1. Mandelbrot has a famous saying: "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, tree bark is not smooth, and lightning does not travel in a straight line." 2. Xu Zhimo: I left as quietly as I came; I waved my hand gently to bid farewell to the clouds in the western sky. 3. The famous saying of "Fairy Zixia" in "Journey to the West": "My beloved is a peerless hero. One day he will come to pick me up on colorful clouds." 4. (Unnamed) Opportunities in life are like clouds that gather and disperse from time to time. 5. (Unnamed) The two of them have no burdens in life and have an above-average income. It is very satisfying to have a love that is so outstanding that it can soar into the clouds.