English? [kk] Beautiful? [horn]
Coke; Cocaine; Coca-Cola/ Coke
Convert or be converted into coke
Turn into coke; Anesthetize with an anesthetic
Coke fee? Layer coke; Coke; Batch coke
Coke drum? [chemistry]? Coke tank; Coking tower
Furnace coke? Blast furnace coke; Metallurgical coke; Blast furnace coke; Casting coke
Coke reactivity? [materialization]? Coke reactivity
Coke quenching? Coke flameout; Coke flameout
Or coke? [chemistry]? Coking kettle
Coke is weak? Diet coke; Diet coca-cola; Light coke; Coca-Cola/Coke
Push coke? Pushing coke; Coke oven pushing
Coke. Coke? Coca cola; Coca-Cola/ Coke
example sentence
I stand? There? Scared? As? That? A lump? Coming? Come down? And fight? Me? And then what? Soon? Am I? Gundam? Mine? Ankle? Are you online? Coke. ?
I stood there, frightened, because the falling coal hit me, and soon the coke flooded my ankle bone.
As? Me? Pick it out? Up? Second? Scato? Shit? Handle? And then what? Trying? Shovel? That? Coke? Up? Turn it off? That? Floor? This mountain? Start? Move it. ?
Just as I picked up the second coal hopper by hand and shoveled coke from the ground with all my strength, Jingshan Park began to move.
She? Remember? She? Mom? Stealing? She? Birthday Where is the money? Sales? That? Television? Even? Thanksgiving? Turkey? Answer? Church? Had it? Given? They? Where to? Barely make do? Money? Where to? Score a? Hit it? Coke.
She remembers that her mother stole her birthday money, sold a TV set and even sold a turkey that the church gave them at Thanksgiving, just to raise enough money to buy some cocaine.
Then, Ann? English? Blacksmith? What's your name? Abraham? Darby. How did you find out? Do that?
Later, a man named Abraham? The English blacksmith in Darby discovered that coal can also be made from coke.
But? then what That? Coke? Are you home? Isn't it? All right. ?
But the quality of coke used at home at that time was not very good.