The Chinese nation has always attached great importance to family education. Confucius said in court that "if you don't learn poetry, you have nothing to say, and if you don't learn etiquette, you have nothing to stand for." Zhuge Liang warned his son that "you can't be ambitious and quiet." Zhu warned the younger generation that "a porridge and a meal are hard to come by; In the long historical accumulation, the Chinese nation has formed traditional family virtues, such as respecting the elderly and caring for the young, loving husband and wife, loving mother and filial piety, respecting the elders of brothers and sisters, and prospering everything at home, which is an important spiritual force supporting the Chinese nation to be passed down from generation to generation.
Good family style, good family training?
1, honesty (law-abiding), integrity (seemingly), kindness, doing more good things will eventually lead to good things.
2. Children and grandchildren in the clan, etc. Do something wrong, have a dry teacher, don't wait to be an official, first rectify in the temple.
3, porridge and a meal are not easy to think about; It is difficult to keep thinking about material resources.
4. Pay attention to moral cultivation, strict sentiment and character; Help justice and reject evil.
5. If you want to be tall, you should be good, and your children and grandchildren should study.
6. Those who have the virtue of immortality must be guaranteed by the descendants of immortality; Those who have the virtue of ten generations will be guaranteed by their descendants; Without the latter, thinness is a virtue.
7, a porridge and a meal, when thinking hard; It is difficult to keep thinking about material resources.
8, a person can be diligent and respectful, although fools also have the taste of wisdom.
9. One ring is (late); Second, quit being lazy; Three commandments of luxury; Under the temptation is pride. Observe under temptation and observe four rules: First, study hard; Second, it is right to respect teachers; Three righteousness and love for the masses; Fourth, we should eat carefully.
10, students should have three diligence: hand diligence, brain diligence and reading diligence.