1. Confucius’ famous sayings about guarding against arrogance and impetuosity
If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up.
Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. The statue of Confucius wants to establish himself, so he can help others, and if he wants to reach himself, he can reach others.
If you are generous to yourself but do not blame others, you will be far from resentful. When you see a virtuous person, you think about them; when you see a virtuous person, you reflect on yourself.
When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. I will choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. Be respectful where you live, be respectful when serving, and be loyal to others.
A gentleman is respectful and courteous, and he is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. He is loyal in words and respectful in actions. This is true even in a barbaric country. If you are not faithful in words and respectful in deeds, how can you do it even if you live in the state? He who behaves his own way with shame, sends troops to all directions, and does not disgrace the emperor's orders, can be called a scholar.
Confucius said: "He who can do the five things will be benevolent in the world." Please ask.
Said: "Respect, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means winning people, being trustworthy means being able to do whatever you want, being sensitive means being successful, and being merciful means being able to win over others."
A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with propriety, develops it as a grandson, and fulfills it with faith. What a gentleman! To make a mistake without correcting it is to make a mistake! If you pass, you will be afraid of making changes.
Don’t express your anger and don’t make mistakes. If a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries.
No haste, no small gain. If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things.
If you don’t uphold your virtues and don’t believe deeply, how can you live or die? When making friends, keep your word.
Use literature to make friends, and friends to help people. There are three friends who will benefit, and three friends who will harm you.
Friends who are straightforward, understanding, and knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss.
A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to satisfy, and nothing to live in peace. He is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He is Taoist and upright. He can be said to be eager to learn.
Clever words mess up morality, and small impatience messes up big plans. Clever words and beautiful words are fresh and benevolent.
Strongness, perseverance, woodiness, indifference and benevolence. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues.
Listen to what they say and watch what they do. A gentleman does not use his words to promote others, nor does he use his words to waste his words.
The ancients couldn’t say anything, and they couldn’t catch it in shame. A gentleman's name must be something that can be said, and what he says must be feasible. A gentleman must be unscrupulous in his words.
If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to someone you can't talk to, you will miss your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words.
To say something without mentioning it is called impatience; to say something but not say anything is called concealment; to say it without seeing the color is called blindness. If you like benevolence but don't learn, you will be a fool; if you like knowledge but don't learn, you will be a fool; if you like faith but don't learn, you will be a thief; if you like straightforwardness but don't learn, then you will be blind; if you are brave but don't learn, then the cover will be chaotic. If you are stubborn and don't learn well, you will be blind and crazy.
Being respectful but rude will lead to fatigue, being cautious but rude will lead to turmoil, being brave but rude will lead to chaos, being straight but rude will lead to strangulation. To serve the king, respect his duties and then his food.
In terms of etiquette, harmony is the most valuable thing. If you don't worry about others, you don't know yourself; when you worry, you don't know others.
Three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages. Isn’t it a joy to learn and practice it from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset? When the weather is cold, you will know that the pines and cypresses will wither.
The wise enjoy the water, the benevolent enjoy the mountains. The wise are active, the benevolent are still.
The wise are happy and the benevolent live long. Scholars can endure it, but who cannot? A scholar who aspires to the Tao, but is ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly, is not enough to discuss it.
If you are so angry that you forget to eat, if you are so happy that you forget your worries, you don’t know that old age is coming. Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, and enjoy yourself there.
To be rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. Xianzai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it.
My joy will not change even after I return. Xianzai, come back! Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right path, they won't get it.
Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don’t follow the right path, you won’t get rid of them. Being rich is something that can be sought after. Even if you are a whip-wielding man, I will do it.
If you can’t ask for it, just do what I like. Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger.
Cultivation of oneself to bring respect to oneself, Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to others... Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to the people. You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life a hundred miles away, and you can't take it away on a big day.
A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will kill himself to achieve benevolence. The king died due to illness and his name was not known.
Those who are upright are upright and righteous. Observe words and colors, and consider the following people.
