In terms of educating children, Mr. Lu Xun believed that in order to educate children well, we must first respect and understand them. "If you don't understand first and just do it blindly, it will hinder the development of your children."
< p>Once upon a time, my husband hosted a banquet at home, and his son Haiying was at the table. When eating the fish balls, the guests all commented that they were fresh and delicious. Wei Haiying said: "Mom, the fish balls are sour!" The mother, who thought the child was talking nonsense, scolded the child, and the eldest child was unhappy. After Lu Xun heard this, he tasted the fish ball that Haiying had bitten. As expected, it was not very fresh. He said with emotion: "The child said it was not fresh. It is wrong for us to ignore it without checking it. It seems that it is not fresh." We also have to respect what our children say!”There is a story: A New York businessman saw a ragged pencil salesman and gave him a dollar out of pity. Yes, he came back, took out a few pencils from the pen seller, and explained apologetically that he had forgotten the pens. Finally, he said: "You and I are both businessmen, and you have something to sell." A few months later, we met again. , the pen seller has become a salesman and thanked the New York businessman, "You gave me my self-esteem again and told me that I am a businessman."
Respect life, respect others and respect your own life, It is an accompaniment of the life process and a condition of mental health. ——Fromm.
Show respect for the opinions of others. Never say: "You are wrong." - Carnegie
People are probably familiar with the story of Zhang Liang picking up his shoes. The Zhang Liang in the story is about Zhang Liang, an important adviser to Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty.
It is said that Zhang Liang was walking on the bridge in his spare time. An old man wearing a coarse short coat walked to where Zhang Liang was staying, threw his shoes under the bridge, and said to Zhang Liang: "Boy , go down and pick up the shoes." Zhang Liang was suddenly startled and really wanted to beat him, so he picked up the shoes for him when he saw such an old man. The old man asked Zhang Liang to put them on for him. Zhang Liang had already picked up his shoes for him, so he knelt down and put them on for him. After putting it on, the old man left with a smile. After walking a mile away, he returned to Zhang Liang and said, "You are a very capable child. Come and wait for me at dawn in five days." Five days later, when Zhang Liang came, the old man had already arrived and criticized him: : "How can you be late for a date with an old man? Come back and wait for me in five days." The second time, Zhang Liang was late again. The third time, he went in the middle of the night. The old man was very happy and gave Zhang Liang a book and told him: "After reading this book, you can become the emperor's teacher. In the next 10 years, you will become rich. In 13 years, you will meet me in Jibei." "There is a yellow stone at the foot of Gucheng Mountain, and that's me." After dawn, Zhang Liang took a look and found that it was a military book called "Tai Gong's Art of War." After Zhang Liang got this book. After reading carefully, I finally learned the ability to strategize and win thousands of miles away. According to legend, 13 years later, Zhang Liang followed Emperor Gaozu through Jibei and saw a yellow stone at the foot of Gucheng Mountain. Zhang Liang took it back and enshrined it as a treasure. After Zhang Liang died, he was buried with this yellow stone.
I don’t know if this is enough, I hope it can help you