From the sixth section of Mencius Gongsun Chou, the full text is as follows:
Mencius said, "Everyone has a heart that can't bear others. The late king had a heart that could not bear others, and Sri Lanka had a policy that could not bear others. With the unbearable heart, you can't stand other people's politics and rule the palm of the world.
So everyone has a heart that can't bear others. At first glance, people nowadays are afraid of compassion. If you don't make friends with obedient parents, you will be praised by hardworking villagers. If you don't hate their voices, you will naturally do so.
From the point of view, there is no compassion, and it is inhuman; No shame, no humanity; It is inhuman to have no resignation; A heart without right and wrong is inhuman. Compassion is the purpose of benevolence; The heart of shame and evil, the end of righteousness; The words of the heart are the end of the ceremony; The heart of right and wrong is also the end of wisdom. Man has four ends, but he still has four bodies. There are those who claim that they can't do it on all sides, and some who are thieves; He who says he can't be a king steals his king.
Anyone who has four ends in me will expand his knowledge and fill it up. If the fire starts, spring will begin. If you can fill it in, it is enough to protect the four seas; If you don't fill it out, it's not enough for parents. "
Mencius said: "Everyone has compassion and sympathy for others. The politics of sympathy and compassion for the people comes from sympathy and compassion for the feelings of others. Governing the world can be as easy as controlling things by sympathizing with the feelings of others and practicing the politics of sympathizing with the people.
The reason why people feel pity for others is that if someone suddenly sees a child fall into a well today, they will be surprised and sympathetic. Psychology-this is not because I want to please my children's parents, because I want to gain fame among my neighbors, or because I hate children's crying.
From this point of view, without compassion, it is simply not human; Without shame, you are not human at all; Without humility, you are not human at all; There is no right or wrong, it is simply not human. Compassion is the origin of benevolence; Shame is the beginning of justice; Modesty is the beginning of ceremony; Right and wrong is the beginning of wisdom. People have these four origins, just like having limbs. People who have these four origins but think they can't do it are people who give up on themselves; People who think that their monarch can't do it are those who violently abandon the monarch.
Anyone who has these four sources should expand and enrich them, just as the fire has just started to burn and the spring water has just started to flow. If we can expand them, it will be enough to stabilize the world. If they cannot be expanded, it will be a problem to support their parents. "
One of the four books of Mencius. In the mid-Warring States period, Mencius and his disciples Zhang Wan, Gong Sunchou and others. Written by Mencius and his disciples, it was first seen in the inscription of Mencius by Zhao Qi: "This book was also written by Mencius, so it is called Mencius".
There are eleven pieces of Mencius recorded in History of Han, and there are seven pieces and fourteen volumes. The total number of words is more than 35,000 words and 286 chapters. According to legend, there are four other books of Mencius, which have been lost (this book of Mencius is a fake of Yao Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty). This book records the politics, education, philosophy, ethical thoughts and political activities of Mencius and his disciples. Ancient exams mainly tested four books and five classics.