Meaning: When a person is poor, the cold is the most penetrating. When a person is down and out, the warmth and warmth of relatives and friends will make it clear.
“A person who is poor is cold to the bone, and a person who is abject is cold and cold,” is a common saying in rural areas. The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the time passes by the human heart. People who are close friends with you may not necessarily be able to help you when you are in the most difficult time; when you have not reached that point, you may not be able to truly understand the coldest side of people's hearts.
The complete picture is: when a person is poor, it is cold to the bone, and when he is down and out, his heart is cold and cold. Asking for someone is like swallowing a three-foot sword, relying on someone is like going to the ninth heaven.
The meaning is that when a person is poor, the cold is the most penetrating. When a person is down and out, the warmth and coldness of relatives and friends will make it clear. Relying on others is even more difficult than reaching the sky.
Extended information:
Synonyms: "If you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you; if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives."
This is a very straightforward and realistic sentence saying. When you are poor and destitute, your closest relatives and friends may leave you and turn a blind eye to you. When you're rich, distant cousins ??you can't even name start popping up.