In "Mencius: King Hui of Liang, Part 1", Mencius said: "Old people, I am old, and others are old; young people, I am young, and people are young."
It means to respect, love and treat people well. Treat your own elders in the same way when dealing with other unrelated elderly people; when raising and caring for your own children, you should also treat other people's children with the same love.
Do not support or respect your elders. You should forget about other elderly people who are not related to you. When raising and educating your own children, you should not forget about other children who are not related to you. Respect the elders in your own family, thereby promoting respect for the elders in other people's families; love the children in your own family. , thus extending to caring for the children of other people’s families. This is Mencius’ fraternity, which means treating oneself as well as others.
As for beasts, you cannot bear to see them alive; you cannot bear to eat their flesh when you hear their voices.
It means (you). As for birds and animals, if you see them alive, you can't bear to see them die; if you hear their cries, you can't bear to eat them. This is why a gentleman stays away from the kitchen. Baidu Encyclopedia - Mencius