"Gao Yu said," I lost three things: learning less and traveling to princes. In the future, I lost one; Noble aspirations, I am a gentleman, I lost two; If you play favorites with your friends, you will lose three. The tree wants to remain quiet, but the wind won't stop; the son wants to serve his parents in their old age, but they are no more. Those who go and don't chase, the year is also, those who go and don't see, are also close. Please resign from now on. 」』
Gaoyu travels around the world to visit teachers and friends, so he seldom stays at home to serve his parents. Unexpectedly, his parents died one after another, and Gao Yu was shocked that he could no longer be filial. He deeply regrets that his parents failed to take care of the bed when they were alive, and now he regrets it.
The tree wants to be quiet and the wind not only shows that the tree wants to be still, but also the wind keeps blowing its branches and leaves. Metaphorically speaking, the situation goes against one's will. It is often used to sigh that when the son of man wants to be filial to his parents, his parents are already dead. In Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty, Liu Gongzhuo and his son gave warm gifts to eight dead fathers, including the right servant of Shangshu: As the ancients said, a tree wants to be quiet, but the wind will not stop, and a son wants to raise it, but he doesn't want to be close. If you don't show praise and gifts, how can you pay tribute to the Prime Minister and comfort your heirs? Ming Dynasty "Gao Ming" Ji Google "Pipa Story" Part 37: Confucius listened to gaoyu crying and asked him why. Gao Yu said: the tree wants to be quiet, but the wind will not stop. The son wants to raise and his relatives are not there. Or a tree wants to be quiet but the wind is restless, a tree wants to rest but the wind is restless.