A gentleman is arrogant but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. It is easy for a gentleman to do things but it is difficult to say "pleasure". To say "pleasure" is not done in the right way and not to say "pleasure".
A gentleman's official duties are to act righteously. The son said that he was born.
There are four principles of a gentleman: he behaves respectfully towards himself, he is respectful in his conduct, he benefits the people when he nourishes them, and he treats the people righteously. Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious.
A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but not a party. A gentleman is always in competition with others, but a villain is not always in competition with others.
A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned. The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear.
Acting with interests in mind leads to more resentment. If you seek benevolence and gain benevolence, why complain?
If quality is better than literature, then the country will be wild; if literature is better than quality, then history will be achieved.
Be gentle and polite, then be a gentleman.
A gentleman seeks the road but not food; a gentleman worries about the road but not poverty. How can we not care about the French language? Change it to expensive.
If you hold your hand and talk to it, can you say nothing? Make it valuable. If I say it without interpreting it, and therefore without changing it, then I am no longer as good as I am.
Seeing the good is like exploring the soup. A gentleman respects the virtuous but tolerates others; he praises the good but is reserved.
It is not enough to be a scholar just because you care about your home! To know is to know, and to not know is to know. This is knowledge. A gentleman's righteousness should be pledged, etiquette should be practiced, grandson should be given out, and trust should be fulfilled.
What a gentleman! To make a mistake without correcting it is to make a mistake! If you pass, you will be afraid of making changes. Don't express your anger, don't make mistakes.
The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will! If a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries. No desire for haste, no small gain in sight.
If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go.
Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just too far to die before oneself? If one's virtues are not promoted and his faith is not firm, how can he be able to exist or how can he be destroyed? When making friends, keep your word.
Use literature to make friends, and friends to help people. There are three friends who will benefit, and three friends who will harm you.
Friends who are straightforward, understanding, and knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss.
A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to satisfy, and nothing to live in peace. He is sensitive to things and careful in his words. He is Taoist and upright. He can be said to be eager to learn.
Smooth words and bad morals. Clever words and beautiful words are fresh and benevolent.
Strongness, perseverance, woodiness, indifference and benevolence. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues.
Listen to what they say and watch what they do. You don't use your words to lift people up, and you don't use people to waste your words.
The ancients couldn’t say anything, and they couldn’t catch it in shame. A gentleman's name is like a man, if he is brave but rude, he will be chaotic, if he is straight and rude, he will be strangled.
Serve the king with respect, and then eat with him. For the purpose of etiquette, harmony is the most precious thing.
Acting with interests in mind leads to more resentment. If you are not angry or enlightened, if you are not angry and angry, if you raise one point and do not counter it with three points, you will never recover. 2. A classical Chinese article about "being frugal and self-sufficient and refraining from luxury"
"Zhu Xi's Maxims on Family Governance";
The original text is as follows:
Get up at dawn and sweep the court In addition, be tidy inside and outside. As soon as you feel faint, you will rest. If you lock the door, you must check it yourself. A porridge and a meal, when you think about where you came from is not easy. Half a thread and half a strand, Heng Nian is struggling with material resources. It is better to prepare before it rains and not to dig a well when thirsty. You must be frugal in your self-respect, and do not linger over banquets. The utensils are of pure quality, and the earthenware fou is better than gold and jade. The diet is simple but refined, and the garden vegetables are the best. Do not build luxurious houses or seek fertile land.
The three aunts and the six wives are the go-betweens for prostitutes and thieves. A beautiful maid and a charming concubine are not the blessings of a boudoir. Servants should not be handsome, and wives and concubines should not use colorful makeup. Although the ancestors are far away, the sacrifices must not be dishonest. No matter how stupid your descendants are, they must read the scriptures. Live in a simple and simple way, and teach your children in a righteous way. Don't be greedy for unexpected wealth, and don't drink too much wine.
