Original text:
Fan Chi, please learn about crops. Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old farmer." Please learn to be a nursery. He said, "I am not as good as the old nursery." Leave Fan Chi. Confucius said, "Little Xu Fan! If you give a good gift, the people will not dare to be disrespectful; If you are just, then the people dare not refuse; If you keep your word, you dare not be ruthless. " If you keep your promise, you will get what you have done. If your husband is like this, people all over the world will not bring their children. How can you use crops? "
Fan Chi asked Confucius how to grow crops. Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old farmer." Fan Chi asked how to grow vegetables. Confucius said, "I am not as good as an old vegetable farmer." After Fan Chi withdrew, Confucius said, "Fan Chi is really a villain. As long as the superiors pay attention to the ceremony, the people will not dare not be awed; As long as the superiors attach importance to the righteousness, the people will not dare to disobey; As long as the people above attach importance to the letter, people will not dare to treat you like anything without the truth. " If this is done, people all over the world will come with their children on their backs. Where do you need to grow your own crops? "
Confucius rudely accused Fan Chi, who wanted to learn how to grow crops and vegetables, of being a villain, which clearly showed his educational thought. In his view, where people in high positions need to learn to grow crops and vegetables, it is enough to pay attention to etiquette and faithfulness. He trained students not to grow crops and vegetables in the future, but to be an official in politics. In the era of Confucius, after all, only a few people received education, and workers could engage in agricultural production as long as they were physically strong, and the purpose of education was to train ruling intellectuals.
The Analects of Luz is an article in The Analects of Confucius, with a total of 30 articles, including political opinions on how to govern the country, Confucius' educational thoughts, personal moral cultivation and personality perfection, and the idea of "harmony without difference".
Confucius, Ming Qiu, Ming, was a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, is like the most famous thinker, politician and educator in ancient China, and has a far-reaching influence on the development of China's ideology and culture.