Life story:
Confucius asked Laozi about rituals, and Confucius asked Laozi for advice on "Rites of Zhou". "Historical Records" records: "Confucius was in Zhou Dynasty and asked Laozi about rituals. Laozi said: 'What the Master said, his body and bones are all rotten, only his words are in his ears. And if the gentleman can drive at the right time, if he doesn't get the time, he will be tired and tired. She is virtuous and looks like a fool. Getting rid of your arrogance, lust, lust, and lustful ambitions are all of no benefit to your body. That’s why I tell you, that’s all.”
Han Gu left a letter. The Tao Te Ching was handed down at Hangu Pass. There was civil strife in the Zhou royal family. I was blamed for dereliction of duty and was implicated, so I resigned from my old position. So he left the palace and went into seclusion, riding a green ox, he wanted to leave Hangu Pass and travel west to the Qin Kingdom. At Hangu Pass, I met the gatekeeper Guan Yin. "The purple energy comes from the east for thirty thousand miles, and the sage traveled westward and passed here. The green ox slowly carried the old man, hiding himself and mixing the vitality." Guan Yin held the disciple's ceremony to Lao Tzu and asked Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu took the rise and fall of dynasties, the safety and misfortune of the people as lessons, traced its origins, and wrote two chapters, one and two, totaling 5,000 words. The first chapter begins with "The Tao can be taught, but it is not Tao; the name can be named, but it is not named", so it is called "The Book of Tao". The beginning of the second chapter is "If there is no virtue above, then there is virtue; if there is no virtue below, then there is no virtue." Therefore, it is called "The Book of Virtues", and collectively it is called "The Tao Te Ching".
Famous sayings include:
Misfortune lies on the back of blessing, and blessing lies on the back of misfortune.
The people are not afraid of death, but why should they be afraid of death?
Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.
Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.
All things bear the yin and embrace the yang, and the energy is in harmony.
The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more than enough damage. This is not the case with the way of man. If there is not enough damage, there will be more than enough.
The picture is more difficult than the easy, and the details are greater than the details; the difficult things in the world must be done in the easy, and the great things in the world must be done in the details. Therefore, the saint is not great in the end, so he can become great.
If a husband makes a promise lightly, he will be distrustful; if it is easy, it will be difficult. Therefore, it is still difficult for the sage, so it will not be difficult in the end.
The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest millimeter; the nine-story platform starts from tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
People often succeed and fail within a few days of their work. If you are as careful as you are at the end, you will never fail.
Those who were good in ancient times did not enlighten the people, but they would make them stupid. The people are difficult to govern because of their wisdom. Therefore, if you govern a country with wisdom, you will be a traitor to the country; if you do not govern a country with wisdom, you will be a blessing to the country.
The reason why Jianghai can be the king of a hundred grains is because he is good at controlling it. Therefore, if a sage wants to lead the people, he must speak to the people; if he wants to precede the people, he must speak to the people behind him. Therefore, when a sage is at the top, the people do not take him seriously, and when he is at the front, the people do not harm him. Therefore, the world is happy to push forward and never tire of it. Because he does not fight, no one in the world can fight with him.
I have three treasures, which I hold on to and protect: the first is compassion, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world.
Because of kindness, one can be brave; because of frugality, one can be broad; because one does not dare to be the first in the world, one can become a leader. Now give up kindness and be brave; give up frugality and be broad; give up the last and be the first; die! A kind husband will win by fighting, and he will be strong by observing. Heaven will save him and protect him with mercy.
Those who are good at being soldiers do not use force; those who are good at fighting do not get angry; those who are good at defeating the enemy do not fight with others; those who are good at using others do not follow others. This is called the virtue of not fighting, it is called using people's strength, it is called the ultimate in matching the heaven and the ancients.
There is no greater disaster than underestimating the enemy. Underestimating the enemy will cost us our treasure. Therefore, if the resistance is similar, the one who mourns will win.
My words are easy to understand and easy to do. No one in the world can know it, and no one can do it.
Words have a lineage, and affairs have a king. I am ignorant, because I don’t know.
Knowing but not knowing is a good thing; not knowing is a disease. The sage is not sick, but he is sick by his illness. Wu Wei is sick, so he is not sick.
If the people are not afraid of authority, great authority will prevail.
No matter where you live, no matter where you live. Husband never gets tired of it, so he never gets tired of it. Therefore, the saint knows himself but does not see himself; he loves himself but does not value himself. So go to that one and take this one.
If you are brave, you will kill; if you are brave, you will live. Both of these may be beneficial or harmful. Who knows why Heaven is evil?
The sky net is vast, sparse but not missing.
The people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death? If the people are constantly afraid of death, and if someone is found strange, I will kill them, who dares?
The people are hungry because of the high food tax. The people are difficult to treat because of the efforts made above. The people despise death because they seek to survive. The husband who has nothing to do with life is a wise man who values ??life.
People are weak in life, and strong in death.
Plants and trees are soft and brittle when they are alive, and they are withered when they die. Therefore, the strong are the disciples of death, and the weak are the disciples of life. Therefore, if the army is strong, it will be destroyed, and if the wood is strong, it will be broken. The strong is at the bottom, the weak is at the top. ?