Don’t let your years go to waste. This is a popular saying that has inspired many people with lofty ideals. Today, our students here can all learn from this famous saying. Don't let your years go to waste, it embodies a positive attitude towards life. All successful people throughout the ages take their lives very seriously. As long as they live one day, they should always study as much as possible, work as much as possible, and produce as much results as possible, and will not waste their time in vain. Time is like water, it keeps flowing forward and never returns. How can we prevent it from disappearing in vain with the flowing water? The writer Yu Xinyan pointed out the direction and path for us in the article "Youth is Beautiful": "First, do not rely on sighs, second, do not rely on complaints, and third, do not rely on fantasy, but rely on just Catch it yourself. If you seize today, you will seize life and the future. Your youth is beautiful and no flood can wash it away. "Yes, seize today! The roots of today are deeply rooted in yesterday. in the soil, and the fruits of tomorrow are also cultivated by today's hard work.
Now, the high school entrance examination is around the corner, we must cherish time, seize every second, and we must have a sense of urgency of time. Time is life, time is power. Time means a lot to us!