"Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If they are close, they will not become grandchildren, and if they are far away, they will resent." This is a whole sentence and cannot be read separately.
, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise. Those who are close will not have grandchildren, and those who are far away will be resentful." ----"The Analects of Confucius Yang Huo" is generally regarded as an argument for Confucius's contempt for women and manual workers. Even those overseas who sincerely respected Confucius found it difficult to deny his words and said helplessly: "Confucius was wrong in saying this." The previous sentence here, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise" has almost become a wise saying in the traditional male-centered society. The last sentence was almost forgotten. If you think about it carefully, these two sentences were originally a full stop and a complete sentence. Why were they taken out of context by later generations, the second half was omitted, and the first half became a famous quote? This is indeed an interesting oversight or forgetfulness.
What does this sentence mean? You might as well select some opinions for everyone to share after dinner.
1. Yang Zibin said that woman is a special term but not a full term
From the literal point of view, according to the logical analysis of this sentence, if "wei" is an adverb, it will be said as "only, only, only", which has always been a common usage. . Mr. Yang Bojun's "The Analects of Confucius" is translated in this way. Meaning: Only "women and villains" are difficult to raise. But only "women and villains" are difficult to raise, not all "women and villains" are difficult to raise. Then this sentence is a specific rather than a universal proposition. The first sentence is a conclusion, and the second sentence is an argument: "If you are close, you will not be a grandson, and if you are far, you will be resentful." This is the reason and manifestation of the difficulty of "women and villains", and it is also the definition of "women and villains" said by Confucius: Not all women and villains are difficult to raise, it’s just that “women and villains” who are close to one another will not have grandchildren, and those who are far away will be resentful. The "female" mentioned by Confucius is not the same as women. The words "female" are just those of women who "are dissatisfied when they are close, and resentful when they are far away". Similarly, the "little man" is not a manual worker among men, but only a man who "gets jealous when he is close, and resents when he is far away".
2. Shen Shanzeng said about the way to govern a country: women, sons, and villains are the three political forces
When writing "Return to My Laozi", the author accidentally discovered that this sentence is actually a punctuation error. "Woman" should have a punctuation break in the middle, such as "女,子". "Nv" refers to the monarch's wives and concubines, "zi" refers to the monarch's son, and "villain" refers to the favored ministers, sycophants, actors, eunuchs and the like around the monarch.
From the pre-Qin classics and documents, the monarch’s wives and concubines participated in politics in order to have their own sons as successors. Therefore, he colluded with his son and nearby officials to fight for the right to inherit. This was a matter of great concern to politicians at the time. "Guanzi·Xiaokuang" says that the three shortcomings of Renjun are "good fields (hunting)", "good wine" and "lustful", which are not the most important. "Renjun can only be 'excellent' and 'insensitive'" "Excellent" is what Confucius refers to as "little people". Because ancient nobles often performed dramas, danced, and juggled for fun during their banquets, such actors were called You, Zhang, or Haiku. . "Han Feizi" discusses the "Eight Traitors". The first three articles are: "One is sharing the same bed", which refers to the "female"; "Second, being by the side" refers to the "little person"; and "The third is father and brother" refers to the "son". The collusion of "women", "sons" and "villains" to disrupt government and usurp power was the main source of political unrest at that time, and therefore was also the primary political issue.
3. Qian Mu talks about how to manage the family - how to deal with the relationship between servants and concubines
Here the female villain refers to the words of servants and concubines in the home. The concubine sees the servant very close, so the woman is in front of the villain. Because it refers to a concubine, it is called support. When you are close, you will be aggressive but not inferior. If it is far away, resentment will definitely arise. Being good at controlling servants and concubines is also a matter of keeping the family together. Vernacular translation: The husband said: "Only the concubines and servants at home are the most difficult to maintain. If you get close to them, he will not know how to show mercy. If you stay far away from them, he will resent you."
4. Li Ao said about the character of women and the character of villains - a modern interpretation
When Confucius said these words, his original meaning was not specific but general, because he was quite capable. Understand the basic nature of women and villains. Based on this experience, the modern expression of Confucius's words should be: "Only women and villains are the most difficult to get along with. If you are good to them, they will not know whether the sky is high or the earth is high. They will test you, offend you, and disturb you; If you keep a straight face to them, they will keep complaining and saying that you are sorry for them."
Confucius believed that women and villains obviously have this kind of "feminine character" and "female character". "villain character", so he made a sentimental statement and made a general conclusion.
I don’t know which one you think is more reasonable? But I want to quote it out of context. It seems unfair to say that Confucius despised all women. After all, ordinary women had not yet entered the political and historical stage at that time, and were basically not widely recognized by society. I personally think that no matter how much you scold them, they can't be scolded. The interpretation of women, sons, and villains as the three major political forces is relatively pertinent; secondly, from a psychological perspective, Li Ao's interpretation also has some flavor.
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