Be poor and happy Confucius said: "Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me." In Confucius' mind, doing justice is the highest value of life. When there is a conflict between wealth and morality, he would rather suffer poverty. Nor will we give up morality. However, his belief in living in poverty and enjoying the Tao cannot be seen as not seeking wealth, but only seeking to maintain the Tao. This is not in line with historical facts. Confucius once said: "Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right way, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if they don't follow the right way, they won't get it." " Being rich can be sought after, even if it is a man with a whip, I will do it. If it is not possible, I will follow what I like." He was never tired of learning and never tired of teaching. Confucius was famous for his love of learning and showed a strong interest in all kinds of knowledge. He was famous for his versatility and profound knowledge at that time, and was almost regarded as a sage who knew everything. However, Confucius himself did not think so. Confucius said: "If you are a sage, I can't do it. I am never tired of learning, and I am never tired of teaching." Confucius A teacher who studies impermanence will worship whoever has knowledge and knows something he doesn't know as his teacher, so he says, "When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher." Walking the Straight Path Confucius was an upright man by nature and advocated walking the straight path. He once said: "As for me, who will discredit and who will praise me? Those who are praised will have to be tested. As for the people, the reason why the three generations have been straight and straight "Historical Records" records that when Confucius was in his thirties, he asked Laozi for courtesy. When he was leaving, Laozi said: "Those who are wise and thoughtful and close to the dead are those who are good at discussing others and endangering themselves." People are evil. He who is the son of others should not be self-reliant, and he who is the subject of others should not be self-respected." This was Laozi's kind reminder to Confucius. He also pointed out some of Confucius's shortcomings, which were that he looked at problems too deeply and spoke too sharply, which hurt him. Some people with status will bring great danger to themselves. Be kind to others. Confucius founded a moral theory centered on benevolence. He himself was also a very kind person, compassionate, helpful, sincere and generous to others. "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you", "The beauty of a gentleman is the evil of being an adult", "Be kind to yourself and blame others less", etc. are all his principles of life. Confucius said: "When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn; when I was thirty, I was established; when I was forty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I knew the destiny; when I was sixty, my ears were obedient; when I was seventy, I followed my heart's desires without exceeding the rules." This is Confucius's view of his life. Summary of stages.