1. Luffy - May 5th (Children's Day), Zoro on November 11th (the end of World War I), Nami on July 3rd (na=7, mi=3), Usopp’s April 1st (April Fool’s Day), Sanji’s March 2nd (san=3, ji=ni=2), (SBS Q&A before Chapter 131 on page 90 of Volume 15). Chopper is December 24th (Christmas Eve) and Weiwei is February 2nd. (SBS Q&A before Volume 16, Page 88, Chapter 141), Nico Robin is February 6th (niko·robin, ni=2, ro=6). (The last Q&A on SBS before Chapter 228 of Volume 25, Page 26).
2. Franky’s birthday is March 9th. It comes from Cybrog, where cy is 3 and g is similar to 9. It seems to be a very nonsensical reason, but it is true (Chapter 43 Volume 128, which is the first SBS Q&A before Chapter 416). Brook's birthday is April 3rd, which is exactly one day away from Usopp's birthday. The source is that the Japanese pronunciation of "四三" is the same as "Yellow Spring". (Q&A 1 of SBS, Volume 50, Page 86).
3. Ace’s birthday is January 1st, which is the same day as WT, because Ace’s name comes from the A in the playing cards, which means the first card. (Volume 48, page 26, the last Q&A on SBS before chapter 461).
4. Kobe's birthday is May 13th, because in Japanese "五" and "科" have the same pronunciation, 13 and "B" are written similarly, and "B" and "BI" have the same pronunciation. (Volume 47, page 66, which is the first SBS Q&A before chapter 435)
5. Belmeber’s birthday is July 16th, because “July 16th” and “borrowing from father” The Japanese pronunciation of "name" is similar. (Volume 47, Page 66, which is the first SBS Q&A before Chapter 435)
6. Smoker’s birthday is White Day on March 14th, and Tina is his daughter’s birthday on March 3rd. (Volume 21, page 46, the SBS Q&A before Chapter 249), Bingshan is January 3rd, Baoli is July 8th, Radish Navel’s birthday is June 2nd, and Kagu’s birthday is August 7th, Khalifa’s birthday is April 23rd. (Volume 43, page 128, that is, the first Q&A of SBS before Chapter 416), Taschi’s birthday is October 6 (Volume 33, page 126, that is, the last Q&A of SBS before Chapter 312) p>
7. Brooke is 88 years old (Chapter 487, page 2), red-haired is 37 years old (the first information from SBS, that is, Volume 4, page 28 or the first SBS Q&A before Chapter 28 ), Franky 34 (Volume 44, Page 166, the first SBS Q&A before Chapter 428), Smoker 34, Tina 32 years old (Volume 21, Page 46, that is, the SBS Q&A before Chapter 249) , Robin is 28 years old (Chapter 391, Robin was 8 years old 20 years ago), Taschi is 21 years old (Volume 20, page 66, the third SBS Q&A before Chapter 180), Ace is 20 years old (Chapter 20) Chapter 159, page 7), Zoro is 19 years old (same as red hair), Sanji is 19 years old (volume 7, page 46, that is, the second SBS Q&A before chapter 56), Nami is 18 (same as red hair), Luffy is 17 (same as red-haired), Usopp is 17 (same as red-haired), Weiwei is 16 (Volume 19, page 26, the third SBS Q&A before Chapter 168), Chopper is 15 (same as Weiwei).