1. Confucius’ famous sayings and idioms 1. Write two famous sayings of Confucius 2. Use four idioms to praise this great man
Confucius’ famous sayings A scholar is committed to the Tao but is ashamed Those who wear bad clothes and eat badly are not worthy of discussion. They are so angry that they forget to eat, they are happy and forget their worries, and they do not know that old age is coming... They eat sparingly, drink water, and bend their arms to rest their heads, and they are also enjoying themselves. Being unjust makes you rich. It's so expensive, it's like a floating cloud to me. You're so virtuous, come back! A basket of food, a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear their worries, but they won't change their happiness even if they come back. It's so virtuous to come back! Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don't follow the right way, you won't get them. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. If you don't follow the right way, you won't get them. Wealth can be sought after. Even though I am a whip-wielding warrior, I will do the same. If I can’t ask for anything, I will do what I like. Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger. Cultivation of oneself to respect oneself, to cultivate oneself to bring peace to others...Cultivation of oneself to bring peace to the people. You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life a hundred miles away, and you cannot take it away when facing important events. People with lofty ideals are benevolent. People don't seek life to harm their benevolence, but they kill themselves to achieve benevolence. The king died of illness and his name is not known. A man who is a good man is upright and good at justice. He observes words and looks, and considers the following people. A gentleman is peaceful and not arrogant. , a villain is arrogant but not peaceful. A gentleman is easy to do but difficult to say (pleasant). Saying (pleasant) is not in the right way, not saying (pleasant). A gentleman's official position is to perform his righteousness. The master calls it wealth. There is a gentleman. There are four principles: he behaves respectfully to himself, he is respectful in his actions, he benefits the people when he supports them, and he makes people righteous. A gentleman is harmonious but different, and a villain is homogeneous but not harmonious. A gentleman is reserved but not quarrelsome, and he is a group but not party. .A gentleman is always open to comparison, but a villain is not careful in comparison. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried. A benevolent person does not worry, a knowledgeable person does not confuse, and a brave person does not fear. Why complain? If quality is superior to literature, then history will be wild; if literature is superior to quality, history will be the result. Literary quality will be gentle, and then the gentleman. The gentleman seeks the road but not the food, the gentleman worries about the road but not the poverty. How can I be ignorant of the words of French? It is noble to change it. It is noble to hold up your hand and talk to it, and it is noble to be able to interpret it without explanation. If you say it without interpreting it, and therefore do not change it, it is already the end of me. Seeing the good is always better, and seeing the bad is like exploring the soup. A gentleman respects To be virtuous and tolerant of others, to praise good people but not to be reserved. To be a scholar but to care about one's home is not enough to be a scholar! Idiom stories related to Confucius: (1) The most sage teacher (2) There is no difference in teaching (3) Think of others when you see the wise (4) Be cautious and pursue the future (5) Draw inferences from one example (6) Review the past and learn the new (7) Act bravely when seeing the righteous. 2. Four-character words to describe Confucius
Great thinker, great educator, Confucian school, Confucian classics
Heavenly Sage, Heavenly Wood Duo, Holy Master, Dacheng The sage, the teacher for all generations, the founder of Confucianism
Confucianism, ancient China, mainstream consciousness
There is no distinction between high and low, no distinction between high and low, universal education
Government with virtue, governing the country, statecraft, the good and evil of human nature, reform education, government with virtue
Traveling around the world
Ideological system, theory of good nature , The Three Principles
Economic Thoughts, Emphasis on Righteousness over Profit, Thinking of Righteousness before Seeing Benefit
Educational Thoughts, Similarities in Sexuality, Dissimilarity in Learning, Establishment of Private Schools, Recruitment of Students, Moral Education , Inspiring teaching, not angry or enlightened, not angry or angry, never tired of learning, tireless in teaching, not only teaching by words, but also teaching by example