langjiu belongs to Maotai-flavor liquor, the rest belong to Luzhou-flavor liquor.
Wuliangye, formerly known as "miscellaneous grains wine", is produced in Wuliangye Distillery in Yibin, Sichuan Province. The wine is brewed from five kinds of grains, namely sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat and corn, and it is said that it was founded in the Ming Dynasty. At present, the factory still has an old wine cellar that has been handed down from the Ming Dynasty, and the Yibin Museum also keeps a technical secret of "miscellaneous grains wine". In 1929, it was named Wuliangye. Wuliangye liquor has a "long aroma, mellow taste, sweet entrance, clean throat, harmonious tastes, just right". It is considered that in Daqu liquor, it is famous for its comprehensive taste. This wine has been rated as a national famous wine for four times.
Luzhou Laojiao Tequ liquor, as a typical representative of Luzhou-flavor Daqu liquor, is famous for its unique style of "full-bodied, clear and sweet, especially fragrant after drinking and long aftertaste". In 1915, he won the Gold Award of Panama International Expo, and all previous national wine evaluations were awarded the title of "National Famous Wine".
jiannanchun was born in Mianzhu county, Sichuan province. Its predecessor should be pushing the famous wine sword in the Tang Dynasty to burn spring in the south. Tang Xianzong's late Li Zhaozai <: > In the middle, the burning spring of Jian Nan was listed among the thirteen famous wines in the world at that time. Of course, at that time, the south of Jianmen Pass was referred to, and the so-called "Jiannan Road" province in the Tang Dynasty was called Mianzhu, which was a county under Jiannan Road at that time. Today's winery was built in April 1951. After the appearance of Jiannanchun wine, its quality has been continuously improved. In 1979, it was first rated as a national famous wine at the third national wine tasting.
4 Gujing Distillery
This wine is produced in Gujing Distillery, Bo County, Anhui Province. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Wei Cao Cao presented the "Nine-Brewing Spring Wine Method" handed down by the late county magistrate to Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty. According to local historical records, the water used for brewing in this area came from an ancient well left in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the local wine contributed to the emperor, hence the reputation of "Gujing Gongjiu". Gujing Distillery belongs to Luzhou-flavor liquor, which has the characteristics of "clear color as crystal, pure fragrance as orchid, sweet and mellow entrance and lasting aftertaste".
5 Jiangsu famous liquor: Yanghe Daqu and Shuanggou Daqu
Yanghe Daqu is produced in Yanghe Distillery, Yanghe Town, Siyang County, Jiangsu Province. Yanghe Town is located between Baiyang River and Yellow River, close to the North-South Grand Canal. In ancient times, land and water transportation was very convenient. It is an important hometown of wine production and koji production. Yanghe Daqu belongs to Luzhou-flavor liquor. After the third national wine tasting, it was rated as the national famous wine for three times. Shuanggou Daqu was produced in Shuanggou Town, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province. After the fourth national wine tasting in 1984, the wine was characterized by "clear and transparent color and strong aroma"