Along the group? : along the road, along the track, along the front edge, along the edge, along the river, along the bed, along the river, along the street, along the example, along the painting, along the center, along the fault, along the river, along the edge, along the strip, along the mouth, along the kang, along the climbing edge, along the steps, along the ditch, along the habit, along the creation, along the track, along the wave, along the road.
Basic explanation
1. Along (the edge of a river, road or object): ~ Plant flowers at the root of the wall. ~ walk along the river. ? 2. According to the previous methods, rules, styles, etc. : ~ attack. Get used to each other. ? 3. Insert another edge along the edge of the clothes: ~ Shoe opening. ? 4.Edge (often used after nouns): edge ~. Ditch ~. Kang ~ er cylinder ~ er. Before ~