"Zi Lu was displeased when he saw Nanzi" comes from "The Analects of Confucius·Yongye", in which Nanzi refers to the wife of Duke Linggong of Wei. The original text is: When Zi saw Nan Zi, Zi Lu did not say anything. Confucius pointed out: "Those who deny it will be disgusted by heaven! Heaven will be disgusted by it!". Our most common explanation is: Confucius went to meet with Nanzi, which made Zilu very dissatisfied. Confucius said: "I have not done anything bad, otherwise God will also despise me! God will also despise me." "Of course, in addition, we also see that Nanzi's enchantment and bad reputation are usually written in the remarks section, so the reason why Zilu hates her comes out.
However, Mr. Nan Huaijin also has his own opinions on this. For example, when analyzing the original text, Mr. Nan Huaijin interpreted "Zilu did not say" as "Zilu was dissatisfied with Confucius for associating with such people." "As for what Confucius said, it is interpreted as "The people I hate and never interact with are the kind of people who violate the way of heaven. Even God hates them!" From this, it is clearly understood that this is Wei Linggong's. Although the lady seemed to have a bad reputation outside, she actually did not do anything against the laws of heaven. So when Nanzi expressed his admiration, Confucius did not refuse her invitation to meet.
What happened after that meeting was that one day a month later, when Wei Linggong and his wife Nanzi were traveling in the same car, not only were the eunuchs on the left and right accompanying them, they were also leaving the palace. Afterwards, Confucius was asked to sit in the second car, and then he walked through the city with great fanfare. Regarding this behavior, Confucius said: "I have never seen such a virtuous and lustful person." After that, Confucius left Weiguo and continued his travels.
It can be seen from this that Mrs. Wei Linggong is in compliance with the old saying of "beautiful but obscene".