Don’t take advantage when trading with Jian Tiao. When you see your poor relatives and neighbors, you must show compassion. If you are mean and start a family, you will not be able to enjoy it for a long time. If one's morals are often erroneous, they will soon perish. Brothers, uncles and nephews must share more to benefit the widow. Both young and old, inside and outside, should be strict with the law. How can he be a husband who listens to his wife and behaves like his own flesh and blood? He who values ??his property but despises his parents cannot be a good son. When you marry a daughter, choose a good son-in-law, and don’t ask for a high salary. When marrying a daughter-in-law, don’t consider a generous dowry.
It is the most shameful person to slander someone after seeing wealth. There is nothing worse than being arrogant when faced with poverty. Avoid litigation at home, as litigation will end in disaster. Avoid talking too much in life, as talking too much will lead to mistakes. Do not rely on power to bully the orphans and widows; do not be greedy for food and drink but kill animals and birds. If you are eccentric, you will regret and make many mistakes. If you are lazy and willing to accept it, your family fortune will be difficult to achieve. If you have little intimacy, you will suffer from it for a long time. Qu Zhi is old and mature, but he can rely on each other when he is in a hurry. Listen carefully to what is said, be aware of the inhuman accusations, and be patient and think twice. When we fight over things, we should know that it is not our fault, and we must be calm about the secret thoughts.
Don’t think about giving favors, and don’t forget about receiving favors. You should leave room for everything, and you should not go back to where you are proud. When people are happy, they should not be jealous. When people are in trouble, they should not be happy. Seeking kindness is not true kindness. It is a great evil to fear that others will know it. If you see lust and have lustful thoughts, you will repay it to your wife and daughter. Hiding grudges and using hidden arrows will bring disaster to future generations.
The family is harmonious, and even though the food and drinks are no longer good, there is still happiness. When the national classes are finished early, there will be no money left, and I will be happy. When studying, one aspires to be a sage; when serving as an official, one aspires to the kingdom. Keep your peace and order, and listen to the weather. If you behave like this, you will be close to common people. 3. What is the meaning of the chapter on guarding against arrogance in ancient and modern virtuous texts?
There is no chapter on guarding against arrogance, only (the chapter on truth) has the phrase "fullness brings harm, modesty benefits" which talks about guarding against arrogance
Cooperation between ancient and modern virtuous writers
When people unite, Mount Tai can move. It’s hard to walk with one foot, and it’s hard to sing with one hand. When the water rises, all boats are lifted, and there is more firewood and more fire. The Three Stooges are better than Zhuge Liang. A brick cannot build a wall, and a log cannot build a house. A fence has three stakes, a hero has three gangs. A bamboo pole is easy to bend, but three hemp ropes are difficult to break. A flower blooming alone is not spring; a garden full of colorful flowers is full of spring.
Know what you know, and compare your heart to your heart. Distant water cannot save near fire, and distant relatives are not as good as near neighbors. Beautiful or not, it depends on the water of my hometown; whether I am close or not, it depends on the people of my hometown. We know each other in the sea, and we are close to each other in the world. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while the friendship between villains is as intimate as wine and flesh. Beans bloom and vines lead, and friends get along with each other heart to heart.
Ancient and Modern Wise Essays on Truth
If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get the tiger’s cubs. When you are near water, you recognize the nature of fish; when you are near mountains, you recognize the sound of birds. If you want to know what's going on in the mountains, you have to ask the woodcutter.
If you listen to both, it will be bright; if you listen to one side, it will be dark. Read more facts and listen less to lies.
If you are full, you will suffer losses, but if you are modest, you will benefit. If you know it, you will correct it; if you hear it, you will be happy. The hinges of doors are not beetle-stricken, and the running water is not rotten. Follow the good as if it were flowing, and hate the evil as if it were hatred. If the bell doesn't ring, it won't ring, and if the words don't speak, it won't be clear. Good medicine is bitter to the mouth and good for the disease; honest words are bad to the ears and good for the deeds.
Ancient and modern virtuous articles to encourage learning
The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the people of today are better than the people of the past. If you spend your years in vain, you will regret it when you are old. Three hundred and sixty lines, and he will be the number one scholar. Ice is born from water and is colder than water; green comes from blue and is better than blue. When the book is used, I will regret it less. I will not know the difficulties until I have experienced them.
