The theoretical basis of Rousseau's theory of natural education is the idea of ??good nature in his philosophy of nature. In "Emile", he systematically elaborated on the issue of good nature and believed that education should conform to the development of nature, and in terms of educational effect, only conforming to the development of nature is the best. Because “all things that come from the hands of the Creator are good, but once they are in the hands of man, they all become bad. He will force one kind of soil to breed the things of another kind of land, and force one kind of tree to bear another kind of thing.” The fruit of a tree." [1] (P.1) "Nature wants children to be like children before they become adults. If we disrupt this order, we will create some young doctors and senility. "Children."[1](P.84) He believes that children have their own unique views, thoughts and feelings. It would be simply stupid to replace their views, thoughts and feelings with those of adults. . Rousseau also further demonstrated the necessity of education to adapt to nature from the perspectives of nature, environment, and education. He believes that human growth is affected by three factors, "either by nature, by people, or by things. The inner development of our talents and organs is the education of nature; others Teaching us how to use this kind of education is man-made education; getting good experience in things that affect us is education of things.” [1] (P.3) Rousseau pointed out: Only by harmonizing these three aspects of education can children achieve success. in order to achieve normal development. To achieve this, he believes: "Among these three different types of education, natural education cannot be determined by us at all. Only human education can truly be controlled by us." [1] (P.3 ) It can be seen from this that Rousseau requires that "things" and "people" education must be combined with "natural" education that people cannot control, and develop according to the order and requirements of children's natural development, in order to cultivate what he calls "natural people" ". Of course, the "natural man" mentioned by Rousseau does not mean that children can "return to nature" and become pure biological people separated from social life, but refers to "people who are not bound by tradition and develop willfully (that is, according to their nature). , is an independent entity with its own value, a person with a developed body and brain, and healthy body and mind." [2](PP.105-106)
Starting from the educational theory of "returning to nature" and "conforming to nature", Rousseau advocated the implementation of education according to the age characteristics of the educated. He said: "Treat your student according to his age. First of all, you must put him in the position where he should be placed, and keep him in that position well so that he will no longer have any attempt to exceed that position. "[1] (P.85) The education advocated by Rousseau pursues the nature of children, which is to teach according to the age characteristics of children. What nature wants for children is for children to become children rather than for children to become adults. He criticized the feudal scholastic education for ignoring the natural development of children, treating children as little adults, obliterating the difference between children and adults, ignoring children's unique abilities to observe, think and feel, replacing children's abilities with adult abilities, and even replacing applicable Adult education is imposed on children. This kind of education that sacrifices children's current life experience for the sake of their future, in Rousseau's view, is tantamount to making children the victims of education. Therefore, Rousseau divided children's education into four stages based on his understanding of the natural process of children's development, and pointed out the physical and mental characteristics and educational tasks of each age stage. He believes that from birth to 2 years old, the education of babies is mainly physical education, and the baby's natural nature should be allowed to develop. From the age of 2 to 12 years old, children are still in the sleep stage intellectually and lack the ability to think rationally. During this period, children should mainly focus on sensory education. The purpose is to enrich children's sensory experience, develop children's senses, and allow them to learn from experience. From the age of 12 to 15, teenagers already have some experience and the conditions for intellectual training. During this period, intellectual education should be focused on.
From the age of 15 to 20, with the development of people's intelligence and rational judgment ability, the relationship between people, as well as the relationship between an individual and his fellow human beings, has become an important issue for people at this stage. Therefore, the focus of education at this stage should be moral education to cultivate people into morally harmonious citizens. Starting from the age of 20, due to the natural development needs of young men and women, love education for young people should become the core issue of education at this stage.
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