"Rite" and "benevolence", in the general plan of governing the country, he advocated "governing the country by virtue", which is the noblest way to govern the country.
Historical position:
In the mid-Western Han Dynasty, natural disasters occurred frequently and the society was in turmoil. Confucian belle believes that this is because the sacrifice to Confucius was not properly arranged, so God was angry. At that time, the state power accepted Mei Fu's proposal and made Confucius a descendant of Shang Tang, inheriting the sacrifice of the former king. It was not until the Eastern Han Dynasty that Confucius was officially regarded as the public god of the country, and his status was equal to that of the national god. During the Tang Dynasty, every county was ordered to build temples to worship Confucius. There are two big sacrifices in spring and autumn every year, and two small sacrifices on the first and fifteenth day of each month. At first, the big festival was presided over by academic officials, and later by local officials. After the Tang Dynasty, the status of Confucius was constantly improved, and the titles of Confucius were also increasing. In the Qing dynasty, Confucius' sacrifice once became a "great sacrifice" at the same level as God and the national ancestor God.
Taishi Gong said: There is a poem saying: "The mountain starts and the scenery stops." Although I can't reach it, I am eager for it. I read Kong's books, so I can see him. When I arrived in Shandong, I saw the halls, cars, clothes, rituals and music, and Confucian scholars exercised etiquette at Confucius' house on time. I couldn't leave. There are many kings and saints in the world, before and after Dou Rong's death. Confucius is a civilian, and by more than ten generations, people who study have respected him. Since the emperor and the vassal, China's words of six arts compromised with the master, which can be described as the most holy!
The main ideas of Mencius;
Politically, Mencius advocated that law precedes king and benevolent government; Theoretically, he admired Confucius and opposed Yang Zhu and Mo Zhai. He advocated benevolent government, put forward the people-oriented thought of "valuing the people but neglecting the monarch", and traveled to Qi, Song, Teng, Wei, Lu and other countries, following the example of Confucius to carry out his own political views, which lasted for more than 20 years. However, Mencius' theory of benevolent governance is considered to be "circuitous and broader than things" and has not been implemented. Finally, he retired to give lectures, and together with his students, he "wrote a book with preface poems, described the meaning of Zhong Ni (namely Confucius), and wrote seven pieces of Mencius".
Mencius "nurtures my noble spirit". Those who are upright and upright are called gentlemen. It is wrong to call qigong in this world. Those who are upright and upright are rich because of virtue, and empty without virtue. In ancient times, qi was invisible, so it was called qi.
Historical position;
Later generations admired Mencius as a "sub-saint" and respected him as a "sub-saint". He was sacrificed by Confucianism.
"Han Shu Chu Yuan Wang Chuanzan" said: "Since the death of Confucius, many people have written essays. Only Monk knows everything, reaching ancient and modern times, and his words complement the world. "