The body is afraid of not moving, and the brain is afraid of not being used. The more you use your hands, the smarter you become, and the more you use your brain, the smarter you become. Three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, half-hearted, accomplish nothing. The fist never leaves the hand, the song never leaves the mouth. The master leads you in, and you practice on your own. Practice makes perfect, and diligence makes perfect.
Readings of Ancient and Modern Wise Essays
If you want to know the affairs of the world, you must read ancient and modern books. Once you learn it, you can apply it everywhere, and the optics don’t have to be equal to zero. If you can't, learn, if you don't know, ask; reading is all about your own mind, and the teacher is just a guide.
A good song never tires of being sung a hundred times, and a good book never tires of being read a hundred times. When you read, you can doubt, and when you doubt, you can learn something. Reading silently facilitates thinking, and reading aloud facilitates memory. Reading a good book for the first time is like finding a good friend; reading a good book again is like meeting an old friend. He who pays attention to everything is knowledgeable, and among three people walking together, there is my teacher.
Ancient and Modern Essays on Environmental Protection
Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. The trees are shaded and the air is fresh. It makes the earth green and moisturizes people's hearts. The merits are in the present generation and benefit future generations. The trees on the mountain are light, and the foot of the mountain is muddy. If you don't plant trees to control mountains and rivers, you won't be able to preserve the soil and water. Planting trees to control wind and sand, and there are good crops everywhere.
Ancient and Modern Wise Essays on Ambition
Mountains are built on the ground, and people are built on their ambitions. The moon does not change the light, and the broken sword does not change the steel. What matters to a bird is its wings; what matters to a person is its ideals. If you have no ideals, your life will be in vain. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will. A tiger is thin and ambitious, but a poor man is ambitious. Determine your ambition and dare to reach for the stars. If you have the ambition to travel around the world, if you don’t have the ambition, it will be difficult to move even an inch. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.
The year is afraid of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the moon is half full. A man is determined to be a teenager. A big ship is not afraid of high waves, and a big ambition is not afraid of hardships. There is no mountain that cannot be climbed, and there is no dangerous shoal that cannot be crossed. If you change your mind when you see something different, the mound will be difficult to turn over; if you concentrate on it, you can climb to the top. Those who have no ambitions always make up their minds; those who have ambitions set their long-term ambitions. Practice is the ladder to realize ideals, and knowledge is the wings to realize ideals. Don't learn how willows sway in the wind, just learn how green pines stand on hills. 4. An ancient text about abstaining from sexual immorality
The body is the foundation of all undertakings.
If the body suffers a loss, everything will disappear. There are all kinds of things that hurt your body.
The most intense thing is lust. Therefore, a gentleman should hold his body like jade.
Be sincere in your leisure time and be vigilant day and night. If you control your mind in this way, you will not be able to have any thoughts.
What’s more, lust is unethical and unreasonable. There are fools in the world who do not know this meaning.
Every time you indulge your desires, you do not follow the rules of etiquette. Greedy for temporary happiness will suffer for a long time.
It’s still small ears to reduce the calculation and reduce the fortune. I respectfully compile this edition in honor of my former sages.
I hope that all people of the same nature will live in a happy heaven. If you are not wise, you will be updated and circulated.
Hold high as a warning to save young people. The layman Deguang donated 6,000 yuan.
Print and send to all walks of life, hoping to reach the longevity domain. There are also good people who give seals according to circumstances.
I want this series to spread far and near. I hope everyone who reads this will expand this heart.
Traveling around, people can see and hear. The common people can share the same fate and gain longevity and health.
The heirs will be virtuous and have long hair. All investors and sponsors.
Disasters and obstacles are eliminated, and prosperity and longevity are prosperous. You, my deceased ancestor, were reborn in the pure land.
Descendants and descendants have endless celebrations. The fortunes of the world are increasing day by day, and the customs are becoming more and more beautiful.
The sages followed the example, and everyone followed their example. A slang term for "Yuan Shu", used to express sincerity.
Pray for great kindness and benefit yourself and others.